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- About 30 million unborn babies in Heaven might disagree with the liberal media spin that Justice Blackmun grew in the office and was a friend of the underdog. 1
- As gays line up for the big battle in the Supreme Court they notice their good friend, Bill Clinton, is missing. He had to go to Oxford again. It has to do with his political viability. 1
- Bill Clinton thinks the zig-zag question asked by Brit Hume was out of line. Three Bill Clintons walk away with Judge Ginsburg, Judge Breyer and Bruce Babbit. 1
- Caption "Justice Thurgood Marshall cleans out his desk." Panel 1. Throws out social engineering plans, quota tables... Panel 2. ...abortion rights, videos... Panel 3. Aid asks if he's planning to take his law books. Panel 4. Law books?" says Marshal. 1
- Celebrating the 4th of July. Panel 1. Display the flag and thank our forefathers. Panel 2. Put up a sign that says your property is protected by the Second Amendment and thank our current, conservative Supreme Court members. 1
- Congress gets OK from court to launch a Special Prosecutor against President Reagan. 1
- Courts have no idea what the 1st Amendment is about. They are trying to build a school on wall of separation dividing secular and sacred. 1
- Democrats in trouble get off the hook with Attorney General Reno in charge. Some Republicans in trouble are thinking of changing party affiliation before lady Justice arrives. 1
- Dirty judiciary committee, Senators Metzenbaum, Biden, Kennedy, Byrd, who ooze filth try to find dirt on Supreme Court nominee David Souter. 1
- El Paso County District Attorney, Bob Russel and Chief Criminal Deputy Blakely are considering going to the U.S. Supreme Court to get clarification on Colorado's death penalty law. What they are likely to find are a bunch of wobble-burgers on the bench. 1
- Government is a thief trying to reach through a window to grab a purse, private property. Waiting below a guillotine is a basket to catch a severed hands labeled "Just Compensation". Supreme court justice Rehnquist walks away with tools. 1
- Guess which Supreme Court Justice think Rape is Interstate Commerce? Breyer, Ginsburg, Souter, and Stevens are in clown outfits. Rehnquist, Kennedy, Scalia, Thomas and O'Connor do not. 1
- Guess who the Supreme Court won't allow in the courtroom? Choices...defendant's attorneys, defendant's psychiatrists, defendant's social experts, Defendant's family and friends, the victim's orphaned children. 1
- Having rendered yet another landmark decision, the US Supreme court exits the courtroom. (Through door in ceiling labeled 1
- High Court rules equal access for prayer groups. Justice William Rehnquist leads kids past head-bangers, mother earthers, Feminists and Sagan's cosmos club members to extra curricular meeting room. There goes the neighborhood. 1
- Hillary Clinton can't stop thinking about tomorrow (song). President Bill Clinton is getting sworn in by Justice Rehnquist in 1993. Hillary pictures herself as a Supreme Court Justice swearing in her husband in 1997. 1
- It seems the courts have determined THEY, along with Congress, can make laws raising revenue. The courts are moving into the Capitol building. The Supreme Court ruled that a Kansas City judge can force taxpayers to pay for a court-ordered busing plan. 1
- It's a gruesome birthday celebration for vultures. the Roe v. Wade decision by the U.S. Supreme Court is 25 years old. Lady Justice feeds the merchants of death the gory remains of all the unborn children from that decision. 1
- Justice Clarence Thomas is on swing, enjoying his own bootstraps. Leaders of the NAACP are still waiting for the government to supply them bootstraps. 1
- Justice O'Conner, Supreme Court, tells city police they have a right to mislead suspect's attorney, 1
- Justice Paul Stevens retired. Some citizens wonder if President Obama will have any trouble filling the lefty Justice's shoes. Not to worry. America is filled with lefty lawyers like that. 1
- Justice Powell retires leaving a four-four balance on the abortion issue. (Can't find original.) 1
- Marshall, Blackmum, Stephens, and ?, the judicial activists have run up the basketball score 38 to 4. Now with the addition of Justice Kennedy to conservative side, need to find a rule change. 1
- Maryland NAACP officials say Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas a bad role model for young blacks. So now some people in the black community must want Judge Thomas to use the restroom in the back. What a shame. 1
- Mother, congress is abandoning her baby (fiscal responsibility) at the door of the Office of Budget Management. Gramm-Rodman court ruling is calling her back. Congress hates being responsible for spending issues. 1
- Number of people waiting at bus stop. Supreme court is driving the Equality Bus Lines bus to Promotion Place. Sign in window says, "Whites sit in the back ." 1
- Panel 1-2. If the Supreme Court says government can FORCE citizens to buy health insurance...couldn't it also force citizens to buy American cars or cars made in right-to-work states? 1
- Panel 1-5. Liberal Supreme Court Justices like Blackmun and Ginsburg, seem to just do a magic trick to pull the issue of abortion rights out of their hat (Constitution). Perhaps the new Justice, Samuel Alito, can find it. 1
- Panel 1. A lot of people think the election is about George Bush and Al Gore. Panel 2. Actually, it's about the Supreme Court picks. 1
- Panel 1. Equal Rights lady at bat. Umpire calls time out. Panel 2. Takes out a note and reads "the winner is..." 3. Ump puts note in pocket with telling who the winner is. Panel 4. Says "Play ball". 1
- Panel 1. How we USED to select leaders...we voted. Panel 2. How we do it today. It's like Al Gore and George Bush shopping for liberal judges and conservative judges. (The election will be determined by the Supreme Court) 1
- Panel 1. It used to be it was military officers who gathered in the war room to figure out strategy to win wars. Panel 2. Today, it's Supreme Court Justices who gather in the war room to figure out Diversity issues in the equal rights movement. 1
