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- Map2
- Photograph484
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- 1897-08-19 22
- 1948-01-31 14
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- 2006-02-23 11
- 1966-03-07 10
- 1964-08-22 8
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- after 1929 6
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- 1963-04-23 5
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- 1976-02-22 5
- 1986-03-27 5
- 1987-04-10 5
- 1995-09-14 5
- 1998-06-25 5
- 1920 4
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- 1965-10-25 4
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- 1978-03-30 4
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- View near the Cascade Avenue bridge after a train wreck. Wreck occurred on August 23, 1970. Mangled railroad hopper cars loaded with coal are strewn along the tracks. 4
- 00 West St. Vrain Street (420 North Cascade Avenue) (Young Life) 3
- 00 East St. Vrain Street (501 North Cascade Avenue) 2
- 00 West St. Vrain Street (506 North Cascade Avenue) 2
- Aerial photograph of Downtown Colorado Springs, photo facing southeast. The Bijou Street bridge is visible at the bottom of the photo, where the road crosses over Interstate 25, Monument Creek, and railroad tracks. 2
- Residence located at 506 North Cascade Avenue. 2
- The former residence of Francis Thayer, 505 North Cascade Avenue. 2
- 00 East St. Vrain Street (431 North Cascade Avenue) 1
- 1000 N. Cascade Avenue. Founded in 1874, this is a liberal arts college. Exterior view of Cutler Hall. 1
- 101 North Cascade Avenue 1
- 102 North Cascade Avenue 1
- 1510 South Cascade Avenue. Photo is referenced as "D-9" in "Historic Sites & Structures El Paso County, Colorado" by Freed, Elaine and David Barber. 1
- 1513 South Cascade Avenue. Photo is referenced as "D-23" in "Historic Sites & Structures El Paso County, Colorado" by Freed, Elaine and David Barber. 1
- 1516 South Cascade Avenue. Photo is referenced as "D-8" in "Historic Sites & Structures El Paso County, Colorado" by Freed, Elaine and David Barber. 1
- 1520 South Cascade Avenue, [Ivywild] Photo is referenced as "D07" in "Historic Sites & Structures El Paso County, Colorado" by Freed, Elaine and David Barber. 1
- 1605 South Cascade Avenue. Photo is referenced as "D27" in "Historic Sites & Structures El Paso County, Colorado" by Freed, Elaine and David Barber. 1
- 1609 South Cascade Avenue. A 1966 Honda Dream 305cc motorcycle is parked on the sidewalk in front of the house. Photo is referenced as "D28" in "Historic Sites & Structures El Paso County, Colorado" by Freed, Elaine and David Barber. 1
- 1642 South Cascade Avenue, [Ivywild] Photo is referenced as "D06" in "Historic Sites & Structures El Paso County, Colorado" by Freed, Elaine and David Barber. 1
- 1642 South Cascade Avenue, [Ivywild] Photo is referenced as "D06" in "Historic Sites & Structures El Paso County, Colorado" by Freed, Elaine and David Barber. 1
- 2 North Cascade Avenue. Used to be called the Holly Sugar Building. Penrose Public Library is to the north [right] and the Antlers Hilton Hotel is to the south [left]. 1
- 20 North Cascade Avenue 1
- 2318 N. Cascade Avenue. Front view of large brick church building. 1
- 2330 N. Cascade Avenue. Original building. 1
- 25 North Cascade Avenue 1
- 423 North Cascade Avenue 1
- 506 N. Cascade Avenue. Loving restored Home is now the Hearthstone Inn. Exterior view, near Colorado College. 1
- 818 N. Cascade Avenue. Exterior view of American Numismatic Museum. Handicap ramp on the right. 1
- A Colorado College building located at 920 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- A dining room at the residence of Ralph Giddings on North Cascade Avenue. The dining room table has been decorated with beads and holiday ornaments. 1
- A living room at the Ralph Giddings residence on North Cascade Avenue. Two upholstered sofas sit near a marble fireplace. 1
- A living room decorated with a Christmas tree at the residence of Ralph Giddings on North Cascade Avenue. 1
- A man on horseback beside a decorated carriage in the Flower Parade. The business "W.F. McKeehan Wholesale," located at 1 E. Huerfano, is visible in the background. Huerfano later became Colorado Ave. 1
- A pair of griffins guard the stone stairs leading up to the entrance of the Cascade Park Apartments, 610 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- A terrace off of the living room. Location is identified as 1700 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- A three-story stucco residence located at 505 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- A women rides her bicycle decorated with flowers in the annual Flower Parade. 1
