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- (Drawing of actual sculpture in prison yard). Clyde and Marty Hogtrod are still serving time for robbery. The guy who did the sculpture, at taxpayer expense, is still on the loose.. 1
- Banner on wall "Support Your State Prisons / Play Colorado Lotto!" Two ladies walk past a very overcrowded prison. "I understand they're running out of space to house our compulsive gamblers." 1
- Bleeding Heart corrections center marshals are hunting an escapee. Dogs have caught the scent of a huge footprint. 1
- County Commissioners lock the door on new jail (HB 1405) Taxpayers are locked in. 1
- Drug Suppliers are sent to jail. Get out on the other side to the the demand side (drug users) are in stronger demand. One policeman to another "Maybe we should pay a little more attention to the demand side." 1
- Eight panels showing evolution of courtship. Short story 1
- Governor Lamm, in horse jump competition, clears Social Services barrier, Prisons barrier, education barrier but health care costs is a brick wall too high. 1
- Judge Kane seems to have some strange ideas for redecorating the State Prisons. He would rather release the known law breakers and jail the state officials for not paying more attention to the condition of the prisons. 1
- Keystone cops at FBI tell McVeigh that they are coming in with their hands up. 1
- Lotto con man, state legislature, entices public to play game to drop prisoner in prison. Step right up folks. 1
- Panel 1-2. Liberals believe shooting crimes are connected to gun violence. I'd say the crimes are committed by bad people who use guns. I'd rather see the bad guys locked up. 1
- Panel 1-4. Young man is planning for his future. He can't decide whether to go to Harvard or become a prison guard in California. Father advises him to go for the big bucks. California, ever the big spending state, pays prison guards the big bucks. 1
- Panel 1-5. Eric Rudolph, a bomber of abortion clinics, is sent to the Supermax prison. He will be housed in Florence, CO, along with other fanatical terrorist bombers. They all have something in common. 1
- Panel 1. it should be...Good guys lived in free communities and the bad guys live in prisons. Panel 2. it WILL be (if we don't fix our judicial system) Good guys will live behind high walls while the bad guys run free. 1
- Panel 1. Governor Romer and the state legislature are arguing over how to raise money for more prisons. Panel 2-4. Korean investors want to invest their money. They are ignored. 1
- Panel 1. Lawless thugs who insist on having their own block... Panel 2...Should surely get one. (Convicted thugs should be placed in cell block 3) 1
- Panel 1. The gas chamber USED to deter crime in Colorado. Panel 2. Now it's the food served in the county jail cafeteria that might deter crime. Prisoners are complaining a lot about the food. They don't seem to be worried about capital punishment. 1
- Panel 1. Two boys in one prison cell will, hopefully, be reformed. Panel 2. Numerous guys in a single prison cell would likely cause some prisoners to be deformed. They will learn new ways to do bad things. 1
- Panel 1. We used to meet capital crimes with capital punishment (Prisoner being strapped to electric chair.) Panel 2. Today we meet capital crimes with capital expenditures. (Legislators find need for more prisons. (Locksmiths like it) 1
- Panel 1. State Prison Sentencing law vehicle with flat tire rolls up to legislature. Panel 2. Legislature can fix it. Panel 3. Job done. Panel 4. Now all the tires are flat. flap! flap! 1
- Panel 1. Taxpayers are working on the chain gang. Panel 2. Prisoners are taking life easy...playing games, watching TV and reading in the prison recreation room. 1
- Panel 1. US Military Base Cut missile flies over Fort Carson and heads toward California. Whew! Panel 2. Prison officials can't break out the bars to the prison reform jail. House Judiciary committee holds fast with politics sheriff guardin 1
- Panel 1. through 4. There is discussion about a new jail in El Paso County. The discussion is ignored until some people find out it's going in their neighborhood. Not-in-my-backyard is always present. 1
- Prison, Czechs, Slovenes, Estonian, Poles, etc. all want to see out the window (Glasnost). Communist guard asks "You just had to open those shutter, didn't you, Mikhail?!" 1
- Prisoners in the El Paso County jail are not happy with their cells. Maybe we should change the wallpaper. 1
- The American Civil Liberties Union sued the State Prison system for mistreating prisoners. (I forget what the exact charge was) It brings some folks to wonder who are the real prisoners there, prison guards or the criminals? 1
- The Colorado Prison Board finds conditions in prisons are terrible. Some of that might be due to the prisoners' bad habits. 1
- The Colorado State legislature keeps playing around with little issues like RR crossings, salary increases, escort bills, etc. and not paying attention to big stuff like growth, air pollution, prison reform, etc. 1
- The get tough on crime philosophy is not reflected in taxpayer interest in prison funding. Pretend bars do not hold dangerous people in jail. 1
- Two panels on the importance of family. Panel 1. Kids held by their parents who love them. Panel 2. Kids in jail, held by the system that is charged with keeping society safe. 1
- Two prisoners in Chilean jail are thankful they are at least safe from Communist Totalitarianism. 1
- Unsigned. Panel 1. It costs over $18,000 a year to keep this man in prison. (Man sits in jail) Panel 2. Same man holds a gun to the head of a mom. She says, "Sounds reasonable to me." 1
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- Photograph9
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- Colorado State Penitentiary at Canon City, Colorado. Located just west of the city. 1
- Long view of Cañon City and walled facility with large buildings of the Colorado Territorial Penitentiary at the base of a large hill. House is in the foreground with fenced garden plots to the rear. 1
- Printed on back "Colorado State Penitentiary at Canon City, Colorado. Located just west of the city at the edge of the Skyline Ridge traversed most of its length by the Skyline Drive." 1
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