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- View near the Cascade Avenue bridge after a train wreck. Wreck occurred on August 23, 1970. Mangled railroad hopper cars loaded with coal are strewn along the tracks. 4
- A cog train steam locomotive pushing an empty passenger car is stopped on the tracks. The engineer and firemen pose on the steam engine with the conductor and a passenger standing on the railcar. A man sits on a rock pointing at something. 1
- A view of Cripple Creek with small houses in the foreground dwarfed by large piles of mining tailings. Mines are seen in the background with railroad boxcars lined up on tracks on the left. 1
- African-american woman three children walking near a small house and railroad track. An automobile is visible in background as two railroad cars. 1
- An early train wreck in a Colorado canyon. A rail-mounted crane is seen removing debris from the tracks adjacent to a small destroyed steam locomotive and derailed railroad baggage and passenger cars. 1
- Boxcar from the St. Louis Refrigerator Car Company with side doors open has stacked cases of Budweiser beer being unloaded by three men on a railroad siding adjacent to a warehouse with “Budweiser” and “Walter’s” painted on the side.Photo not used. 1
- Car #8 of the Manitou and Pikes Peak Railway Company parked at the Manitou Springs cog railway station. A group of workmen appear to the right front of the car. 1
- Car parked in front of railroad car with "Denver & Rio Grande Western" and "Rio Grande Signal Gang Sleeper" on side. "Sig. Gang #4 Sleeper Castle Rock 1947" written below print. 1
- Colorized view of train car on the Colorado Springs and Cripple Creek Short Line. Note on side, "Near Duffield" 1
- Early train wreck in a Colorado canyon. 1
- Hand-written on bottom "Acacia. 610. Harlan Photo Colo. Spgs." Four horses pulling a wagon and three railroad open wagon cars are visible. 1
- Large crowd fills platform of train station with depot on right and train at left. Sign on building at right reads "Flagler". 1
- Man stands beside railroad car below St. Peters Dome on the Colorado Springs and Cripple Creek Short Line. Ground is snow covered. Colorized. 1
- Manitou and Pikes Peak Railway steam locomotive with passenger car #102 is parked on a steep incline with passengers and crew posing for the Photo. Snow covers the landscape of large boulders. 1
- Manitou and Pikes Peak Railway with one passenger car headed down the mountain. Snow covers the landscape of large boulders. 1
- Men and women look out of large windows in an observation car. Snow covered mountains can be seen. 1
- Midland terminal railroad, Locomotive 59 with cars 20 and 29 in Cascade, Colorado. 1
- Northbound steam locomotive pulling two baggage and four passenger cars passing houses in Colorado Springs. Cheyenne Mountain appears in the distance. Hand-written on bottom of print "Colorado & Southern Ry." and "A. H. Harlan Photo. Colo. Sp'gs." 1
- Portrait of William W. Hassell (1860-1922) standing near the railway on Pikes Peak. Mr. Hassell is identified as standing on the far left. 1
- Pullman car bearing photographer E. E. Van Epps [on left], and crew after the 1884 World Cotton Centennial [a.k.a. New Orleans World Fair]. 1
- Railroad box cars and hopper cars are parked on a rail spur at the Findley Mine complex with massive piles of mine tailings. Residences are seen adjacent to the mine. Hand-written on bottom "|The Findley Mine 601. Harlan Photo. Colo. Sp'gs."| 1
- Railroad box cars are parked on a rail spur at the Findley Mine complex with massive piles of mine tailings. Residences are seen adjacent to the mine. Hand-written on bottom "Findley Mine". 1
- Railroad open wagon car being loaded with ore. Hand-written on reverse "This is the conveyor here. I am the it up on top 'oiling up' Taken about 7 1
- Railroad tracks run past piles of sand or gravel with storage structures behind and railroad boxcars at right. Cheyenne Mountain is visible in background. 1
- Red Mountain Incline at Manitou Springs with people seated in the cars, showing roadbed and tracks. "|Red Mountain Scenic Incline"|is written on the first car. Photo is numbered "|255 Stewart Photo"|on print. 1
- Seventeen members of the Colorado Springs Sky Sox being greeted on their arrival home by Bill Kice, treasurer of the Sky Sox, shown right shaking hands with Rodolfo Arias and General Manage Lew Matlin on Kice's left. 1
- Texas high school students arrive by train for Young Life Christmas camp at Star Ranch, appearing to push a young lady back up the stairs. 1
- Texas high school students arrive by train for Young Life Christmas camp at Star Ranch. 1
- The bogies and bumpers of a destroyed railcar are seen in the foreground with damaged buildings in the background. 1
- Three woman and one man stand on dirt road with railroad car and buildings behind. Railroad car at left has sign "Michigan Central." Photo identified on back. 1
- Two empty cars of the Manitou and Pikes Peak Railway are parked on the cog railway tracks in a barren mountainous landscape with the engineer posing for a photograph. 1
- Two men [one in a suit and another in railroad worker clothing] stand next to overturned steam locomotive #2 on a steep hillside. "Midland Railroad wreck near Cripple Creek / Elmer Peterson on right." Annotated on back. 1
- Two modern cars of the Manitou & Pikes Peak Railway on the tracks with rocks in the foreground and mountains in the background. 1
- Two railroad boxcars are parked on a rail spur at the entrance to a large structure at the mine. Hand-written on bottom "The Blue Bird Mine. A. J. Harlan Photo. Col. Sp." 1
- Two women sit in a small boat on a lake. In the background, several railroad passenger cars are parked next to a small railway station and other buildings with tourists walking in the area. A forested hillside is in the distance. 1
- Unidentified mining operation appears in the background with numerous boxcars on a rail line below the mine. In the foreground a steam locomotive can be seen in operation. 1
- View near the Cascade Avenue bridge after a train wreck. Wreck occurred on August 23, 1970. Mangled railroad hopper cars loaded with coal are strewn along the tracks. Presented reversed. 1
- View of Manitou & Pikes Peak (Cog) Railroad car on mountain with car coming down. Identification sheet with negative. 1
- View of a collapsed Cascade Avenue bridge after a train wreck. Men are standing near the wreckage. Mangled railroad hopper cars loaded with coal are strewn along the tracks. 1
- View of train cars that have left the tracks. Location of the wreck identified as being south of Fillmore Avenue. Mangled railroad hopper cars loaded with coal are strewn along the tracks. 1
- Workers remove train wreckage. Location of the wreck identified as being south of Fillmore Avenue. The Cascade Avenue bridge was later removed. Mangled railroad hopper cars loaded with coal are strewn along the tracks. Presented reversed. 1
- Written on bottom of print "28PR / 10 Oct 43 / 21 / Shipping from Peterson Fld" 1
- Written on bottom of print "28PR / 10 Oct 43 / 25 / "All Aboard" Leaving Peterson Fld" 1
- Written on bottom of print "28PR / 11 Oct 43 / 29 / "Policing" on the train enroute to [too light to read]" 1
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