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- 1939-03-09 14
- ca. 1953 10
- 1939-03-10 9
- 1939-03-13 8
- 1939-04 8
- 1939-03-14 7
- 1964 7
- 1939-04-07 6
- 1939-05 6
- 1939-03-11 5
- 1996-07 5
- 1939-03-15 4
- 1939-03-28 4
- 1939-04-04 4
- 1939-04-05 4
- 1939-04-11 4
- 1939-04-17 4
- 1939-04-21 4
- 1939-04-26 4
- 1996-06 4
- 1996-08 4
- ca. 1959 4
- 1939-03-25 3
- 1939-03-29 3
- 1939-03-31 3
- 1939-04-13 3
- 1962-07 3
- ca. 1975 3
- 1896-1899 2
- 1939-03-12 2
- 1939-03-16 2
- 1939-03-18 2
- 1939-03-20 2
- 1939-03-21 2
- 1939-03-22 2
- 1939-03-27 2
- 1939-04-01 2
- 1939-05-07 2
- 1939-05-15 2
- ca. 1899 2
- ca. 1900 2
- 1900-08-31 1
- 1900-09-14 1
- 1900-12-16 1
- 1901-05-23 1
- 1911-04-08 1
- 1917-11-05 1
- 1918-04-01 1
- 1922-1923 1
- 1928-01-22 1
- 1939 1
- 1939-03-07 1
- 1939-03-08 1
- 1939-03-17 1
- 1939-03-23 1
- 1939-03-24 1
- 1939-04-10 1
- 1939-04-24 1
- 1939-05-01 1
- 1939-05-03 1
- 1939-05-08 1
- 1939-05-10 1
- 1939-05-13 1
- 1939-05-16 1
- 1939-05-20 1
- 1950 1
- 1957-11 1
- 1961-09 and 1964-09 1
- 1962-after 1964 1
- 1963-05 1
- 1969-02-05 1
- 1973 1
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- ca. 1917 1
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- Members of the the Kenneth Albert Neeley Contracting company at work on Slocum Hall, Colorado College. 4
- Location was 227-231 North Nevada Avenue. View of the back of the building which faced Nevada Avenue. 3
- A view looking west of the partial removal of the roof of the Antlers Garage during the demolition of the structure. 2
- Steel beams prop up the front facade of the entrance of the Antlers Garage that was retained during the demolition of the structure. 2
- A Wandell & Lowe Transfer & Storage Co. cargo truck backed up to the J.C. Penney CO. and Stewart Bros. Photo building, loaded with crates. 1
- A Wandell & Lowe Transfer & Storage Co. cargo truck backed up to the J.C. Penney CO. and Stewart Bros. Photo building, loaded with crates. Two men are posing beside the truck. 1
- A front-end loader is parked adjacent to the fenced-in front facade of the entrance of the Antlers Garage that was retained during the demolition of the structure. 1
- A group of people in the foreground view the demolition of the second Antlers Hotel. Taken from the south lawn of Antlers Park looking north, St. Mary's Cathedral, 1905 Carnegie Library, and Marksheffel Garage are in the background. 1
- A tracked shovel crane and two trucks are parked in the alley south of the Stewart Bros. photo store site. "J.C. Penney CO." sign is laying on the sidewalk barricade. "3-15 9 AM" is hand written at the bottom of the photo. 1
- A view looking west take from the upper parking lot of Penrose Library of the removal of the roof of the Antlers Garage during demolition. Pikes Peak and foothills are seen in the distance. 1
- Alley view of boiler being prepared for removal from Stewarts Engraving building. Two men positioning a wooden plank under boiler. "May 15" hand written at bottom of photo. 1
- Basement view of the demolition of Stewart Bros Engraving and J. C. Penney Co. buildings on Tejon Street after the fire. Workmen and two trucks are present. "10th 5 1
- Brick masons constructing the south wall of the Stewart Bros. Photo Shop at 17 N. Tejon Street. First National Bank building is seen in the background. "APRIL 7" is hand written at the bottom of the photo. 1
- Broadmoor Hotel in mid-stages of construction with construction debris in the foreground. "Broadmoor Hotel / No. 15 Nov. 5, 1917 / James Stewart & Co., Inc. Contractors / Warren & Wetmore Architects" written on bottom right of print. 1
- Building under construction reflected in standing water. "33" hand-written in lower right corner. 1
- Construction crew building the Colorado Springs City Hall pauses to pose for a photo with granite blocks of the partially competed building and jib cranes in the background. The architect, Thomas MacLaren, stands fourth from the left, bottom row. 1
- Construction crew poses among erected steel girders with a boiler in the background during the early stages of construction on the Exchange National Bank. 1
- Construction of Colorado Springs High School 1
- Construction of the Satellite Apartment Hotel building. 1
- Demolition of the Alta Vista Hotel on 118 North Cascade Avenue. Photograph taken from the back of building. A 955H Traxcavator Crawler Loader is in operation in the foreground. 1
