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- Aerial photograph of Penrose Hospital in Colorado Springs, photo facing west. Nevada Avenue travels through the photo, just below center. Penrose Hospital can be seen just above center in the photo. 3
- Aerial photograph of Downtown Colorado Springs, photo facing southeast. The Bijou Street bridge is visible at the bottom of the photo, where the road crosses over Interstate 25, Monument Creek, and railroad tracks. 2
- Aerial photograph of North Nevada Avenue in Colorado Springs, photo facing west. Nevada Ave travels through the lower portion of the photo. Fillmore Street travels up the left edge of the photo. Interstate 25 travels through the upper portion of the photo. 2
- Aerial photograph of the Interstate 25 and Baptist Road interchange in Colorado Springs, photo facing northwest. I-25 travels up the right side of the photo, with the Baptist Assembly Rd interchange visible to the right of center in the photo. 2
- Aerial photograph of the Rockrimmon neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing northwest. Interstate 25 travels diagonally down the right side of the photo, with the North Nevada Avenue interchange visible below center in the photo. 2
- Aerial photograph of the Rockrimmon neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing northwest. Interstate 25 travels up through the lower portion of the photo with the Rockrimmon Boulevard interchange visible below center in the photo. 2
- A view taken from above present-day Woodmen Road looking south from the North Nevada Avenue and Interstate 25 interchange toward Colorado Springs. Monument Creek meanders through the center of the image. 1
- Aerial photograph of Colorado College in Colorado Springs, photo facing southeast. The campus is visible near the center of the photo. Uintah Street travels down the left side of the photo. Monument Creek is visible in the lower portion of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of Colorado Springs, photo facing south. Nevada Avenue travels up the center of the photo. Interstate 25 travels up the right side of the photo. Cheyenne Mountain is visible at the top of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of Downtown Colorado Springs, photo facing east. Interstate 25 and Monument Creek travel along the bottom of the photo. Bijou Street travels up the left side of the photo and Colorado Avenue travels up the right side of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of Downtown Colorado Springs, photo facing east. Interstate 25 travels through the lower portion of the photo with the Bijou Street interchange visible below and to the right of center in the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of Downtown Colorado Springs, photo facing east. The Bijou Street bridge is visible in the bottom left corner of the photo. Colorado Avenue travel up the photo, just right of center. Monument Creek runs along the bottom of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of Downtown Colorado Springs, photo facing northeast. Interstate 25 travels along the bottom of the photo with the Bijou Street interchange visible in the lower left area of the photo. Colorado Avenue travels up the center of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of Downtown Colorado Springs, photo facing south. Interstate 25 travels up the right side of the photo with the Bijou Street interchange visible to the right of center in the photo. Acacia Park can be seen just below center in the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of Interstate 25 at North Nevada Avenue in Colorado Springs, photo facing south. Nevada Ave travels down the left side of the photo and I-25 travels down the right side of the photo, the interchange visible at the bottom of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of Mark Dabling Boulevard in Colorado Springs, photo facing north. Mark Dabling Blvd travels up the center of the photo. Fillmore Street travels through the lower portion of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of Monument, Colorado, photo facing south. Monument Lake is visible at the center of the photo. Railroad tracks travel up the left edge of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of North Nevada Avenue in Colorado Springs, photo facing southeast. Nevada Ave travels diagonally up the center of the photo and Interstate 25 travels up the right side of the photo, with Monument Creek between them. 1
- Aerial photograph of Popes Bluffs in Colorado Springs, photo facing southwest. Interstate 25 travels down the left side of the photo. Popes Bluffs are visible at the center of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Holland Park neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing south. Interstate 25 travels down the left side of the photo. Garden of the Gods Road travels along the bottom of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Interstate 25 and Fillmore Street interchange in Colorado Springs, photo facing north. I-25 travels up the center of the photo with the Fillmore St interchange visible just below center in the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Interstate 25 and Fillmore Street interchange in Colorado Springs, photo facing northeast. I-25 travels diagonally up the photo from the bottom right corner with the Fillmore St interchange visible below center in the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Interstate 25 and Fillmore Street interchange in Colorado Springs, photo facing northwest. I-25 travels diagonally up the right side of the photo with the Fillmore St interchange visible to the right of center in the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Interstate 25 and Fillmore Street interchange in Colorado Springs, photo facing southeast. I-25 travels diagonally up the photo from the lower left edge and crosses over Fillmore Street near the center of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Interstate 25 and Garden of the Gods Road interchange in Colorado Springs, photo facing northeast. I-25 travels up the center of the photo with the Garden of the Gods Rd interchange visible above center in the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Interstate 25 and Rockrimmon Boulevard interchange in Colorado Springs, photo facing south. I-25 travels up the left side of the photo, with the Rockrimmon Blvd interchange visible in the upper left area of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Mesa neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing west. Interstate 25 travels along the bottom of the photo and Uintah Street travels up the left side of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Old North End neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing east. Monument Creek travels along the bottom of the photo with Monument Valley Park visible directly to the east (above in the photo). 1
- Aerial photograph of the Rockrimmon neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing north. Interstate 25 travels up the right side of the photo with the Rockrimmon Boulevard interchange visible to the right of center in the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the west Colorado Springs, photo facing southwest. Interstate 25 travels through the lower portion of the photo. The Rocky Mountain Front Range is visible along the top of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of west Colorado Springs, photo facing northwest. Interstate 25 travels through the lower portion of the photo with the Uintah Street interchange visible below center in the photo. 1
- Bijou Street Bridge, damaged in the Memorial Day Flood in 1935. People can be seen along the intact portion of the bridge at the top of the photo. 1
- Creek running under bridge, identified as "Monument Creek at Mesa Bridge, Colo. Springs, CO." 1
- Felled trees, cut down for the freeway, along Monument Creek . Cheyenne Mountain is visible in background. 1
- Flood waters in Monument Creek past tree-lined banks. 1
- Men stand on flood damaged bridge over Monument Creek. Dirt road goes over bridge, which is littered with boards . A sawhorse stands at right side of bridge. 1
- Monument Creek runs along a ranch owned by the Mohls in Husted. The land was purchased by the U.S. Government in 1955 for the Air Force Academy. 1
- Monument Creek, North of Uintah Bridge. Identification sheet with negative. 1
- North Side of Bijou Street Bridge Over Monument Creek. 1
- Young woman holding child staring at flood waters of Monument Creek going under Uintah Street Bridge during 1965 flood. 1
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