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- Members of the the Kenneth Albert Neeley Contracting company at work on Slocum Hall, Colorado College. 4
- 1000 N. Cascade Avenue. Founded in 1874, this is a liberal arts college. Exterior view of Cutler Hall. 1
- A Colorado College building located at 920 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- A woman poses for the camera on a side walk in front building bearing the sign "Blair's College", located at Pikes Peak and Wahsatch Ave. A Shell gas pump can be seen at the left edge of the photo. Circa 1920s automobiles are parked in the background. 1
- A young man wearing a football uniform, letter sweater with a "C" and leather helmet poses for a photo with Cossitt Hall in background. 1
- Aerial photograph of Pueblo, Colorado, photo facing southwest. Southern Colorado State College (now Colorado State University Pueblo) is visible below center in the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Gateway Park neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing southwest. Academy Boulevard travels diagonally through the middle of the photo, intersecting Fountain Boulevard near the center of the photo. 1
- Architect's rendering of additions to Coburn Library at Colorado College. Written at the bottom of the drawing, "Sketch of Coburn Library with New Additions" "R.G. Meem, Architect" 1
- Architect's rendering of plans for Colorado College buildings from high angle. Horse-drawn carriages are shown in street in front. Annotation at bottom left of print reads “H.G. Ripley, December 1892”. 1
- Bemis Hall, Colorado College 1
- Bemis Hall, a large stone building on the Colorado College campus, with students conversing outside the building and a touring car parked outside. 1
- Brown's Business College at 331 1/2 E. Pikes Peak Ave. Printed on front "Colorado Springs, Colorado". Postmarked Colorado Springs, Colo.; May 24, 1915 1
- Buildings of the campus of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs from across open field. Trees hide most of the buildings. 1
- Charles L. Tutt Library on the Colorado College campus, Designed by Walter Netsch in 1962 and expanded in the 1980s. This image precedes a major renovation completed in 2017. 1
- Exterior of Hagerman Hall. A wooden tower with a louvered-box weather station atop is mounted on a platform of the roof of the building. 1
- Exterior side view of the Cragmor Manor dormitory on the campus of the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs. 1
- Exterior view of the building. 1025 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- Exterior view of the front of the building. 1025 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- Front exterior view of the building. 1
- Full-page spread of nine small halftone images, titled "College and School Buildings, Colorado Springs." Individual images are identified at the bottom of the page. "Stevens, Harlan, Emery," printed at lower right of page. 1
- Glass arched roof with track lighting in covered walkway at Packard Hall, Colorado College. Photo identified on back. 1
- Group of men and women wearing winter clothing walking down dirt path in front of large stone building identified on back as Palmer Hall [at Colorado College] located at 1025 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- Heavily touched up oblique aerial photo of Colorado College looking north. 1
- Identified as Bemis Hall on left, MacGregor Hall at center, Ticknor Hall on right. 1
- Identified on the back of the photograph 1
- Interior of Tutt Library showing first floor reading area with mezzanine and windowed ceiling above. "Interior - Tutt Library" written on bottom border. 1
- Large brick building with wraparound porch draped with climbing plants. "35-D" written on lower right of print. Photo identified on back as Phi Gamma Delta at Colorado College, at 1122 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- Large brick residence with young women sitting and standing on the front porch. 1030 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- Large crowd of people, many wearing caps and gowns, in front of large stone building. Unpaved road is in foreground. Photo identified on back as Perkins Hall. 1
- Large stone building with dirt road leading up, identified on back as Ticknor Hall at Colorado College. Sign at left reads "Danger. Turn to Right Slowly and Signal." 926 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- Large stone building, identified on back as Montgomery Hall at Colorado College. Small label reading "222" attached to lower right of print. 1030 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- Lennox residence on North Nevada Avenue with young men lounging on steps and porch. Note on back states "Used as a Student Union and bookstore by Colorado College and later as Beta Theta Pi Fraternity house. A gift to the college in 1937. 1
- Members of the the Kenneth Albert Neeley Contracting company at work on Slocum Hall, Colorado College. Several workers are visible in the foreground and on the building in the background. 1
- Members of the the Kenneth Albert Neeley Contracting company at work on Slocum Hall, Colorado College. Frank Bueltel was the job superintendent. 1
- Members of the the Kenneth Albert Neeley Contracting company at work on Slocum Hall, Colorado College. Work crew included Adam Bosch and Thomas Robb as foreman. 1
- Modern entranceway to brick building, identified on back as Loomis Hall - Girls dormitory, at Colorado College. Photographer's stamp on back. 1104 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- Palmer Hall at Colorado College. 1025 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- Photo identified as "Campus view, 1894. Left to right 1
- Printed on front "1461 Mackey Auditorium, State University, Boulder, Colorado. Flatirons in Background." Multi-storied Gothic-style brick building. [Macky] 1
- Printed on front "1462 Mackey Auditorium, State University, Boulder, Colo." Multi-storied Gothic-style brick building. [Macky] 1
- Printed on front "McGregor Hall, Colorado College. Colorado Springs, Colorado." 930 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- Printed on front "Montgomery Hall, Colorado College. Colorado Springs, Colorado." 1030 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- Printed on front "Science Building, Coburn Library and Perkins Hall, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colo." 1
- Printed on front "Science Building, Colorado College, Colorado Springs." 1
- Printed with image "The building is a plain but massive and substantial structure, supplied with all the requirements of a practical education of the present day is most delightfully situated, and worthy in every respect of the rich Centennial State." 1
- Several people stand on or in front of steps to porch on large stone building, identified on back as part of Colorado College. Car is parked at right. 1
- Several young men wearing jackets or sweaters playing baseball in front of large wood-frame building, identified on back as Beta House at Colorado College located at 106 E. Rafael. (The house has been razed.) Four other young men watch from porch behind. 1
- Spreading stone building with trees in front, identified on back as Perkins Hall at Colorado College. 1
- Stone building with bay window, shaded by trees, identified n back as Colorado College President's Home. Hose with sprinkler is watering lawn alongside path. 1
- View of Coburn Library at Colorado College. Several young men sit on steps of porch, while two girls sit on grass in front. 1
- View of Cutler Hall alone on the plains in front of Pikes Peak. 912 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- View of Cutler Hall at Colorado College after the North wing was added. Building under construction is visible in background. Cheyenne Mountain is visible in distance. 1
- View of Cutler Hall with students on steps and Pikes Peak in background. 912 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- View of entrance to Planetarium with dome behind and other building entrances alongside. 1
- View of the building's front entrance. The location is identified as 920 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- View of the interior of Shove Chapel showing altar, organ and rose window. 1
- View of the swimming pool at Colorado College showing arched ceiling and windows in front overlooking buildings across the street. Water is plashing in three swimming lanes in the foreground. 1
- View of wall with windows added to stone face of building identified on back as Coburn Library at Colorado College. 1
- Woman walks on planks across muddy street with large building and manicured lawns behind on the campus of Denver University. 1
- Women pose on the front steps and porch of large stone building, identified on back as Ticknor Hall. Photo is numbered 230 on print. 926 North Cascade Avenue. 1
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