- Demolition of the Chapman Mortuary at the corner of Bijou Street and Cascade Avenue. Two late-1940s automobiles are parked in front of the building. Razed by Guy Titus and Son. 1
- Demolition of the second Antlers Hotel facing west. The south wing of the hotel had already been demolished at the time of the photo. A crane and wrecking ball can be seen in the photo. 1
- Detail view of the steel post and beam structure in the J.C. Penney Co. building at 19-23 N. Tejon. A workman is standing on a beam "3-28-39" is hand written at the bottom right of the photo. 1
- Everett S. Bishop, foreman for Kenneth A. Neeley, masonary contractor. Shove Chapel in background. 1
- Four men labeled Dopey, Grumpy, Bashful, and Sleepy assist with construction at the new Stewart Brothers building at 17 N. Tejon. 1
- Ground-mounted jib cranes are being used for the construction of stone foundations and assembly of steel-beam stirring apparatus for pits containing finely crushed ore and mixed with cyanide solution used to refine gold ore at this reduction mill. 1
- Interior of the Antlers Garage during removal of the roof during the demolition process. A small front-end loader, dumpster and pile of debris are seen in the area. 1
- Location identifed as 21 East Pikes Peak Avenue. Three dump trucks are lined up amid the demolition of the Chief Theater. View from back of building. The Mining Exchange building is visible in the background. 1
- Looking at the Tejon Street side of the barrier wall in front of the Stewart Brothers Engraving and the J.C. Penney Co. building site. "3-10 4 1
- Looking down on the demolition of the J. C. Penney Co. building at 19-23 North Tejon Street. Workmen are on the roof and in the wreckage of the building. "3-10 11 1
- Looking down on the floor joist of the new J.C. Penney CO. building. "3-29" hand written at the bottom of the photo. 1
- Looking north from Colorado Avenue behind the demolition of Giuseppe's and the Cotton Club which research indicates were located on the southwest corner of Cascade Ave and Colorado Avenue (Giuseppe’s at 122 S. Cascade and Cotton Club at 25 W. Colorado). 1
- Looking up at two workmen setting roof joist on the steel beams of the Stewart Bros. Photo and J.C. Penney Co. building at 17, 19-23 No. Tejon Street. "4-19th" hand written at the bottom of the photo. 1
- Members of the the Kenneth Albert Neeley Contracting company at work on Slocum Hall, Colorado College. Several workers are visible in the foreground and on the building in the background. 1
- Members of the the Kenneth Albert Neeley Contracting company at work on Slocum Hall, Colorado College. Frank Bueltel stands in doorway. 1
- Members of the the Kenneth Albert Neeley Contracting company at work on Slocum Hall, Colorado College. Frank Bueltel stands in open area near building. 1
- Members of the the Kenneth Albert Neeley Contracting company at work on Slocum Hall, Colorado College. Frank Bueltel was the job superintendent. 1
- Members of the the Kenneth Albert Neeley Contracting company at work on Slocum Hall, Colorado College. Work crew included Adam Bosch and Thomas Robb as foreman. 1
- Men Constructing the new J. C. Penney Co. building on Tejon Street. "May 1" hand written at the bottom right of the photo. 1
- Men working on large buildings with metal beams, possibly Victor or Cripple Creek after the fires. 1
- Men working on large buildings with metal beams, possibly Victor or Cripple Creek after the fires. Other men stand on brick buildings in background or on rocky hillside at right. Small buildings are visible on hillside in distance. 1
- Ore dump trestle under construction with workers visible atop the structure in the background. 1
- Rebuilding. 1
- Rooftop view of the newly constructed J. C. Penney Co. building on Tejon Street. Single workman standing at the front of the building. "May 8" hand written at bottom right of photo. 1
- Starting the Shoup residence. 1
- Steel beams prop up the back of the wall of the facade of the entrance of the Antlers Garage that was retained during the demolition of the structure. A backhoe loader is parked next to the wall. 1
- Steel posts and beams supporting wood floor joist for the first floor installed in the basement of the new J.C. Penney Co. building. "3-29r 11AM" hand written at the bottom right of the photo. 1
- Stratton Building under construction located at the northeast corner of Tejon Street and Huerfano [later renamed Colorado Avenue]. Several pedestrians are in the foreground. 1
