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- A South African School bus for whites stops on a burning bridge. President DeKlerk wants to take a vote to see which way they want to go. There is no turning back. 1
- Caption "Guess which leader the West is punishing with sanctions?" Panel 1. USSR leader Gorbachev is putting on a Groucho Marx disguise on communist Dracula. Panel 2. South African leader DeKlerk is driving a stake in the heart of Apartheid Dracula. 1
- Croquet analogy 1
- Cuba, North Korea, Iraq, China, Syria and Libya are watching a South African sail boat heading toward a place where all people are thought to have certain inalienable rights. How awful for those who kill their own people. 1
- Four panels showing Carter and Reagan debate. Panel 1. Both are against apartheid. Panel 2. Reagan has concerns about tribal war and loss of human rights. Panel 3. Silence. Panel 4. Carter is against apartheid. Here we go again. 1
- Panel 1-2. Apartheid white man gets bucked off black man. Panel 3. Another man congratulates his brother for gaining total equality. Panel 4. Communist rides brother into service of state. 1
- South Africa siamese twins wait outside the Apartheid treatment center looking worried. The Zimbabwe operation does not look good. 1
- South African president Mandela is pulling people out of the Pit of Apartheid. Now he has an opportunity to lead them on a paved road to the prison called Socialism" or to the dirt road called, "Freedom." 1
- South African white man is riding on the back of a black man with lines of protesters throwing things at him. Down with apartheid. They miss seeing large USSR soldier riding on the backs of hundreds of little people. 1
- Taos Pueblo native American sees headline about Reagan putting sanctions on South Africa and thinking, NOW they're for self-determination . 1
- The Western Media is focusing attention on a scary little monster, South African apartheid, and missing the giant danger behind them, South African Tribalism which is far more deadly. 1
- The liberal media wants to focus on the bones unearthed in South Africa's apartheid government. They miss the thousands of victims in Ethiopia, Mozambique, Uganda, etc. who are victims of Communism and Tribalism. 1
- The torch is passed from DeKlerk to Mandela in South Africa. The torch is a tail of a huge lion which will be dangerous to Mandela. God speed. 1
- Three panels showing South African flag. Lightning strikes Z letters forming the word, No! 1
- US business finds it difficult to trade with apartheid South Africa but no problem trading with slaver USSR. 1
- USA wants to charge South African Apartheid by cutting off investments. Black man will be hurt worse. 1
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