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- American liberals sent lots of support to Sandinistas in Nicaragua. 1
- Caption "Another difference between the USA and the Soviet Union". Panel 1. We hear classical music and know it's beautiful. Panel 2. Soviet People hear classical music and wonder who died. 1
- Caption "The Wall's First Casualty." is the Liberals' "Moral Equivalence" argument. [The Berlin Wall has fallen] 1
- China and USSR lizards are eating eggs in Freedom's nest while U.S. eagle fights snake in Iraq. 1
- Congress keeps chipping away on Freedom's eagle 2nd amendment leg. As they work to narrow gun rights on the 2nd amendment it's also affecting the 1st amendment leg. The whole thing could fall down. 1
- Family going to church hears a question raised by their daughter, Dad, what does freedom cost? Shadows of many ghost soldiers from America's past guard the path for the family to worship as they choose. 1
- Freedom fighters from foreign lands [Angola and Afghanistan] need to be careful when they come to America to ask for aid. We have a lot of liberals in our government. 1
- Gorby is walking tightrope from totalitarianism to freedom. US citizens wonder why Bush is not meeting him halfway. Bush says, Why? 1
- I don't know why this cartoon was rejected. US Congress won't approve aid (bullets) to Contra fighters unless they show power. How do freedom fighters show power without ammo? 1
- It's Veteran's Day. Sometimes we forget what they do to keep Americans free. A battlefield view is just a reminder. 1
- Liberty weeps when hearing kids see no difference between the United States and Soviet Union...none worth fighting for. 1
- Little girl asks dad what Memorial Day is about. Cloud of witness soldier sadly look down from the clouds at Government growth. They gave their lives for freedom...not the ever growing welfare state. 1
- Nicaraguan freedom being tossed by Sandinistas, Ortega at bat, 1
- Panel 1"The Secret of President Reagan's successful economic program." Freedom eagle is flying off. Panel 2. "How Michael Dukakis expects to do better." Shows eagle trying to fly with a management chain attached. 1
- Panel 1-4. President George W. Bush and his administration are working hard to start a fire of freedom in Iraq. Congress should show a little patience with that project. It might produce warmth and light. 1
- Panel 1-4. The Iwo Jima, raising-the-flag image depicts the U.S. is planting the flag on the neck of Terrorist activities everywhere with the reelection of President George W. Bush. 1
- Panel 1. Colorado College students poke fun at Reagan's nuclear defense plan. That's called Freedom of Expression . Panel 2. Soldiers devote their lives to defend the Constitution. That's an expression of freedom. 1
- Panel 1. Everyone loves to see the flag pass by. Panel 2. Then no smoking signs... Panel 3. Next, gun ban slogans... Panel 4. Gay prided... Panel 5. Finally, signs prohibiting religion...Notice a trend here? 1
- Panel 1. Victorious Gulf War Soldier gets numerous "Thank you" messages from Iraqi women and children. Panel 2. He returns to his tent... Panel 3. ...puts down his weapon... Panel 4. ...sits on his cot... Panel 5. ...and gives thanks to the Lord. 1
- Panel 1. What America USED to stand for 1
- Panel 1. Grandpa and family are watching a soccer game. Panel 2. Grandpa says, "Thanks." Panel 3. Granddaughter asks him who is talking to. Panel 4. Gramps sees a whole lot of soldiers who died to make this day happen. 1
- Panel 1. In 1884 France gave America the Statue of Liberty. Panel 2. Today, France gave the people of Iraq a fence to lock them in and note saying, "They can't handle freedom." 1
- Panel 1. Most American soldiers probably think the United States of America is worth fighting for. Panel 2. Iraqi troops might want to rethink fighting for their tyrant Saddam Hussein. 1
- Peacemakers Foundation uses children to sew a peace flag out of US flag, depleting freedom. Katya child shown. 1
- President George H. W. Bush shows up late to the Baltic States recognition party. He wonders if his buddy Gorbachev is there. 1
- President Reagan as the tin man holding a freedom ax. Ollie North is applying Contra Support oil. 1
- Saudi man sleeps like a log between two with a terrorist and the other with lady liberty. Uncle Sam doesn't know how he does that. 1
- South African president Mandela is pulling people out of the Pit of Apartheid. Now he has an opportunity to lead them on a paved road to the prison called Socialism" or to the dirt road called, "Freedom." 1
- Soviet bear with sword raised, tickles freedom liberty lady with SDI shield raised with feather. 1
- Starving countries, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia looking for freedom, Cuba, Nicaragua, El Salvador crawling for Marxism 1
- Tank turned over by people wave, freedom flag. Dictator Ceausescu was executed the next day. 1
- The Ayatollah Khomeini has a headache while troops try to keep Iranian freedom protesters out. 1
- Two panels 1
- USSR and Sandinistas about to spear Nicaraguan freedom. US liberals stepping on Contra aid sword. 1
- Within hours of President Reagan's inauguration, the vulture Ayatollah returned US hostages. Eagle home coming. Original given to Kay Dingwell. 1
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