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- (This is a part of a Wha' Happened cartoon that was sent out nationally) Workers are carrying out bodies of aids victims. One says, Let it never be said the ACLU didn't protect their civil rights. 1
- Food for Thought on Thanksgiving Day. If the ACLU had arrived before the pilgrims...they would have put up a designated non-praying area sign. 1
- Guess which person the ACLU believes should NOT have contact with your child without your explicit permission? Panel 1. Your daughter having contact with an abortionist? Panel 2. Your son having contact with an Army recruiter? 1
- Judge looks over ACLU, lawyers, and people dressed as Christmas characters beating each other up. Judge says, Sigh! It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. 1
- Ohio's state motto, With God, all things are possible." was ruled unconstitutional by Federal Appeals Court. ACLU and 6th US Circuit Court of Appeals found all things are possible without God. 1
- Panel 1-6. ACLU talks to health teacher saying they would protect her free speech to give advice to student on the internet. He thinks she will advise abortion. She is giving pro-life information...Hold it! 1
- Panel 1. ACLU lawyer offers Ashcroft an eraser. Panel 2. Asks why doesn't he just erase the part that says the accused has a right to a public trial. Panel 3. Ashcroft notices 2nd Amendment is missing. Panel 4. ACLU reminds him it's HIS Constitution 1
- Panel 1. If the religious right had their way, swear words, vulgarity, sexual displays in the youth movement would be censored. If the secular left had their way, anything smacking of religion would be banned by the ACLU and others. 1
- Panel 1. Obvious emergency at public school. Police arrive. Panel 2. Firemen arrive. Panel 3. Medical people arrive. Panel 4. Clergy arrives. Panel 5. ACLU runs in. Panel 6. Teacher says, NOW we're in trouble. 1
- Panel 1. Man reading paper that says, The ACLU says prisoners are suffering from overcrowded conditions, are not receiving proper counseling... Panel 2. Man is a soldier, reading in an overcrowded barracks. He asks, "Does anyone here have a violin?" 1
- Representative Jean Larson brings stocks back to shame drunk driving. ACLU attorney faints. 1
- Something to REALLY be thankful for 1
- The ACLU, National Organization for Women police, and Media watch dogs can find no evil in their search for sexual harassment victim Paula Jones. 1
- The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) stands before judge with baby Jesus exhibit A. Judge says he will rule on separation of church and state after the Christmas break 1
- The American Civil Liberties Union sued the State Prison system for mistreating prisoners. (I forget what the exact charge was) It brings some folks to wonder who are the real prisoners there, prison guards or the criminals? 1
- The American Civil Liberty Union, ACLU, gets a judge to kick reminders of Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus from the city hall steps. Denver Mayor McNichols tells Santa he hopes that doesn't hurt business. 1
- Undecided voters are watching two knights in a contest. They don't know who to root for..they look alike. Mr. Bush is riding a traditional values steed, Mr. Dukakis is on a ACLU giant lizard. 1
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