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- Mayor Bob is told by cowboy growth "Naw. You shouldn't have to bargain with him. We can always ski, right, Mayor Isaac?" City is fenced in on all sides by military and mountains. 1
- Panel 1. Calf ropes cowboy. Panel 2. Tornado warning. Go to your basement! Watch out for floods. Splash. Panel 3. General John W. Hudachek finds Mort Walker's Bettle Bailey at Fort Carson. 1
- Panel 1. Governor Romer wants to send Doug Bruce to north pole. Panel 2. Little boy warns Santa about parking his sleigh in driveway. Panel 3. Ratterree's huge bandaid for scar on the mountain. Panel 4 Ft. Carson drug counselor gave at office. 1
- Panel 1. US Military Base Cut missile flies over Fort Carson and heads toward California. Whew! Panel 2. Prison officials can't break out the bars to the prison reform jail. House Judiciary committee holds fast with politics sheriff guardin 1
- Proposed Fort Carson tank training exercises may go to Fort Bliss hell. Well, it is down range. 1
- Representative Ray Kogovsek holds the keys to Fort Carson expansion. He can opt to release a bunch of money for expansion or stop it. That's power. 1
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- Periodical2
- Photograph158
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- 1987-06-15 13
- 1996-07-15 9
- 1963-08-15 8
- 1995-07-14 7
- 1963-03-10 6
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- 1970-05-04 6
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- Aerial photograph of Fort Carson in Colorado, photo facing southeast. Construction of several buildings can be seen near the center of the photo. 3
- Aerial photograph of Fountain, Colorado, photo facing west. Interstate 25 travels through the photo, just below center. Fountain Creek flows through the lower portion of the photo. 3
- Aerial photograph of Colorado State Highway 115 in Colorado Springs, photo facing north. Highway 115 travels up the center of the photo. Fort Carson can be seen in the bottom right corner of the photo. 2
- Aerial photograph of Fountain, Colorado, photo facing northwest. Interstate 25 travels diagonally up the photo from the bottom left corner with Fountain Creek to the east (right in the photo). Fort Carson is visible in the distance at the top of the photo. 2
- Aerial photograph of Fountain, Colorado, photo facing southwest. Interstate 25 travels through the middle of the photo with Fountain Creek to the east (below in the photo). 2
- Aerial photograph of Fort Carson and the Stratmoor Hills neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing north. Academy Boulevard travels through the photo, below center. Part of Fort Carson can be seen at the bottom of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of Fort Carson in Colorado Springs, photo facing south. Academy Boulevard travels through the photo, just below center. Part of the Stratmoor Hills neighborhood can be seen at the bottom of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of Fort Carson in Colorado, photo facing northwest. 1
- Aerial photograph of Fort Carson, Colorado, photo facing south. Military personnel can be seen lined up near the center of the photo, with spectators visible on the left side of the photo. Military vehicles can be seen right of center in the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of Fort Carson, Colorado, photo facing west. Military personnel can be seen lined up near the center of the photo, with spectators visible on the right side of the photo. Medical tents can be seen in the lower left corner of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of Fountain, Colorado, photo facing north. Interstate 25 travels down the center of the photo. Fountain Creek flows down the right side of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of Fountain, Colorado, photo facing northwest. Interstate 25 travels down the center of the photo. Fountain Creek flows down the right side of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of Fountain, Colorado, photo facing northwest. Interstate 25 travels down the left side of the photo. Fountain Creek flows down the center of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of Fountain, Colorado, photo facing northwest. Interstate 25 travels through the lower portion of the photo with Fountain Creek to the east (below in the photo). 1
- Aerial photograph of Norad Road in Colorado Springs, photo facing south. Norad Rd travels through the lower portion of the photo. Colorado State Highway 115 travels diagonally up the left side of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of Security Widefield, Colorado, photo facing northwest. US Highway 85-87 travels through the middle of the photo with Fountain Creek to the west (above in the photo). Fort Carson is visible in the distance at the top of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Stratmoor Hills neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing southeast. Interstate 25 is visible in the upper left area of the photo. Fort Carson is visible in the top right corner of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Stratmoor Hills neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing southwest. B Street travels up the photo from the bottom left corner of the photo. Fort Carson can be seen in the upper left area of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Stratmoor Hills neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing southwest. Interstate 25 runs along the bottom of the photo. Fort Carson is visible in the upper left area of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Stratmoor Hills neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing southwest. Interstate 25 travels through the photo, just below center. Fort Carson is visible in the top left corner of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Stratmoor Hills neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing west. Interstate 25 travels through the lower portion of the photo. 1
- Fort Carson from Cheyenne Mountain. 1
- Fort Carson soldiers pack up gear. 1
- Row of soldiers field training on automatic weapons. 1
- Trick rider Montie Montana and his horse visit wounded soldiers in the Fort Carson Hospital prior to the Pikes Peak or Bust Rodeo. 1
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