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- Democrats see tax cut babies as a problem. He/she doesn't fit in with their big government family. The GOP elephant is overjoyed when the democrat donkey drops this baby at their doorstep. Limited government types love tax cut babies. 1
- It looks like almost everyone in Congress is marching to beat of the same drummer. Republicans and Democrats favor minimum wage hikes. The revolution for limited government is over. 1
- It's hard to find a GOP candidate who favors less government control nowadays. They are like circus elephants, holding trunk to tail, going around in a circle. Republicans are lacking leadership to set a different direction. 1
- Panel 1-2. Republican voters are disappointed to find the representatives they sent to Congress to reduce the size of government are not walking the talk. The footprints they leave are just like the democrat donkey's tracks. 1
- Panel 1-4. The Republican party is a mess. They want to win elections but can't seem to tell the electorate what they will stand for. Some would stand for limited government, but that's too extreme for others (who stand for more spending). 1
- Panel 1. George Bush and John McCain are arguing over who is closer (in limited government ideas) to Thomas Jefferson. Panel 2. Alan Keyes walks past the bust of Jefferson and says, "Hi, dad." Jefferson smiles. 1
- Panel 1. It used to be..."We the People". Forefathers wrote about limiting government in the Constitution. Panel 2. Now it's..."WEE people". Small people request more government from large government leaders. They think that's great. 1
- Panel 1. Politicians are looking at a Joe Camel billboard. They hate it when tobacco companies target and try to manipulate impressionable minds. Panel 2. They miss seeing their own billboards targeting impressionable minds. That's their area. 1
- Panel 1. Republican voters always vote for the GOP elephants, who say they favor limited government. But when they get into office... Panel 2. ...they always seem to return as big porkers. 1
- Panel 1. Whenever limited government types hear the word AMTRAK they think of wasted taxpayer money....Panel 2. ...unless the government is thinking about bringing it to Pueblo and Colorado Springs. 1
- Panel 1. Democrats don't have any new ideas, they just pick, pick, pick on the popular president George W. Bush. Panel 2. Republicans don't have any new ideas. They just steal big government programs from the Democrats. Limited Government? What's that? 1
- Representative Don Young's Pork Construction Company is at work with the Democrats and pork Republicans paving the road. They've run over and crushed the GOP limited Government Platform...and don't even care. 1
- Taxpayer hands his 1040 tax return to postman. He is being crushed by a huge elephant foot. Postman says, "Aren't you thankful you voted for the party of limited government?" 1
- The Republican Platform... Panel 1. It USED to be...Limited Government was a major plank on the platform. Panel 2. NOW it's...a skinny little plank. Sad elephants. 1
- The free-spending, free-wheeling Republicans got themselves in a jam when they signed off on a pork project in Alaska. They have forgotten they got elected as limited government politicians. 1
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