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- Photograph142
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- 1987-05-08 16
- 1986-01-24 15
- 1986-11-15 13
- 1996-07-15 13
- 1998-06-11 11
- 1987-02-13 10
- 1993-11-09 8
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- 1998-04-10 2
- 1984-06-22 1
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- 1996-06-03 1
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- Aerial photograph of the Briargate neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing northwest. Chapel Hills Drive travels diagonally up the photo from the bottom left corner. Interstate 25 travels through the lower portion of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Briargate neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing northwest. Mirage Drive travels through the lower portion of the photo. Research Parkway travels through the upper portion of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Briargate neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing south. Research Parkway travels along the bottom of the photo. Rampart High School can be seen on the left edge of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Briargate neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing south. Research Parkway travels along the bottom of the photo. The Chapel Hills Mall can be seen on the right side of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Briargate neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing south. Research Parkway travels through the photo, just above center and intersects Lexington Drive just above and to the left of center in the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Briargate neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing south. Research Parkway travels through the photo, just above center and intersects Union Boulevard above center in the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Briargate neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing south. Research Parkway travels through the photo, just above center. Liberty High School and Timberview Middle School can be seen on the left side of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Briargate neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing southeast. Research Parkway travels diagonally down the center of the photo and intersects Union Boulevard above center in the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Briargate neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing southeast. Research Parkway travels diagonally through the middle of the photo and Austin Bluffs Parkway travels down the left side of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Briargate neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing southeast. Research Parkway travels through the lower portion of the photo and intersects Union Boulevard below and to the right of center in the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Briargate neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing southeast. Research Parkway travels through the lower portion of the photo and intersects Union Boulevard on the left edge of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Briargate neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing southeast. Research Parkway travels through the lower portion of the photo and intersects Union Boulevard on the left side of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Briargate neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing southeast. Research Parkway travels through the middle of the photo and intersects Union Boulevard just below and to the left of center in the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Briargate neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing southeast. Research Parkway travels through the middle of the photo and intersects Union Boulevard near the center of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Briargate neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing southwest. Briargate Parkway travels diagonally up the center of the photo with the Interstate 25 interchange visible on the right edge of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Briargate neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing southwest. Research Parkway travels along the bottom of the photo. The Chapel Hills Malls can be seen above center in the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Briargate neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing west. Interstate 25 travels along the top of the photo. Research Parkway travels up the left edge of the photo. Pine Creek flows up the right side of the photo. 1
- Aerial photograph of the Briargate neighborhood in Colorado Springs, photo facing west. Research Parkway travels up the center of the photo and ends at Voyager Parkway above center in the photo. Interstate 25 travels through the upper portion of the photo. 1
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