- Aerial photograph of Downtown Colorado Springs, photo facing east. Interstate 25 travels through the lower portion of the photo with the Bijou Street interchange visible below and to the right of center in the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of Downtown Colorado Springs, photo facing east. The Bijou Street bridge is visible in the bottom left corner of the photo. Colorado Avenue travel up the photo, just right of center. Monument Creek runs along the bottom of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of Downtown Colorado Springs, photo facing north. Tejon Street and Nevada Avenue travel up the center of the photo. The Pioneers Museum, El Paso County Courthouse, and Pikes Peak Center are visible above center in the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of Downtown Colorado Springs, photo facing northeast. Interstate 25 travels along the bottom of the photo with the Bijou Street interchange visible in the lower left area of the photo. Colorado Avenue travels up the center of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of Downtown Colorado Springs, photo facing northeast. The El Paso County Courthouse (now the Pioneers Museum) can be seen just above center in the photo. Construction of the third Antlers Hotel can be seen on the left side of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of Downtown Colorado Springs, photo facing northwest. Nevada Avenue travels diagonally up the photo from the bottom left corner. Pikes Peak Avenue travels diagonally up the photo from the bottom right corner. 1
- Aerial photograph of Downtown Colorado Springs, photo facing south. Interstate 25 travels up the right side of the photo with the Bijou Street interchange visible in the lower right area of the photo. Acacia Park can be seen at the bottom of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of Downtown Colorado Springs, photo facing south. Interstate 25 travels up the right side of the photo with the Bijou Street interchange visible to the right of center in the photo. Acacia Park can be seen just below center in the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of Downtown Colorado Springs, photo facing west. Costilla Street travels up the center of the photo. Interstate 25 travels through the upper portion of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Old North End neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing east. Monument Creek travels along the bottom of the photo with Monument Valley Park visible directly to the east (above in the photo). 1
- Antlers Hotel fully engulfed in flames from corner of Pikes Peak and Cascade Avenues. Two men watch from across the street. Printed on back "School teacher climbed a pole to take this picture." 1
- Antlers Plaza Hotel, photo facing west. The Holley Sugar building (now the FirstBank Building) can be seen on the right side of the photo. Pikes Peak is visible in the background. 1
- Automobile moving in one direction with horse drawn carriage moving in the open direction on tree-lined Cascade Avenue. Cascade Avenue has not yet been paved. Hitching posts and irrigation ditches are clearly visible on the right side of the photograph. 1
- Bicyclists in the Flower Parade. 1
- Car driving down an unpaved Cascade Avenue with irrigation ditches on the right. The street is lined with mature trees and large houses. 1
- City Market Block located at 111-121 South Cascade Avenue. Business signage includes “Sommers… House”, “Ira J. Morse”, “Heath Cigar Co.”, “Rood’s Candy” and “Lyons Candy Co.” 1
- Close view of the stone sculpture of Indian Chief in headdress on the corner of the Cheyenne Building. 1
- Colorful house at 601 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- Construction of Western Federal Savings Bank at Kiowa and Cascade in January 1967. 1
- Corner of Pikes Peak Avenue and Cascade Avenue, from plaza by Antlers Hotel, showing street, parking lot and buildings. Exchange National Bank building, now US Bank, is visible at left. Title by photographer. 1
- Decorated carriage and horses in the Flower Parade. Spectators line the sidewalks. 1
- Decorated carriage in the Flower Parade. One passenger holds a parasol. 1
- Display case filled with porcelain figurines, bowls, and assorted knick-knacks. 1
- Early view down Cascade Avenue before trees were planted, showing Antlers Hotel in distance, with Cheyenne Mountain behind. 1
- Elaborately decorated wagon filled with Colorado College students wearing cap and gown in the Flower Parade. 1
- Elevated view looking WNW at Penrose Public Library. Also visible is St. Mary's Cathedral. 1
- Entrance drive at a residence located at 1700 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- Exterior of McAllister house showing bay window and brick walls. 1
- Exterior view of Penrose Public Library. 1
- Exterior view of a brick home, once the residence of Anna and Mary Easley, located at 603 South Cascade Avenue. Photograph taken from a side street. 1
- Exterior view of the building. 1025 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- Exterior view of the front of the building. 1025 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- Former home of Dr. B. F. D. Adams on Cascade Avenue. Caption on the back of the photograph reads 1
- Frank Lewis, custodian at Focus on the Family, cleans graffiti of building on North Cascade. 1
- Front of Dr. Webb's residence with several large trees in the front yard. A low rock wall bounds the property between the house and the sidewalk. 1