- Tejon Street view of the J.C. Penney CO. and Stewart Bros. Signs in the windows read "Store Front, Construction, Pikes Peak, Glass & Paint Co." Previous buildings on this site were destroyed by fire on February 14, 1939. 1
- Tejon Street view of the J.C. Penney Co. and Stewart Brother's building under construction. First floor is protected by a wooden barricade, painted with the companies advertising. "May 3" is hand written at the bottom right of the photo. 1
- The location of the store is identified as 102 East Pikes Peak Avenue. The Busy Corner Rexall Drug Store was previously located here. A dump truck is backed up to the demolition site. 1
- The south wall of the new J.C. Penney Co. building is visible facing the alley. "May 8" is hand written at bottom right of the photo. A pickup truck is visible at the entrance to the alley. 1
- Thickeners under construction over chlorination pits. 1
- Three workmen delivering crated Flourescent Lights to Stewart Brothers photo shop. 1
- Three workmen standing inside the opening in a masonry wall of the new J.C. Penney Co. building. The man in the center holds a can. Behind the men is the construction elevator. "APRIL 17th" is hand written at the bottom of the photo. 1
- Twelve ball mills used for the grinding of ore at a reduction mill are stacked on large wooden beams adjacent to a rail line. Ground-mounted jib cranes are visible in the background. 1
- Two girls standing on a staircase in the midst of a demolition near the 1400 block of South Tejon Street. 1
- Two men Unloading crates from a stake bed truck beside a street light stanchion. 1
- Two men wearing Sport Coats and ties, appearing to operate a cement mixer in the alley opposite the J.C. Penney Co. building. "Sneezy" and "Happy" are hand written beside the two men. 1
- Two men working with a boiler outside the S.H. Kress building. "May 16" hand written on the open door. 1
- View down into the basement of the Stewart Bros. and J.C. Penney Co. building where workmen, a Steam Shovel, Bull Dozer, and a dump truck are working. Spectators are standing in the alley. "13th 8 1
- View down into the basement of the Stewart Bros. shop where workmen are setting forms for the footers for the concrete basement walls. "17th 11 AM" is hand written at the bottom right of the photo. 1
- View from alley of the J.C. Penney CO. building after the February 15, 1939 fire. Brick wall broken out and boarded up with a wooden door. "3-7-39" hand written on side of photo. 1
- View from the alley of a corner of the new Stewart Bros. Photo and J.C. Penney Co. building. A stake bed truck loaded with crates is backed up in front of the Stewart's store. 1
- View from the alley of a group of workmen demolishing the Stewart Bros. Photo store. A dump truck is parking at the rear of Stewart's. A sign on a wooden barricade reads "Danger Keep Off". Hand written at the bottom of the photo is "3-9 3 1
- View from the alley of a tracked shovel crane loading trash into a Ford dump truck. Workmen and spectators standing in the alley "3-10 10 1
- View from the alley of the demolition of the Stewart Brothers and J. C. Penney Co. buildings. On the site are workmen, a Pinello Brothers flatbed truck, a steam shovel, a bulldozer and a smaller truck. 1
- View into the basement of the J.C. Penney CO. building where workmen are setting steel posts and beams to support the first floor. Steel posts and beams are laying on the basement floor. "3-27- 11 AM" is hand written at the bottom right of the photo. 1
- View looking at the demolition of Stewart Brothers and part of the J.C. Penney Co. buildings. Fire occurred February 15, 1939 burning 19-23 North Tejon Street. "3-9-1 1
- View looking down into the first floor of the new J.C. Penney Co. building. Some of the scaffolding has been removed from the north masonry wall. Steel posts and beam are laying on the floor. "4-4th" is hand written at the bottom of the photo. 1
- View looking down on floor joist and sub-flooring of the first floor at east end of the new J.C. Penney Co. building. "4-4th" is hand written at the bottom of the photo. 1
- View looking down on the completed first floor of the new J.C. Penney Co. building. Steel to support the successive floors is laying on the first floor. "3-31 11 AM" is hand written at the bottom right of the photo. 1
- View looking down on the concrete basement walls for the new J.C. Penney Co. at 19-23 N. Tejon Street. About eleven men are working in the basement. "24 11 AM" is hand written at the bottom of the photo. 1
