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- Map1
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- Photograph224
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- 1993-10-21 17
- 1989-06-27 11
- ca. 1960 7
- 1947-08 6
- 1963-03-30 6
- 1964-05-15 6
- 1993-03-25 6
- 1995-09-14 6
- 1990-09-10 5
- 1991-09-12 5
- 1952-01-05 4
- 1986-06-11 4
- 1986-11-15 4
- 1987-02-13 4
- 1943-1944 3
- 1962-06-15 3
- 1972-09-22 3
- 1973-02-03 3
- 1975-06-04 3
- 1975-09-21 3
- 1991-02-05 3
- 1993-11-09 3
- 1995-07-14 3
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- 1997-03-06 3
- ca. 1924 3
- 1960-01-12 2
- 1963-03-26 2
- 1963-08-06 2
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- 1984-06-22 2
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- 1987-07-21 2
- 1988-07-06 2
- 1989-04-18 2
- 1991-10-10 2
- 1992-08-21 2
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- 1952-12-31 1
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- 1955-09 1
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- 1956-06-05 1
- 1957-02-13 1
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- 1960-07-02 1
- 1961-01-14 1
- 1962-04-12 1
- 1962-10-04 1
- 1962-11-08 1
- 1963-02-21 1
- 1963-03-19 1
- 1963-05-28 1
- 1964-04-15 1
- 1964-07-03 1
- 1965-01-16 1
- 1965-07-30 1
- 1967-02-04 1
- 1967-04-12 1
- 1967-07-19 1
- 1967-10-01 1
- 1968-08-18 1
- 1968-11-21 1
- 1969-02-26 1
- 1969-07-29 1
- 1970-10-18 1
- 1972-08-08 1
- 1973-10-01 1
- 1973-10-17 1
- 1975-06-27 1
- 1976-07-09 1
- 1977-06-27 1
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- 1985-01-24 1
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- Next Best Group of 1943-1944. 2
- Aerial photograph of Colorado Springs, photo facing west. Downtown Colorado Springs is visible above center in the photo. Prospect Lake can be seen in the lower left area of the photo. Interstate 25 travels through the photo, just above center. 1
- Aerial photograph of Colorado Springs, photo facing west. Platte Avenue travels up the left side of the photo and intersects Academy Boulevard below and to the left of center in the photo. The Citadel Mall can be seen near the center of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of South Circle Drive in Colorado Springs, photo facing northwest. Circle Dr travels diagonally up the center of the photo. Construction of Highway 24 can be seen above center in the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Eastlake neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing northwest. Fountain Boulevard travels through the middle of the photo. Evergreen Cemetery and Prospect Lake can be seen on the left side of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the construction of US Highway 24 in Colorado Springs, photo facing northwest. Circle Drive travels diagonally through the lower portion of the photo. Construction of Highway 24 can be seen near the center of the photo. 1
- Diving platform in middle of Prospect Lake with people climbing and standing on dock. People in rowboats circle the platform. 1
- Girl diving off board into Prospect Lake while five boys in swim suits watch from platform above. Two women wearing bathing suits and large hats stand below the platform. 1
- Group of children wearing bathing suits form a ring holding hands under trees. A car and several buildings are visible in background. 1
- L. B. and Mabel Grubb stand in front of a lake. 1
- Lake and grass, identified as "Prospect Lake from North End, Colo. Springs." Identification sheet with negative. 1
- Large lake with mountain behind, identified as "Full View - Prospect lake to Mountains - Sailboat on Lake from So. End. , Colo. Springs." Identification sheet with negative. 1
- Large lake, identified as "View of Prospect Lake toward Beach from So. End., Colo. Springs." Identification sheet with negative. 1
- People swimming in large lake, with sailboat in back. Photo identified as "Bathers & Sailboat, Prospect Lake, Colo. Springs." Identification sheet with negative. 1
- Prospect Lake 1
- Prospect Lake. Next Best Group of 1943-1944. 1
- Prospect Lake. Taken the same time as #483-29. 1
- Sailboat on Prospect Lake, with boys watching in foreground. Identification sheet with negative. 1
- Sailboats on Prospect Lake with large tree in foreground and mountains in background. 1
- Tents along the lake at Prospect Lake in Memorial Park. Union Printers Home is visible in distance. 1
- Tents and clotheslines among the trees with women and children behind. Two cars are parked alongside tents. 1
- Tents set among trees with cars parked on unpaved road in front. Several families stand by tents."42852" printed on lower right of print. Photo identified on back as auto camp at Prospect Lake in Memorial Park. 1
- Two women and a boy sit outside a tent next to two automobiles. Other tents are seen in the background amongst small trees. Hand-written on back "Prospect Lake / Colorado Springs / 1923 / Our camp". 1
- View across Prospect Lake in Memorial Park with houses in background and Pikes Peak in distance. 1
- View from the east side of Prospect Lake looking west with Pikes Peak in the background. 1
- View looking west across Prospect Lake located in Memorial Park. Pikes Peak is seen in the background. 1
- View of Prospect Lake, Colo. Springs. Identification sheet with negative. 1
- William Stump displays the 27 inch, 12 pound German brown trout caught in Prospect Lake. 1
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