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- Citizens hold Health Security card and ask Clinton how we are going to pay for this government-run health care program. Bill Clinton holds up a smoking Medicare/medicaid card saying we can start with the $236 billion in waste we can glean from this card. 1
- Doctors line up to give Uncle Sam Santa their Christmas wish list. Medicare can pass out lots of tax dollars. 1
- Fireman analogy 1
- If Willie Sutton [bank robber] were around today...a reporter might ask him why does he rob banks. Instead of saying, "Because that's where the money is." he might say, "Danged if I know. All the money seems to be in the medicare racket." 1
- If one wonders how much the Medicare/Medicaid programs are costing us, it's costing taxpayers an arm and a leg. 1
- It happens every election cycle. Democrats try to scare grandma saying the Republicans will cut their medicare. 1
- Medicare program for Mrs. Smith needs an adjustment. The blood donor base is shrinking. 1
- Now that the House is driving the clunky Medicare bus, the Democrats are calling attention to the loud sounds and smoke coming from the engine and calling for the passengers...AARP, AMA, media and elderly to yell over it. 1
- Panel 1-4. White House workers are rounding up children, stacking them up, and placing a table top on them, so President George W. Bush can sign the big Medicare Bill. 1
- Panel 1-4. Uncle Sam hands out a social security raise to an elderly couple, then takes it back so they can pay for their higher medical insurance premiums. When are we going to stop trusting big government? 1
- Panel 1-6. A Democrat's nightmare...trying to explain to his elderly constituents why he voted for Obama care...and cut medicare. 1
- Panel 1. Politicians are looking at a Joe Camel billboard. They hate it when tobacco companies target and try to manipulate impressionable minds. Panel 2. They miss seeing their own billboards targeting impressionable minds. That's their area. 1
- President Bill Clinton is seen by Americans helping the Republican Congress fix the flat tire in their Medicare program. Now THAT looks Presidential. 1
- Public Employee Unions wanting to soften the Davis Bacon Act might want to rethink attaching itself to the big government teet. Medicaid, the Stimulus pork bill, Medicare, Social Security program and Obamacare pig are sucking the momma taxpayer pig dry. 1
- Republicans in Congress see a red ink disaster coming and ready to hit the medicare home. They are busy placing sandbags around the home. Democrats would prefer to do nothing to save it. They believe the Republicans are just trying to scare old people. 1
- Seniors look a little worried as they board S.S. Medicare ship. They see a lot of bandaids holding it together and Captain Clinton greets each of them with a message 1
- The story about Bernard Madoff's $50 billion Ponzi scheme gets lots of media coverage. What doesn't seem to get noticed is the Madoff clone, Uncle Sam, has a Medicare and Social Security program which has an unfunded liability of around $99 Trillion. 1
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