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- 3369 N. Academy Boulevard. Woman (Karen Gardner) holding vase of flowers is reflected in a wall mirror. 1
- Armchair in corner of carpeted room with posters on wall behind, radio perched on cardboard liquor boxes alongside, and lamp on floor next to newspaper. 1
- Bedroom in Miramont Castle (Montcalme Sanitarium) showing four-poster bed, fireplace and chairs. 1
- Entrance hall of Dr. B. F. D. Adams house on Cascade Avenue, with two large armchairs, patterned carpet on hardwood floors and wooden staircase with carpeted runner and decorative carved wooden screen at right. Title written on print. 1
- Interior of hallway at Stewart House, now owned by Colorado College, showing oriental rugs, main staircase with ornately carved banisters and wood paneling. 1228 Wood Avenue. 1
- Interior of residence at 614 North Nevada Avenue, showing view of three rooms with furnishings, fireplaces and staircase. 1
- Interior of sunroom, identified on back as "Ralph Giddings Residence by Colo. Gardens, Colo. Spgs." with wire furniture, potted plants and striped awnings. 1
- Large pier mirror flanked by two straight-backed chairs and two portraits on wall. Crystal chandelier is visible in upper right. Wallpaper has fleur-de-lis pattern. 1
- Myron Wood's living room at 413 E. Bijou Street with tables covered with papers, boxes of photographs, a piano at right and couch covered with photographs in back. Photo identified on back. 1
- Room in Glen Eyrie with low molded ceiling, paneled walls and comfortable armchair. Paintings hang on walls at right; large fireplace visible at left. Note on back reads "perhaps library." 1
- Sitting room of house with fireplace flanked by bookcases, bentwood rocker and upholstered chairs. Clock, two vases and two small sculptures of cats are on mantel. 1
- Small round table with lace tablecloth, glass lamp and decorative glassware in front of window with lace curtains. Small shelf with thread spools and embroidery scissors is on wall next to window. Photo not identified on print. 1
- Small upright organ with hand-carved bench and detailing, identified on back as in William McGlone home in Central City. 1
- View of Book Hall in Glen Eyrie, showing windows in background, large chandelier suspended from arched ceiling, and draped grandfather clock in background. 1
- View of interior of Thomas Cusack residence showing fireplace with cherub frieze, ornate ceiling and pilasters. A metal chandelier hangs over ornately-carved table, and lamp with fringed shade stands next to armchair in background. 1
- View of the Book Hall in Glen Eyrie, showing bookcases, tables and chairs, rugs on floors and chandeliers in arched ceiling. Elk head is mounted on wall at left. Two framed paintings flank doorway in center. 1
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