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- Photograph81
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- ca. 1900 11
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- Two steam locomotives with funnel-shaped stacks and pulling a baggage car and several passenger cars are stopped on the bridge at Devil’s Gate that crosses a river. 2
- A man stands on a railroad bridge holding a long stick being used as a fishing pole. Utility poles are visible on both sides of the railroad tracks. Probably photographed by G. B. Merrick. 1
- A steam locomotive with funnel-shaped stacks and pulling a baggage car and several passenger cars are stopped on the bridge at Devil’s Gate that crosses a river. 1
- An elevated view of a train crossing the High Bridge in the canyons with Mt. McClellan in background along a rail line snaking its way through a mountain pass. Printed on front 1
- Annotation on photo reads “633. Royal Gorge, Grand Cañon of the Arkansas River.” The “Hanging Bridge” of the Royal Gorge Railway Route is seen in the foreground. 1
- Bridge on the Denver and South Park Railroad with rocky cliffs in distance. "Chalk Rocks Height 1,000 ft." and "D.S.P. & P.R.R. written on bottom of print. 1
- Busy mining town of Leadville with railroad trestle in midground and smokestacks of smelters in background. Snow-covered mountains are visible in distance. "|837. Leadville on the Colo. Midland Ry."|printed on bottom of photo. 1
- Colored photogravure of the hanging bridge in Royal Gorge. Title printed on bottom of card. 1
- Colorized view of train car on the Colorado Springs and Cripple Creek Short Line. Note on side, "Near Duffield" 1
- Georgetown Loop Railroad on trestle bridge over rocky canyon with railroad tracks below. Title printed on photo. 1
- Halftone illustration showing railroad trestle bridge and tracks running through canyon. Caption below image reads "The Loop and Bridge at Georgetown, Colorado." 1
- Hand tinted image of Royal Gorge. Several passengers have disembarked from a railway car and appear to be posing for a photograph. 1
- Hand-tinted photograph of landscape view of railroad on high trestle bridge over river. Printed on bottom "451-The Loop above Georgetown". 1
- Hand-tinted view of railroad tracks and trestle running along a narrow rocky canyon in the mountains. Written on the lantern slide "Rio Grande Southern." 1
- High-contrast photo of a steam-powered locomotive pulling three passenger cars crossing a bridge. "Purgatoire Gorge" printed on bottom. "Delagua / Bethune / D&B" logo in lower left-hand corner. "db 6688" printed in lower right-hand corner. 1
- Image shows railroad tracks over hanging bridge at the bottom of Royal Gorge. Title under image. 1
- Landscape view of railroad on high trestle bridge over river . Printed on front "High Bridge, Georgetown Loop, Colo. ". 1
- Landscape view of railroad on high trestle bridge over river . Printed on front "High Bridge, Over the Loop, Colorado, C. and S.R.R. ". 1
- Landscape view of railroad on high trestle bridge over river. Steam locomotive with at four passenger cars crosses elevated bridge from right to left of photograph. Another train track is seen at bottom left of photograph going into the distance. 1
- Looking west on Kiowa Street towards Pikes Peak, showing Santa Fe Railway trestle and First Baptist Church. 1
- Men working on the construction of Iron Springs Bridge on the Colorado Midland Railway, showing the steel truss beams over canyon. Title on bottom of print. 1
- Midland Railway Bridge & Road to Iron Springs, and Manitou Springs, Colorado. [previously numbered 001-5598] 1
- One image from full-page spread of six halftone images showing scenes in Colorado. Each image is identified at bottom. Image shows railroad tracks over hanging bridge at the bottom of Royal Gorge. "Royal Gorge" printed at lower left of image. 1
- One of four illustrations from Harper's Weekly Supplement,"The City of Aspen, Colorado" on January 19, 1889. Image shows railroad on high trestle bridge above river. Title below image reads "Maroon Bridge on the Midland Railroad near Aspen." 1
- Panoramic view looking west down Platte Avenue with the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad overpass visible in the distance. 1
- Passenger railcars pass through a small truss bridge in a steep rocky canyon. "Royal Gorge Col." handwritten in pencil on back of card. 1
- Printed on front "569. Hanging Bridge, Royal Gorge, Denver and Rio Grande Western R. R., Colo." Printed on back "This bridge carries track suspended above stream because of narrow gorge. It is one of the best known engineering wonders of the world." 1
- Printed on front "Cathedral Park, Col. C. C. S. L." 1
- Printed on front "The Loop. Georgetown to Silver Plume, Colo." Printed on bottom of card "Photographed by Alex. Martin, Georgetown, Colorado." 1
- Railroad tracks fun along a winding river at the base of mountains. 1
- Railroad tracks over rocky creek with high rock cliffs behind. "Colorado" written in pencil on back of card. 1
- Railroad train pausing for photo on Hanging Bridge in Royal Gorge. People are posing in open car at back of train. Photographer's ad for "Views of Rocky Mountain Scenery" printed on back of photo mount. 1
- Railroad train stopped at Hanging Bridge in Royal Gorge with passengers walking alongside. Suspension Bridge across the gorge is visible overhead. 1
- Railway bridge over an unidentified body of water. Men are standing next to the tracks near a stack of utility poles. Probably photographed by G. B. Merrick. 1
- Single-lane wooden bridge for a narrow unpaved road crosses a dry stream bed in a rocky landscape. Identified on back "Midland Rail and Colorado Lincoln Highway". 1
- Steam locomotive pulling at least 11 passenger cars travelling on high trestle bridge over river canyon in desert. identified as Canon Diablo, Arizona. 1
- The Royal Gorge Bridge as viewed by a man from Bigler Gorge. 1
- Train traveling over Colorado Midland Railroad Trestle. The economic potential of booming mining camps inspired the board of directors of Colorado Springs’ First National Bank to build a standard-gauge railroad through the Rockies. 1
- Two steam locomotives with funnel-shaped stacks and pulling a baggage car and several passenger cars are stopped on the bridge at Devil’s Gate that crosses a river. Printed on bottom of card "Photographed by Alex. Martin, Georgetown, Colorado." 1
- View from under the Ruxton Avenue railroad bridge of the derailed and demolished boxcars under the structure. A wood-frame structure under the bridge also appears to have been struck and collapsed from the derailment of the railcars. 1
- View of Hanging Bridge in Royal Gorge showing railroad tracks and sheer canyon walls, as seen looking west. 1
- View of Hanging Bridge in Royal Gorge showing railroad tracks and sheer canyon walls, as seen looking west. "Rio Grande" printed on overhead support. 1
- View of railroad tracks in the Royal Gorge with hanging bridge in the distance. 1
- View of trailroad tracks looping over trestle bridge in canyon. "Georgetown Loop" is hand-printed on bottom of print. 1
- ~ 1
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