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- Illustration6
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- 1979-11-14 1
- 1980-03-29 1
- 1990-03-03 1
- 1990-03-17 1
- 1990-04-28 1
- 1990-09-22 1
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- Photograph137
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- 1993-11-09 11
- 1987-02-13 7
- 1988-07-06 7
- 1967-09-20 6
- 1985-06-07 6
- 1991-09-12 6
- 1973-10-30 5
- 1993-04-30 5
- 1963-06-08 4
- 1974-08-26 4
- 1977-11-25 4
- 1968-05-17 3
- 1972-05-18 3
- 1976-05-13 3
- 1979-10-15 3
- 1986-06-11 3
- 1991-10-10 3
- 1963-03-19 2
- 1963-03-30 2
- 1965-07-21 2
- 1965-10-25 2
- 1969-04-30 2
- 1972-04-08 2
- 1973-05-08 2
- 1974-05-08 2
- 1976-05-19 2
- 1977-02-15 2
- 1985-01-24 2
- 1985-06-06 2
- 1987-11-10 2
- 1994-07-22 2
- ca. 1925 2
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- 1962-08-25 1
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- 1973-09-30 1
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- 1978-08-22 1
- 1979-09-28 1
- 1988-04-27 1
- 1990-10-28 1
- 1993-03-25 1
- ca. 1975 1
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- Red Rock Canyon Quarry. 5
- Aerial photograph of the Rockrimmon neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing southwest. Mt. Saint Francis can be seen just above and to the right of center in the photo. The Pikeview Quarry is visible at the top of the photo. 2
- Aerial photograph of the Rockrimmon neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing west. Mt. Saint Francis can be seen just above center in the photo. The Pikeview Quarry is visible at the top of the photo. 2
- Aerial photograph of Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs, photo facing north. Garden of the Gods is visible near the center of the photo. Pleasant Valley is visible in the lower half of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs, photo facing northwest. Garden of the Gods is visible near the center of the photo. Queens Canyon Quarry is visible in the upper right area of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Cedar Heights neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing west. Rampart Range Road travels through the lower portion of the photo. Black Canyon Quarry can be seen in the upper left area of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Cedar Heights neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing west. Rampart Range Road travels through the middle of the photo. Black Canyon Quarry can be seen on the left side of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Peregrine neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing south. Mt. Saint Francis is visible to the left of center in the photo. The Pikeview quarry can be seen in the upper right area of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Queens Canyon Quarry and Glen Eyrie in Colorado Springs, photograph facing northwest. Glen Eyrie Castle can be seen in the lower left corner of the photo. Part of Rampart Range Road can be seen in the upper left area of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Queens Canyon Quarry in Colorado Springs, photograph facing east. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Queens Canyon Quarry in Colorado Springs, photograph facing east. The Glen Eyrie property can be seen in the upper right area of the photo and 30th Street can be seen at the top of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Queens Canyon Quarry in Colorado Springs, photograph facing north. The quarry is visible near the center of the photo. Part of the Glen Eyrie property can be seen in the bottom right corner of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Queens Canyon Quarry in Colorado Springs, photograph facing southeast. The quarry is visible near the center of the photo. Garden of the Gods Road travels down the left side of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Rockrimmon neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing northwest. Mt. Saint Francis can be seen just above center in the photo. The Pikeview Quarry is visible in the upper left area of the photo. 1
- Derrick in Red Rock Canyon quarry alongside large stone wall. 1
- Property of John and Dick Bock. A lot of tonnage came out to build homes, business, walls, etc. 1
- Red Rock Canyon Quarry showing cut ledges and Pikes Peak in the background. 1
- Red Rock Canyon showing derrick and cable drum at Quarry. About early 1920s. 1
- Rocks, scrubland and mountains with the Red Rock quarry in foreground. Photo identified as "Red Rock Canyon, C.S." 1
- Two men working on rock cliff at Florissant Fossil Beds. One man is chipping something out of stone, the other is sitting on ground and studying something. Photo has spots of overexposure. 1
- View of Colorado Springs from Red Rock Canyon with rocks and quarry in foreground and housing subdivision in distance. Photo identified on back as "looking down Red Rock Canyon toward Pleasant Valley, Colorado Springs." 1
- Walls of quarry in Red Rock Canyon showing stepped cuts. Note on back reads "Red Rock Canyon Quarry as it is today 10-31-1973". 1
- Willard Wulff in rock quarry. 1
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