- Garden walk looking south at a residence located at 1700 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- Gateway and entrance to large brick house with tile roof and semi-circular entrance. Brick drive leads from unpaved street. Photo identified on back, with note "now belongs to First Lutheran Church, 1515 N. Cascade." 1
- Group photo of approximately 250 men and women standing and sitting in front of the east side of the Shepard's Citations building at 420 N Cascade Ave. 1
- Hearthstone Inn, 506 North Cascade Avenue, formerly home of Judson Bemis, showing porch, decorative shingles, including fish-scale shingles on gable and dormer. 1
- Holly Sugar Building is in the mid-stages of construction. 1959 Cadillac Fleetwood limousine bearing 1966 Colorado license plates is parked in the foreground. Location is identified as being north of the Antlers Doubletree Hotel. 1
- Holly Sugar building in the evening during a snowstorm. St. Mary's Church is visible in background. 1
- Identified as the residence of Lawrence T. Gray, 715 North Cascade Avenue. The round format and size of the print indicate the photograph was taken with a Kodak #2 camera that was produced 1889 – 1897. 1
- Identified on the back of the photograph 1
- Identified on the back of the photograph 1
- Illustration of the second Antlers Hotel with Pikes Peak in the background. Note at the bottom reads "Copyright 1903 The Williamson-Haffner Engravers, Denver" 1
- Interior of McAllister house with sofa in front of windows and carved table with lamp in foreground. 1
- Interior of bedroom at McAllister house, with carved headboard over bed, and pitcher, washbasin and oil lamp on table in back. 1
- Interior of the McAllister house, with padded rocking chair, wooden table with dishes, and lace-trimmed tablecloth on table in back set with oil lamp, hairbrush and small bowl. Painting of young girl is on wall at left. 1
- Interior view of altar and pews at Corpus Christi Catholic Church located at 2318 N. Cascade, completed in June, 1956. Printed on back "Corpus Christi Catholic Church / Cascade and Jackson / Colorado Springs, Colorado 80907". 1
- Judson Bemis house at 506 North Cascade showing decorative shingles and porches. Building is now part of the Hearthstone Inn. 1
- Large brick building with shingle roof and decorative white woodwork on porch, surrounded by trees and shrubs. 1
- Large brick house on Cascade Avenue with white iron fence in front. Identified on back as "1146 N. Cascade Built in 1920s." 1
- Large brick residence with young women sitting and standing on the front porch. 1030 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- Large building at 410 North Cascade with shingled siding and roof, porch, dormers and metal balconies and stairway from upper floor. 1
- Large house with iron fence and tile roof on corner of wide street with grassy median. Streetlamp is on corner of median. Photo identified on back. 1
- Large house with stone first floor and wood frame upper level on snowy street with car in front. Photo identified on back as 730 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- Large house with stone foundation and first floor, wraparound porch and side turret. Decorative wrought-iron fence is in foreground. Photo identified on back as 126 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- Large residence with wood shingles and trees around on the 400 block of North Cascade Avenue before Shepards Citations built on the site. 1
- Large stone structure with an arched entrance. 1025 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- Large two-story wood-frame building with a long veranda identified on back as the St. James Hotel, corner of Vermijo Street and Cascade Avenue. 1
- Large wood-frame building on wide, tree-lined street. Rail fence lines sidewalk in front of house. Photo identified on back as "400 block North Cascade now site of Shepard Citations." 1
- Large wood-frame building with porch on unpaved road with other houses around. Bicycle sits on porch. Photo identified on back as "Parsonage of Methodist Church 1115 North Cascade Avenue." 1
- Large wood-frame building with porch with wooden railings, decorative shingles on pediment and small brick chimney. Note on back reads "715 N. Cascade. First listed in 1903 city directory. Laurence Gray." 1
- Located on southwest Cascade Avenue and Colorado Avenue. 1
- Location identified as 1206 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- Location identified as 1530 North Cascade Ave. A tent is visible in the foreground. Copied from Facts volume 7, issue 13, January 1, 1901, p. 17. 1
- Location identified as 905 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- Location is identified as 226 South Cascade Avenue. Photograph taken from the back of building through an iron fence. 1
- Location is identified as 226 South Cascade Avenue. Photograph taken from the back of the building through the bars of an iron fence. 1
