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- 1948-01-31 3
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- 1972-08 2
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- 2005-05-17 2
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- 4730 North Nevada Avenue 2
- 504 North Nevada Avenue. 2
- 1320 Wood Avenue. Fireplace in Lawrence Bodribb residence. First appeared in city directory in 1938. 1
- 1523 Wood Avenue. Residence of C. P. Bennett. 1
- A clear vase of daffodils placed on a rough plywood tabletop. Photograph appears in "O'Keeffe at Abiquiu" by Christine Taylor Patten on page 75. 1
- A young girl stands behind her new doll and baby carriage. A trunk sits under the lit Christmas tree, and a fire burns in the hearth. 1
- Adobe fireplace in corner of room with two lamps and clock perched on top. 1
- An example of gardener Estiben Suazo's handiwork. Photograph appears in "O'Keeffe at Abiquiu" by Christine Taylor Patten on page 74. 1
- Corner fireplace at right of wooden door into old meeting house with wooden floors and beamed ceilings. Man's hat is sitting on top of fireplace. Photo identified on back. 1
- Dining room with fireplace to the left and dining table with chairs to the right. Above the fireplace is a stuffed and mounted long horn sheep's head. Along the wall near the head are numerous plates and cups. 1
- Fireplace at the residence of Dr. Edwin Solly, 323 E. Bijou Street. Research in available Colorado Springs City Directories indicates that the only year Dr. Solly resided at this address was 1898. 1
- Fireplace with decorative grill, photos on mantel and tiles around. Note on back reads "may be Van Briggle tile in fireplace." House identified on back as 300 East Dale Street. 1
- Fireplace, desk, mantle clock. Printed on bottom right "7. Photo. By CL McClure. Denver". 1
- Group of young men seated on the floor of basement hall in the YMCA building, facing a fireplace. 1
- Hall fireplace in residence of H. B. Davis. 1
- Helen Stote (Free Press) and Marshall Morin looking at one of the fireplaces in the McAllister House during preparations prior to opening. 1
- Identified as the fireplace in the library of a residence at 1830 Wood Avenue. 1
- Identified on back 1
- Interior detail of fireplace in Gwynne/Love House, 730 North Cascade Avenue, at West Dale Street. 1
- Interior of Trianon, now the Colorado Springs School. A home library with carved bookshelves lining the walls. Upholstered furniture and a coffee table are positioned near a fireplace. A chandelier hangs from the ceiling. 1
- Interior view of the building. Photo is numbered 183 on bottom right corner. Fireplace scene with tables and chairs. Religious photographs hanging on the wall. Clock on mantle. 1
- Man holding book seated in front of fireplace. Photo identified on back as "Andy Adams sitting before a Colorado fireplace - believed to be at Turkey Creek Ranch." 1
- Marble fireplace in Hampton Room [North side upper floor] in the Carnegie Building adjacent to Penrose Public Library in downtown Colorado Springs. Fire extinguisher hangs on wall at right. Atlas case is at left. 1
- Office area with stone fireplace, Three Springs Ranch. 1
- Orrie, Helen Stewart and family in living room. 1
- Photograph appears in "O'Keeffe at Abiquiu" by Christine Taylor Patten on page 75. 1
- Printed on front "Mantel in sales room - Van Briggle Pottery, Colorado Springs." 1
- Several young men and boys in a recreation room with pool tables, reading tables with chairs, fireplace and lounge chairs. Four young men playing pool. Pictures hanging on the walls. Sign on the back wall reads "|Twilight Club."| 1
- Sitting room of house with fireplace flanked by bookcases, bentwood rocker and upholstered chairs. Clock, two vases and two small sculptures of cats are on mantel. 1
- View of fireplace with carved wood mantelpiece with mirror, ceramic bricks and decorative ironwork. Part of stained glass window is reflected in mirror. Photo identified as "Grace Ch. House, NE corner Willamette and Tejon." 1
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