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- Close-up detail of a picket head. 5
- 2026 W. Colorado Avenue. Sanctuary with large stained glass reredos screen behind the altar. 2
- 2026 W. Colorado Avenue. 1
- 9 El Pomar Road. Carved communion rail in the Pauline Chapel. 1
- 9 El Pomar Road. Chancel in the Pauline Chapel. Hand-carved altar backdrop is from Spain. Statues of St. John and the Blessed Mother Mary flank the altar and both date back to the early 16th century. Photo taken from choir loft on back wall. 1
- 9 El Pomar Road. High view from the sanctuary. Back wall contains loft for organ between two statues of saints. 1
- Adobe building with decorative wooden stairway at Fountain Valley School. 1
- Angel head and wings on the decorative pediment on the upper faade of the Elks Hall building in Ouray, Colorado. 1
- Architectural drawing of front of Colorado Springs City Auditorium completed in 1923. Bottom reads "Elevation to Kiowa St. Scale 1/8" to 1 foot. 1
- Brick arches and covered walkway at Larimer Square in Denver. 1
- Brick tower of city hall in Victor with decorative rosettes, dome and balustrade. 1
- Close view of shingled steeple and brick tower of First Baptist Church. 1
- Close view of stained glass windows and ceiling, probably in stairway at second Antlers Hotel shortly before it was demolished. Window has pattern of antlers and a decorative letter "A" in the glass. 1
- Close view of tower on second Antlers Hotel at night with decorative stonework arches and balustrade. 1
- Close view of window with arched center of house identified on back as 2519 West Pikes Peak Avenue. Various sports trophies are visible in center window. 1
- Corner of the Cheyenne building showing carved head of Indian above door and decorative soffits. Note on back reads "Cheyenne Bldg. Built by Asa T. Jones. N.E. corner Pikes Peak and Cascade." 1
- Decorative wrought-iron fence and gate at the entrance to Claremont, the Baldwin residence, now the Colorado Springs School. Two dogs sit on grass in front of fence. 1
- Detail of bell tower on building at Colorado College with trees in foreground. 1
- Detail of carved decorative paneling in Claremont, now the Colorado Springs School. Table with lamp is at right. 1
- Detail of domed ceiling identified on back as rotunda above the entrance at Claremont (now the Colorado Springs School) showing decorative rosettes inset in panels, frieze and pilaster tops. Circular chandelier hangs from center. 1
- Detail of roof of house identified on back as 1126 North Tejon Street, with turrets, decorative carved pediments and capitols of columns supporting porch roof. 1
- Detail of stone-faced wall with double window on side of building identified on back as 3318 West Bijou Street. 1
- Detail of upper floor of house identified on back as 1617 W. Colorado Avenue, showing windows, spire roof on corner and brick chimney behind. 1
- Detail of window in residence with leaded-glass panels and small balcony above. Garden with irises is in foreground. 1
- Detailed view of a damaged wooden structure. 1
- Detailed view of a sign that reads 1
- Detailed view of a wooden structure's door. A house number appears to the right of the door 1
- Detailed view of a wooden structure's window. 1
- Detailed view of brickwork and windows on the Wild West building. 1
- Detailed view of upper cornice with "1896 / Aspen Blk" inscribed. 1
- Detailed view of upper cornice with "A&K - Block" inscribed. 1
- Detailed view of upper cornice with "F. B. & L. B" inscribed. 1
- Detailed view of upper cornice with "H-Schradsky / 1896" inscribed. 1
- Detailed view of upper cornice with "J A Mison / Block" inscribed. 1
- Detailed view of upper cornice with "M. G. L'AUBER" inscribed. 1
- Detailed view of upper cornice with "The Burnside Mercantile. Co." inscribed. 1
- Detailed view of upper cornice with "Turf 1896 / Club Room" inscribed. 1
- Detailed view of upper cornice with "Weinberg Blk" inscribed. 1
- Door detail at Claremont, also known as Trianon. 1
- Doorway built to resemble a keyhole at the McAllister House. 1
- Elevated view of St. Mary's Cathedral and spire looking west at 22 W. Kiowa Street. 1
- Entrance to the Pauline Chapel at 9 El Pomar Road. 1
- Exterior detail of the Burns Building. 1
- Faćade of DeGraff Building showing decorative reliefs and sign reading "DEGRAFF BUILDING 1897". Note on back reads "DeGraff Building 1966 (116-118 N. Tejon). Remodeled, new Faćade in 1967." 1
- Faćade of Independence Building showing rounded arch windows with carved garlands. Adjoining neoclassical building has sign for Columbia Savings over door. 1
- Front of large wood house showing front porch with wooden railings, pillars and brackets. 1
- Gable window on house identified on back as 2519 West Pikes Peak Avenue surrounded by fishscale shingles with roofing shingles behind. Central window is arched and two side windows are bracketed with pilasters. 1
- Glass arched roof with track lighting in covered walkway at Packard Hall, Colorado College. Photo identified on back. 1
- Inside view of the open framework of the Air Force Academy Chapel during construction with snow on the floor of the structure. 1
- Interior of The Antlers Hotel lobby 1
- Interior of bank, identified on back as Security Savings and Loan on E. Platte and Union, showing curved interior balcony and front and officers desks. 1
- Large arched widows with decorative frieze above at the First National Bank in Pueblo. Young woman looks out of window in center. Photo identified on back. 1
- Printed on front "Interior - Opera House / Central City, Colorado". 1
- Printed on front "Opera House Central City Colo". 1
- Rear exterior of Trianon, now the Colorado Springs School. Statues line a pathway. 1
- Side of St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City, showing Gothic detailing in windows and roofline. 1
- Side view of King residence in Broadmoor, showing wood siding, upper deck and large windows. Note on back states "Collins & Roberts - Archt." 1
- Sire of Broadmoor Community Church with three bells and cross at top. 1
- The handrails on the steps of St. Mary's Cathedral by Edgar Britton at 22 W. Kiowa Street. 1
- Top of Elks Hall in Ouray, Colorado, with mountains behind. Angel's head and wings are on pediment above three windows. Decorative brickwork is above sign reading "B.P.O.E. 492". 1
- Tower over Spanish-style tile roof with mountain in background. 1
- Two horse weathervanes on turrets above roof on ranchhouse. Mountains are visible in background. 1
- View of the front of Claremont, now the Colorado Springs School, showing porch with lawn furniture and striped awnings. 1
- View of the grounds of Trianon, now the Colorado Springs School. Statues and wrought iron patio furniture dot the gardens. 1
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