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- Illustration2
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- 1979-09-01 1
- 1980-02-09 1
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- Photograph280
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- 1993-10-21 25
- 1993-11-09 13
- 1993-03-25 12
- 1979-06-28 9
- 1977-02-15 7
- 1977-04-08 6
- 1978-07-25 6
- 1983-08-18 6
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- 1964-02-11 5
- 1966-04-02 5
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- 1969-11-21 5
- 1987-02-13 5
- 1994-09-09 5
- ca. 1901-1907 5
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- ca. 1936 4
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- 1977-08-31 2
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- 1909-04-06 1
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- 1962-05-19 1
- 1963-02-21 1
- 1963-03-30 1
- 1963-07-23 1
- 1967-04-12 1
- 1967-07-19 1
- 1967-10-01 1
- 1968-03-30 1
- 1968-11-21 1
- 1970-07-13 1
- 1971-01-27 1
- 1971-03-19 1
- 1971-08-17 1
- 1972-04-11 1
- 1972-07-24 1
- 1973-01-25 1
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- 1973-06-21 1
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- 1976-05-13 1
- 1976-06-24 1
- 1977-04-21 1
- 1978-03-30 1
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- 1979-10-25 1
- 1984-06-22 1
- 1990-09-10 1
- 1997-10-18 1
- 1998-04-10 1
- ca. 1902 1
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- Aerial photograph of Austin Bluffs Parkway in Colorado Springs, photo facing northwest. Austin Bluffs Pkwy travels up the center of the photo. The University of Colorado, Colorado Springs (UCCS) can be seen below center in the photo. 2
- Aerial photograph of Colorado Springs, photo facing south. Nevada Avenue travels up the center of the photo. Interstate 25 travels up the right side of the photo. Cheyenne Mountain is visible at the top of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of North Academy Boulevard in Colorado Springs, photo facing northwest. Academy Blvd snakes up the center of the photo and intersects Montebello Drive at the bottom of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of Palmer Park in Colorado Springs, photo facing north. The Palmer Park neighborhood can be seen in the bottom half of the photo, with Chelton road traveling through. The Palmer Park Overlook can be seen on the left side of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Austin Bluffs Parkway and Union Boulevard intersection in Colorado Springs, photo facing northwest. Union Blvd intersects Austin Bluffs Pkwy below center in the photo. Austin Bluffs can be seen above center in the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Interstate 25 and Garden of the Gods Road interchange in Colorado Springs, photo facing northeast. I-25 travels up the center of the photo with the Garden of the Gods Rd interchange visible above center in the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Norwood area in Colorado Springs, photo facing west. Woodmen Road travels up the right edge of the photo. Powers Boulevard travels along the bottom of the photo. Cottonwood Creek flows up the right side of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Vista Grande neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing southwest. Academy Boulevard travels through the middle of the photo. 1
- Austin Bluffs, Colorado Spgs. 1
- Clarence Coil "smelling" a handful of weeds. One of eleven photographs mounted on scrapbook page. 1
- Clarence Coil sitting on embankment. One of eleven photographs mounted on scrapbook page. 1
- Clarence Coil standing with arms crossed. One of eleven photographs mounted on scrapbook page. 1
- Gertrude Schellmann with five men in front the bluffs of Austin Bluffs, now known as Palmer Park. Schellmann was employed at the Nordrach Ranch Sanatorium. 1
- High view towards Pikes Peak and the Front Range, identified as "Pikes Peak from Obs. Platform, Austin Bluffs." Identification sheet with negative. 1
- Two men pose on a rock formation in Austin's Bluffs, an area of Colorado Springs now known as Palmer Park. A sweeping view of the landscape can be seen behind them. 1
- View looking towards snow-covered Pikes Peak, identified as "Pikes Peak from Obs. Platform, Austin Bluffs." Identification sheet with negative. 1
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