- View looking down on the first floor joist laid on the steel posts and beams of the new J.C. Penney Co. building. Spectators standing in the alley. "3- 29-11 AM" hand written at the bottom right of the photo. 1
- View looking down on the scaffolding on the south masonry wall of the new Stewart Bros. Photo shop. Steel beams are laying on the first floor. "4-7th" is hand written at the bottom of the photo. 1
- View looking down on workmen demolishing the Stewart Brothers Photo shop at 17 N. Tejon. It was damaged by the February 14, 1939 fire in the J.C. Penney building at 19-23 N. Tejon. "3-9 11 1
- View looking down on workmen demolishing the Stewart Brothers Photo shop at 17 N. Tejon. It was damaged by the February 14, 1939 fire in the J.C. Penney building at 19-23 N. Tejon. "3-9 1 1
- View looking down on workmen demolishing the Stewart Brothers Photo shop at 17 N. Tejon. It was damaged by the February 14, 1939 fire in the J.C. Penney building at 19-23 N. Tejon. "3-9 3 1
- View looking down on workmen unloading steel beams and round steel columns from a flatbed truck in the alley. "3-25 3 PM" is hand written at the bottom right of the photo. 1
- View looking down on workmen unloading steel beams and steel round columns from a flatbed truck in the alley. "3-25 3 PM" is hand written at the bottom right of the photo. 1
- View looking northeast at two workmen applying a hot tar and roll roofing on the new J.C. Penney Co. building at 19-23 N. Tejon Street. Another workman is standing next to more roofing rolls. "APRIL 21" is hand written at the bottom right of the photo. 1
- View looking northeast inside the J.C. Penney Co. building at the steel posts and beams that will support the new structure. Several workmen, stacks of lumber and steel posts are on the first floor. "APRIL 7" is hand written at the bottom of the photo. 1
- View looking northeast into the basement excavation for the new J.C. Penney CO. building. A shovel crane is dropping dirt into a dump truck. Bulldozer parked in front of the truck. "2 PM SUN 12" hand written at bottom right of photo. 1
- View looking northeast into the basement excavation for the new J.C. Penney CO. building. Steam shovel has just dropped dirt into a dump truck. Two businessmen standing in front of the truck. "12th 2 1
- View looking northwest at the roof structure of the new Stewart Bros. Photo and J.C. Penney Co. buildings at 17, 19-23 N. Tejon Street. "APRIL 26" is hand written at the bottom left of the photo. 1
- View looking west at the roof structure of the new Stewart Bros. Photo shop at 17 N. Tejon Street. Electric lights in the foreground suggest work was also being conducted at night. "APRIL 26" is hand written at the bottom of the photo. 1
- View looking west down the alley at the south wall of the new Stewart Bros. Photo shop at 17 N. Tejon Street. An International stake truck, pile of sand, cement mixer and stacks of bricks are seen in the alley. 1
- View northeast into the basement of the new J.C. Penney CO. building. South basement forms in the foreground. Workmen can be seen on the site. "22 11 AM" is hand written at the bottom of the photo. 1
- View of Union Printers Home Hospital Annex being moved to make room for expansion of the main building. Horse-drawn wagon is alongside building, with workers standing alongside. Piles of timbers are in front of building. 1
- View of a Steam Shovel moving an "I" Beam in the basement of the Stewart Brothers and J.C. Penney CO. buildings. Bull Dozer blade and a flat bed truck in the Foreground. "11 5 PM" is hand written at the bottom of the photo. 1
- View of a dump truck in the alley and steam shovel on the site of Stewart Bros. Photo Shop. Workmen are seen in the alley and on the roof of the J.C. Penney Co. building. Hand written at the bottom of the photo is "3-10 8 1
- View of a partially demolished building. A Chas. Adams Excavating company crane is in the foreground. 1
- View of a partially demolished building. A Chas. Adams Excavating company crane is in the foreground. 1
- View of a partially demolished structure. 1
- View of an Antlers Hotel tower being demolished. 1
- View of basement for new J.C. Penney Co. building. Bulldozer, steam shovel and workmen are seen in the basement. Entrance to the previous J.C. Penney Co. building has not yet been demolished. "3-14 6 PM" is hand written at bottom of the photo. 1
- View of basement for the new J. C. Penney Co. building. Workmen in the basement installing the diagonal wooden braces to shore up the alley. "3-14 5 PM" hand written at bottom of the photo. 1
