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- Box cars and building supplies at railroad yards in Denver with skyline visible in background and the Front Range in the distance. 1
- Boxcar from the St. Louis Refrigerator Car Company with side doors open has stacked cases of Budweiser beer being unloaded by three men on a railroad siding adjacent to a warehouse with “Budweiser” and “Walter’s” painted on the side.Photo not used. 1
- Long view of rail yards at Pueblo, showing tracks and parked trains. Mountains are visible in background. 1
- Rail yard in Pueblo with railroad cars in foreground and Pikes Peak visible in background. 1
- Rail yards at Pueblo, showing tracks and parked trains. Pikes Peak is visible in background. 1
- Railroad cars on tracks at railyards in Denver with skyline in background. Photo identified on back as "from near stockyrads looking s.w." 1
- Railroad cars painted with "ATSF" and the Santa Fe logo parked at siding with Cheyenne Mountain in background. Loading platforms are at right and small wooden shack is at back of yard. 1
- Railroad engine at narrow gauge railroad yards with cliffs in background. Another train, with "Rio Grande" and "464" painted on engine, visible in background. 1
- Railroad engines and men working at rail yard in Durango. 1
- Snowdrifts surround a railway station in the distance with a freight train parked on the left side of the image and a passenger train on the right. 1
- Steam locomotive #39 sits on a railroad turntable at an unidentified roundhouse facility. 1
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