- Location is identified as 420 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- Long view of the City of Colorado Springs Administration Building on the corner of Nevada and Colorado Avenues. Lamppost with street sign and traffic light is in front. Name of building is on sign in front of building. 1
- Looking north. East Pikes Peak Avenue and North Cascade Avenue. 1
- Low oblique aerial view looking northeast of downtown Colorado Springs with the Antlers Hotel in center and the intersection of Cascade and Pikes Peak Avenues in front. The Antlers Garage and Marksheffel Motor Company are at the left of the hotel. 1
- Man standing in front of large house with stone first floor and porch and wood shingles above. Chicken-wire fence is in foreground. Photo identified on back as Hemming Residence at 1906 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- Men sitting at rows of desks with large books piled in front of them in large room at Shepard's Citations building. Floor is linoleum tile, with fluorescent lighting overhead and large windows at right. 1
- Modern entranceway to brick building, identified on back as Loomis Hall - Girls dormitory, at Colorado College. Photographer's stamp on back. 1104 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- Music room and library with bookshelves along back wall and grand piano with bench in the center. On the piano is a framed picture of Dr. Webb placed next to a musical piece, "Tea for Two" from the 1925 stage musical "No No Nanette." 1
- Northeast Corner of St. Vrain Street & Cascade Avenue 1
- Northeast Corner of St. Vrain Street & Nevada Avenue 1
- Northeast corner of the newly constructed Shepard's Citations building located at 420 N Cascade Ave. Cascade Avenue at its intersection with St. Vrain Street is in the foreground. Pikes Peak can be seen in the distance on the right. 1
- Northwest Corner of St. Vrain Street & Cascade Avenue 1
- Palmer Hall, 1025 North Cascade Avenue. Montgomery Hall, 1030 North Cascade Avenue. Hagerman Hall, 920 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- Participants in the annual Flower Parade on horseback. Spectators can be seen on the roof behind them. 1
- Printed on back "Antlers Hotel / The Antlers Hotel is the leading hotel in Colorado Springs and in the Pike's Peak region. It is one of the handsomest in the state, and was erected at a cost of $1,000,000." 1
- Printed on front "McGregor Hall, Colorado College. Colorado Springs, Colorado." 930 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- Printed on front "Montgomery Hall, Colorado College. Colorado Springs, Colorado." 1030 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- Rear view of McAllister house, with brick walls at right and covered porch at left. 1
- Residence of James Pourtales. 1
- Residences on Cascade Avenue. 1
- Riders on horseback in the Flower Parade. Spectators lines the walkways and rooftops along Cascade Ave. 1
- Rows of decorative bottles and mugs on shelves in front of the window at Dr. Webb's house. Flowered couch sits under the window. 1
- Sculpture on corner of building of man sticking out his tongue. Photographer's handwritten note on back reads "decoration on house, n.e. corner Cascade & Columbia. Mrs. J.F. Gallagher born there." 1
- Second Antlers Hotel building, photo facing northwest and taken from the Out West Building across Cascade Avenue. 1
- Small brick building with signs "Klein's Furniture" "Antiques" and "Klein's Furniture Antiques" at 123 S. Cascade Avenue. Carved wooden chair and two trunks sit in front of the store. Note on back reads "123 So. Cascade|was Ross Auction House." 1
- Small shingled house with porches in front and side and white rail fence in front. Photo identified on back as "first residence of Mrs. C.C. Dickey 1200 North Cascade Avenue." 1
- Small stucco building with number "602" over doorway and large tree in front. Photo identified on back. 1
- Southeast Corner of St. Vrain Street & Cascade Avenue 1
- Southeast corner of the Shepard's Citations building located at 420 N Cascade Avenue during its final stage of construction. Construction equipment and debris is scattered along the sidewalk. Cascade Avenue is in the foreground. 1
- Southwest Corner of St. Vrain Street & Cascade Avenue 1
- Southwest corner of Cascade Avenue and Kiowa Street, formerly the site of the Marksheffel Garage, now Penrose Public Library. The 1905 Carnegie building is visible at right. Title by photographer. 1
- Statue in front of Penrose Public Library on Cascade Avenue. 1
- Statue situated on the corner of Cascade and Monument. 1
- Taken from north northeast corner of building. 1905 Carnegie building is visible on the right. Address is 20 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- The exterior of a residence at 611 North Cascade Avenue. Robert Jones and his wife Kate operated a boardinghouse at this address for many years. 1
- The exterior of a residence at 611 North Cascade Avenue. Robert and Kate Jones stand in front of the boardinghouse they operated here for many years. 1
- The exterior of a residence at 611 North Cascade Avenue. Robert and Kate Jones stand in front of the boardinghouse they operated here for many years. Robert is holding a garden hose and watering the grass. 1
