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- Photograph48
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- 1320 Wood Avenue. Living room of Lawrence Bodribb residence. First appeared in city directory in 1938. 1
- A living room at the Ralph Giddings residence on North Cascade Avenue. Two upholstered sofas sit near a marble fireplace. 1
- A living room decorated with a Christmas tree at the residence of Ralph Giddings on North Cascade Avenue. 1
- A living room with a seating area, fireplace, and grand piano. Identified on the back of the photograph 1
- A living room with four wooden rocking chairs and an upholstered sofa. An electric chandelier is visible. 1
- A seating area in Reginald Fung's house showing upholstered furniture, tables, lamps, and a bookshelf. Written on the back of the photograph 1
- Fireplace, desk, mantle clock. Printed on bottom right "7. Photo. By CL McClure. Denver". 1
- Identified on the back of the photograph 1
- Info on back "Trianon, Gillis Bros. cont." 1
- Interior of home with large windows with wood frames overlooking mountain landscape. Photo identified on back as "Andersen home (Andersen Windowalls) Cascade, Colo. Gordon Ingraham, arch." 1
- Large living room with curved couch in front of huge fireplace and floor-to-ceiling windows behind. Photo identified on back as "Mrs. Spencer Penrose's "shack" - c. 1950. Jan Ruhtenberg - Arch. Cheyenne Mountain." 1
- Living room of Helen Hunt Jackson house with armchair and desk by window, ornate iron radiator and sofa at right. 1
- Living room of the house|Easter lilies juxtaposed with the 1927 painting Pansies and Forget Me Nots. Photograph appears in "O'Keeffe at Abiquiu" by Christine Taylor Patten on page 63. 1
- Main sitting room at the Trianon, now the Colorado Springs School. Typed note on back reads "Main salon looking west toward porch. I did not see any of this furniture in the Trianon last week." 1
- Man and three women sit in parlor or living room of house with wildly patterned wallpaper and carpet, velvet padded lounge and garlands over doorway. One of the women sits in room behind at table covered with white tablecloth. 1
- Man sitting in padded wooden chair and reading a book in crowded room with mantle piece at left, table piled with books, a plant and a lamp at right, and draped doorway into next room behind. Skirt of woman sitting on couch is visible at left. 1
- Music room and library with bookshelves along back wall and grand piano with bench in the center. On the piano is a framed picture of Dr. Webb placed next to a musical piece, "Tea for Two" from the 1925 stage musical "No No Nanette." 1
- Narrow room with area rugs, flowered couch, two wooden rocking chairs and fringed chandelier hanging from raftered ceiling. 1
- Orrie, Helen Stewart and family in living room. 1
- Small living room with large upright piano and rocking chair in front. Pictures and ornaments hang on walls and stand on top of piano. Note on back reads "Parlor in first ranch house at Clifford 1900." 1
- Small stucco house on hilltop with curving driveway in front and rounded glass-brick windows on side. Photograph identified on the back as the C.H. Spencer house at 104 Mesita in the Broadmoor area. 1
- Small, crowded room with large fur rug, heavy draperies on windows, and several shelves of knick-knacks in background. Couch under window is covered in large blanket and several throw pillows. This may be the home of Dr. Adams on North Cascade. 1
- View of a living room and dining room. Identified on the back of the photograph 1
- View of a living room with L-shaped sofa. Identified on the back of the photograph "Harrison house / Harry Francis, decorator / 1975". 1
- View of a parlor with fireplace, small round table, and carved wood chair. Location is identified as 215 East Uintah Street. 1
- View of living room with sunken conversation area in front of a fireplace. Written on the back of the photograph 1
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