- View of basement for the new J.C. Penney Co. building. Workmen, bulldozer and steam shovel seen in the basement. Entrance way for the old J.C. Penney Co. building has not yet been demolished. "3-14 5 PM" hand written at the bottom of the photo. 1
- View of basement of the new J. C. Penney Co. building. J.C. Penney Co. sign laying on sidewalk across Tejon Street. "16th 11 AM" hand written at the bottom right of photo. 1
- View of seven men setting the roof joist of the new J.C. Penney Co. building at 19-23 N. Tejon Street. Lumber is seen stacked on the first floor. Masonry wall at the right is the Kress building. "4 7th" is hand written at the bottom right of the photo. 1
- View of steel building frame. 1
- View of the J.C. Penney CO. building showing posts for three floors and beams for the first floor. "3-28 11 AM" is hand written at the bottom right of the photo. 1
- View of the building site located at the intersection of the east-west and north-south alleys behind Stewart Bros. building. Berwick Electronic pickup truck is parked in the north-south alley. 1
- View of the completed first floor of the new J.C. Penney Co. building. Steel posts in place for the second floor and steel beams laying on the first floor. "3-31 11 AM" hand written at the bottom right of the photo. 1
- View of the demolition of Stewart Brothers and J.C. Penney Co. buildings. On the site are a Pinelo Brothers flatbed trailer, a steam shovel and another truck, and several workmen. "11th 4PM" is hand written at the bottom right of the photo. 1
- View of the demolition of the J. C. Penney Co. building at 19-23 North Tejon Street. Workmen, Pinello Brothers flatbed truck, Steam Shovel, Bull Dozer and a truck are seen amongst the debris. "11th 4 PM" is hand written at the bottom right of the photo. 1
- View of the rear of the J.C. Penney Co. building after the 1939 fire, taken from the north-south alley. A Berwick Electric pickup truck us parked in the alley. 1
- View of the roof of the J.C. Penney Co. and Stewart Bros. Photo building at 17, 19-23 N. Tejon Street. Construction elevator is foreground center. Bricks and steel window frames are stacked on the roof. Photo is out of focus. 1
- View of the roof of the J.C. Penney Co. and Stewart Bros. Photo building. Construction elevator is foreground left. Bricks and steel window frames are stacked on the roof. Photo is out of focus. 1
- View of the site of the new J.C. Penney Co. building which was damaged by fire on February 15, 1939. Men and dump truck standing in the alley. "3-9 3 1
- View of the south wall of the Stewart Bros. Photo shop at 17 N. Tejon Street. Two workmen, a pile of sand, a cement mixer and a wheelbarrow are seen in the alley. "APRIL 7" is hand written at the bottom left of the photo. 1
- View of three men and a Steam Shovel dumping a load of dirt into a dump truck in the basement of the Stewart Bros. and J.C. Penney CO. building. "13th 8 1
- View of two men setting the roof joist of the new J.C. Penney Co. building at 17, 19-23 N. Tejon Street. Masonry wall at the right is the Kress building. "4 7th" is hand written at the bottom right of the photo. 1
- View of wood forms for the concrete foundation walls being constructed for the new J.C. Penney Co. building. White panel truck and spectators in the alley. "20 11 AM" hand written at the bottom of the photo. 1
- Wall with scaffolding at the J.C. Penney Co. building at 19-23 N. Tejon Street. "APRIL 17th" hand written near bottom of the photo. 1
- Worker carries boards in what appears to be a demolition site 1
- Workmen building the first floor on the new Stewart Bros. Photo and J.C. Penney CO. building. Spectators standing in the alley. "3-29" hand written on the bottom right of the photo. 1
- Workmen installing the diagonal wood braces to shore up the alley next to the new J.C. Penney Co. building. Bull dozer is seen in the basement. "3-14 5 PM" is hand written at the bottom right of the photo. 1
- Workmen placing wood sheathing on the roof joist of Stewart Bros. Photo shop and J.C. Penney Co. building at 17, 19-23 N. Tejon Street. "4-13th" is hand written at the bottom right of the photo. 1
- Workmen standing at the entrance of the new J.C. Penney Co. building. Two electric floor grinders are seen behind the workman. "May 8" is hand written at the bottom right of the photo. 1
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