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- South Cheyenne Canyon 3
- Log cabin located in South Cheyenne Cañon, belonging to the Cheley family. The sign hanging in the porch reads "Twilight Lodge." The cabin no longer exists. 2
- The Pillars of Hercules in South Cheyenne Cañon 2
- View of Seven Falls in Cheyenne Cañon. 2
- Betty Campbell in long skirt wearing a large straw hat sitting sidesaddle on a donkey. "Donkey is thirty-nine years old, and has been owned by the United States Government” is annotated on the back of the photo. 1
- Bridge leading to stone steps. Sign at top near building reads "Burros". 1
- Cairn of stones with plaque on top, identified as "Memorial to Helen Hunt Jackson (Remodeled grave), S. Cheyenne Canyon." Identification sheet with negative. 1
- Children pose on rocks 1
- Chipmunks in South Cheyenne Canyon 1
- Curio Shop at the base of Seven Falls in South Cheyenne Canon. 1
- Dirt road through rocky canyon with one pine tree at far edge. Photo identified as "The Lonesome Pine, South Cheyenne Canyon, Colorado Springs." Identification sheet with negative. 1
- Distant view of Seven Falls. 1
- Early view of Seven Falls and the wooden stairway alongside. "21-D. Seven Falls, June 17, 1898. Cheyenne Canon" printed on bottom of print. 1
- Early view of Seven Falls before stairway was built, showing waterfall down rocky cliffs. 1
- From inspiration point. South Cheyenne Canyon 1
- Group of four people mounted on burros riding on dirt road in South Cheyenne Canyon among rocky cliffs. "Pillars of Hercules South Cheyenne Canon" printed on bottom of photo. Previously numbered 001-4123. 1
- Group of teenage boys in camp under large boulder wrapped in blankets and canvas, located in South Cheyenne Canon. 1
- Group of teenage boys make camp under large boulder in South Cheyenne Canon. Featured on page 99 of Frank Cheley's book "Buffalo Roost." 1
- Identified on the back as a family picnic, a large group of women and children enjoy the outdoors in South Cheyenne Canyon. 1
- Large cairn of rocks on treed hillside, identified as "Helen Hunt Jackson Grave, So. Cheyenne Canyon, Colorado Springs, CO." Identification sheet with negative. 1
- Large rock formation in distance, identified as "The Wrestling Bears, So. Cheyenne Canyon, Colorado Springs, CO." Dirt road lined with rocks is in foreground. Identification sheet with negative. 1
- Log cabin located in South Cheyenne Cañon, belonging to the Cheley family. The sign hanging in the porch reads "Twilight Lodge". The cabin no longer exists. 1
- Middle Falls 1
- Narrow waterfall down rocky cliff into still pool of water. Photo identified as "Lower Falls - Seven Falls, So. Cheyenne Canyon, Colorado Springs." Identification sheet with negative. 1
- Pine trees on hillside with rocky cliff behind, identified as "Inspiration Point & Lonesome Pine, So. Cheyenne Canyon." Identification sheet with negative. 1
- Printed on front "1667. Pillar of Hurculese [Hercules]." Nearly a thousand feet high, and at one place but forty-two feet apart, barely giving room for the stream and roadway between them. 1
- Printed on front "1667. Seven Falls, Cheyenne Canon." View of all 7 waterfalls and wooden stairway to top. 1
- Ramona Falls, one of seven drops in Seven Falls. 1
- Road through the gateway of Seven Falls in South Cheyenne Canon. 1
- Rock formations, Pillars of Hercule, in Cheyenne Canyon. 1
- Rocky cliff with distant view of plains behind, identified as "Inspiration Point, So. Cheyenne Canyon, Colorado Springs, CO." Identification sheet with negative. 1
- Rocky cliff, identified as "Devil's Slide, So. Cheyenne Canyon, Colorado Springs, CO." Identification sheet with negative. 1
- Seven Falls in South Cheyenne Canyon. 1
- Six men sit on rocky outcropping overlooking mountain valley. Left to right 1
- The Colorado Springs and Cripple Creek District Railway (The Short Line) passing though South Cheyenne Cañon. St. Peters Dome in the background. Several cabins can be seen on the slopes of St. Peters Dome. 1
- The Seven Falls in South Cheyenne Canon. 1
- Top of waterfall among rocky hills, identified as "Rainbow Falls and Stream, So. Cheyenne Canyon, Colo. Springs, CO." Identification sheet with negative. 1
- Tourists pose with three donkeys in front of waterfall. #1837 is hand-written on bottom of photo. 1
- Trees along road with low rock wall running between large rocky cliff, with larger cliff in distance, identified as "Left Pillar of Hercules - profile of Washington, So. Cheyenne Canyon." Identification sheet with negative. 1
- Two women, a man and a child sit on a pile of logs under pine trees. Photo identified on back as Eddie Dennison, Pearl Dennis, Erma Fowler and Carrie Dennis Fowler. 1
- View down rocky cliffs, identified as "view down canyon from top of Seven Falls, So. Cheyenne Canyon." Identification sheet with negative. 1
- View from Inspiration Point in South Cheyenne Canyon. 1
- View of Seven Falls in South Cheyenne Canyon. 1
- View of Seven Falls. 1
- View of Three Lower Falls in Cheyenne Cañon. Wooden staircases wind along the sides of the canyon walls. 1
- Waterfall down rocky cliff, identified as "Falls from Platform (Halfway stop), So. Cheyenne Canyon, Colo. Springs, CO." Identification sheet with negative. 1
- Waterfall down rocky cliff, identified as "First Falls - Seven Falls Cheyenne Canyon." Identification sheet with negative. 1
- Waterfall down rocky cliff, identified as "Middle Falls - Seven Falls Cheyenne Canyon." Identification sheet with negative. 1
- Waterfall down rocky cliff, identified as "Middle Falls, Seven Falls - So. Cheyenne Canyon, Colorado Springs." Identification sheet with negative. 1
- Waterfall down rocky cliff, identified as "Ramona Falls, 7 Falls - So. Cheyenne Canyon, Colo. Springs, CO." Identification sheet with negative. 1
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