- The exterior of a residence at 611 North Cascade Avenue. Robert and Kate Jones stand on the front steps of the boardinghouse they operated here for many years. 1
- The exterior of the second Antlers Hotel. Signs visible read 1
- The former residence of Francis Thayer, 505 North Cascade Avenue. Identified on the back of the photograph 1
- The front exterior of a residence located at 1700 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- The front facade of th second Antlers Hotel looking west down Pikes Peak Avenue. Several automobiles are parked in front of the hotel and travelling south on Cascade Avenue, one of which appears to be a circa 1928 Erskin touring car. 1
- The front of a residence located at 1700 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- The front porch of a home at 611 North Cascade Avenue. Robert Jones and his wife Kate operated a boardinghouse at this address for many years. 1
- The garage and driveway at the residence located at 1700 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- The residence of Joel A. Hayes, 832 North Cascade Avenue. Copied from Facts vol. 7 #13, January 1, 1901, 832 page 17. 1
- Three-story building on the northeast corner of Cascade and Pikes Peak. 1
- Three-story stucco building with striped awnings and wrought-iron balconies on top floor. Photo identified on back as 505 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- Two-story wooden house with wood shingles, board siding and porch with columns, decorative brackets and stick-style balustrade. Photo identified on back as "715 N. Cascade. First listed in 1903 city directory." 1
- View down wide unpaved roads lined with rime-coated trees. Ditch boxes line the left side of the road. These ditch boxes were used to irrigate trees along Cascade Avenue. 1
- View near the Cascade Avenue bridge after a train wreck. Wreck occurred on August 23, 1970. Mangled railroad hopper cars loaded with coal are strewn along the tracks. Presented reversed. 1
- View of Cutler Hall alone on the plains in front of Pikes Peak. 912 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- View of McAllister House, with shingled roof and brick chimneys over brick walls and small covered porch. Small dormer window is in roof over porch. 1
- View of Nevada Avenue with automobile in the distance. Houses are seen along both sides of the street." A streetlamp is visible along the grassy median. 1
- View of Shepard's Citations with with cars bearing 1948 Colorado license plates parked in front and Pikes Peak in background. 1
- View of a collapsed Cascade Avenue bridge after a train wreck. Men are standing near the wreckage. Mangled railroad hopper cars loaded with coal are strewn along the tracks. 1
- View of a tea house in the yard of a residence located at 1700 North Cascade Avenue 1
- View of exterior and grounds of home. Location identified as 1515 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- View of large brick building with signs "Alta Vista Hotel" from across street with wide median. Cars are parked in front of building. Rusticated stone arches over doorway have sign "Alta Vista Hotel Coffee Shop". 1
- View of large porch from side with shrub behind wrought-iron fence in foreground. Porch has wood ceilings, dark shutters and pillars. Note on back reads "Evans House (corner N. Cascade & Buena Vista)". 1
- View of the Alamo Corporate Center and Pikes Peak Plaza from the corner of Pikes Peak and Cascade Avenues in downtown Colorado Springs. 1
- View of the building's exterior and marquee. Location is identified as 120 South Cascade Avenue. Giuseppe's Pizza was located on the building's first floor. 1
- View of the building's exterior. Location is identified as 10 West Boulder Street on the northwest corner of Cascade Avenue and Boulder Street. The site later became a parking lot for the Young Life Service Center. 1
- View of the building's exterior. Location is identified as 200 South Cascade Avenue, site of the previous El Paso County Jail. 1
- View of the building's front entrance. The location is identified as 920 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- View of the living room. Location identified as 1205 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- View of train cars that have left the tracks. Location of the wreck identified as being south of Fillmore Avenue. Mangled railroad hopper cars loaded with coal are strewn along the tracks. 1
- Well appointed room with dining table and chairs, china cabinet, buffet, and telephone. 1
- Women walking on paved sidewalk on shady street in Colorado Springs. Houses with neat rail fences are on the right. A horse-drawn carriage is visible in the street at left. Photo identified as Cascade Avenue 1
- Workers remove train wreckage. Location of the wreck identified as being south of Fillmore Avenue. The Cascade Avenue bridge was later removed. Mangled railroad hopper cars loaded with coal are strewn along the tracks. Presented reversed. 1
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