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- Illustration7
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- 1981-01-16 1
- 1985-04-23 1
- 1985-05-05 1
- 1987-05-25 1
- 1991-10-27 1
- 1994-11-08 1
- 2004-06-06 1
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- Caption "The Land Reform Program in El Salvador". Panel 1. Before the reform they used to grow crops. Panel 2. Now the land is being used for graves. 1
- Coming soon...Hearse pulling through gate of publicly-owned cemetery. Mourners see "No praying" sign. 1
- French President Chirac and President George W. Bush visit the U.S. grave stones in France. The French do not like overt religious displays, like Muslim women wearing head scarfs, but I guess the crosses on French soil are not yet outlawed. 1
- Memorial Day cartoon. People in military graveyard are thankful for those who are buried there. They believed our freedom is non-negotiable and willing to die for our liberty. 1
- Mr. and Mrs. Gorbachev walk through a graveyard containing stone reminders of mass executions and starvation victims. Gorby can't understand why the Ukrainians don't want to join their economic union. Duh. 1
- Presidential aide Deaver is in big trouble planning an event in Bitburg, Germany. Nazi soldier bites him on the ankle. 1
- Reagan's trip to Germany was to bring countries together. The liberal media had other plans to create a divide and embarrass president. 1
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- Photograph73
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- 1962-06-15 5
- 1969-10-07 3
- 1973-01-25 3
- 1986-11-15 3
- 1989-06-27 3
- 1993-04-01 3
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- 1967-02-27 2
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- after 1940 2
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- 1984-04-17 1
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- 1985-12-26 1
- 1987-07-21 1
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- 1992-08-21 1
- 1997-06-19 1
- ca. 1901 1
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- ca.1904 1
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- Aerial photograph of Airport Road in Colorado Springs, photo facing east. Airport Rd travels up the center of the photo and intersects Academy Boulevard at the bottom of the photo. The Memorial Gardens Cemetery can be seen below center in the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of Airport Road in Colorado Springs, photo facing northwest. Airport Rd travels diagonally up the center of the photo and intersects Academy Boulevard at the top of the photo. Sand Creek flows through the lower portion of the photo. 1
- Decorative iron gate and fence with view of open plains and mountains behind. Sign on gate reads "Luth. Hope Cemetery." 1
- Grave site of Kit Carson. 1
- Headstone of Lazard Cahn which is a replica of the mineral crystal"Cahnite" discovered by Lazard Cahn. 1
- Headstone of Lazard Cahn. It reads 1
- Headstones are visible among the weeds at Lake George Cemetery. Woman carrying a bag and mountain foothills are seen in the background. 1
- Info on back from M. Wood "Cripple Creek Cemetery / Myron Wood / (pr. 1980) M.W." 1
- Large weathered wooden cross with flowers attached and at base in cemetery on hillside. Photograph appears in "O'Keeffe at Abiquiu" by Christine Taylor Patten on page 115. 1
- Old tombstones on hillside among large trees. 1
- People standing in doorway of stone chapel with steeple among trees. "Chapel in Fairview Cemetery Denver" written on bottom of album page. 1
- Portrait of DeLos Powell [1859-1904], Superintendent of Cemetery. Alderman 1897, 1898. Sexton 1899, 1900. Superintendent of Cemetery 1901, 1902. First Superintendent of Cemetery of the City of Colorado Springs. 1
- Seven tombstones in snow, with Japanese lettering. Marker in foreground has name "M. Nakamichi" carved on top. 1
- Small church behind snow-covered cemetery near Calhan. 1
- Tombstones on graves in cemetery on hillside overlooking small town. Several graves are surrounded by ornate wrought-iron fences. Gravestone in center reads "John Mills Born Dec. 30 - 1836 Died Feb. 18 - 1905." 1
- View from Laguna Cemetery with gravestones in distance and wooden picket fence gate hanging in foreground. Mountains are visible in distance. 1
- View from inside St. Michael Cemetery, arched iron sign and open gate looking towards church in snowy setting. Identified as the Eastern Orthodox Church in Calhan, Colorado. 1
- View from outside the ironwork gates into the cemetery. "Sons of Israel Cemetery" is written on iron banner betweet the gates. 1
- View of graves and tombstones in Fairview Cemetery with trees on horizon and rock formation in distance. 1
- Wooden grave marker reading "Walt Gray Died May 16th 1892 Aged 25 Years", in front of picket fence with empty land and mountains behind. Photo identified on back. 1
- Written on the back of the photograph 1
- Wrought-iron fence and gate surrounding a grave site. Weeds and grasses are overgrown. Headstones can be seen in the distance. 1
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