- Panel 1. Judge at computer typing in "Microsoft case". Panel 2. Continues typing "Regarding Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson's ruling" Panel 3. He then pushes a key. "Beep" Panel 4. US court of appeals judge loves the delete button. 1
- Panel 1. President George W. Bush's Supreme Court nominee, Sam Alito was sent into a rough neighborhood where senators Ted Kennedy, Charles Schumer, Joe Biden and Patrick Leahy hang out in the Judiciary committee. Panel 2. Alito was confirmed. Yay. 1
- Panel 1. Wittenberg, 1517 Luther nails his 95 theses to the church door. Panel 2. USA Justice Thomas nails a sign that allows religious clubs to meet on public school grounds. Barry Lynn is horrified. 1
- Panel 1. Senators, Leahy, Schumer, Kennedy and Daschle stand united... Panel 2. ...not against Saddam Hussein but against Bush court nominee, Miguel Estrada. 1
- Panels 1 thru 6. The supreme court has issued some confusing rulings on education. Taxpayers must fund education for illegal immigrants but somehow are not responsible to fund education for citizens who happen to be deaf. Go figure. 1
- President George H. W. Bush nominates conservative, black judge Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court. Democrats on the Judiciary committee sharpen swords and recognize big problem. How do they carve him up without of hitting his skin? 1
- President George W. Bush had to pull his Supreme Court Nominee, Harriet Miers, from the game because the Republicans in the Senate couldn't play as a team. In a baseball analogy, she didn't even get to the plate. (Bush used to be the owner of the Texans.) 1
- Pro-abortion groups like NARAL and NOW tried to get pro-life protesters to be charged with a racketeering law aimed at mobster groups. The Supreme court sides with the pro-life nun standing with the shady characters in the mob lineup. 1
- Progressive environmentalists have great hope the the U.S. Supreme Court members will settle the goal warming issue. They also have hope that rocks grow or that court appointed human beings can walk on water. Taxpayers, who row the boat are doubtful. 1
- Punctuating the end of another session of the U.S. Supreme Court. Panel 1. It USED to be...the courts made declarative decisions punctuated by an exclamation point. Panel 2. Now, with THIS court, everything is a question mark. Who knows what they said? 1
- Reagan's choice for Supreme Court's boy's locker room is a woman. Surprise, guys! 1
- Scale adjustment, white/black, affirmative action. Supreme Court set-aside the decision. Equality 1
- Senate Judiciary committee, Senators Biden, Kennedy, Metzenblum make Judge Thomas crawl before them for confirmation. President George H. W. Bush, with knee pads says he must grovel for the gavel. (I forget what the, Where's Gates?" comment means.) 1
- Some members on the Supreme Court are struggling to explain the Constitutionality of Obama's affordable health care program is new a tax. Most Americans preferred Lady Liberty would carry a torch, representing freedom, rather than a hammer. 1
- Supreme Court judge yells "Next" at handicapped and elderly people waiting/hoping for court protection. So far the court is doing a lousy job. 1
- Supreme Court justice nears a burning bush and asks about unemployment compensation. (I can't remember what this is about) 1
- Supreme Court rules on the RICO asset forfeiture law. Police can't take property from suspected drug offenders. (they lost their license to steal) 1
- Supreme court orders Clinton to tear down the road dividers which give minority-owned business' more lanes than white-owned business' to get government contracts. 1
- The Appeals courts keep passing appeals up to next court which wind up at the overloaded Supreme Court. 1
- The Supreme Court cuts of a tiny piece of tentacle from a giant, over-reaching octopus, labeled, Federal "Commerce" regulation. The federal government went too far on the Texas gun ruling. 1
- The Supreme Court ruled that taxpayer support for abortion would continue. There was a video out called, "The Silent Scream" which depicted an unborn baby trying to escape the abortionist's suction tube. Would that the courts could hear the scream. 1
- The Supreme Court rules that police can't shoot at fleeing suspects. They USED to have an option to stop a crime like purse snatching. 1
- The Supreme Court rulings on Senority and Miranda smack the Civil liberties union between restaurant doors. Yea! 1
- The U.S. Supreme Court chased the Dr. Kevorkian vultures away on a right to die case. They'll be back. 1
- The U.S. Supreme Court cleared the way for Special Prosecutor, Ken Starr, to pay a visit to the White House. President Bill Clinton and his minions have done everything they can to throw him off track. 1
- The U.S. Supreme Court ruled for equality in the California Proposition 209 decision. Chief Justice William Rehnquist looks at President Bill Clinton, who favors mending affirmative action rather than ending it. And the problem IS....Mr. President? 1
- The U.S. Supreme Court seems rudderless in determining the law of the land. The majority seems to be following polls, and feelings rather than strict interpretation of the law. Lady Justice might as well be holding a weather vane instead of scales. 1
- The U.S. Supreme Court voted to strike down Congress' Religious Freedom Restoration Act. The case stemmed from a lawsuit where a church ran afoul of a historic preservation law. It was really a property rights case, not a religious freedom issue. 1
- The narrative from NBC, CBS and ABC is that Clarence Thomas is guilty of sexual harassment. Polls show that women support Thomas 2-1. Three blind mice. 1
- U.S. Supreme Court Justices enter the court with new black KKK robes. The Title 7 Brian Weber decision against discrimination law is crossed out. Employers can discriminate by color I guess. Good-bye equal rights. 1
- Uncle Sam voters are very happy to see the Supreme Court and Florida zoo control people enter the court. Kangaroos are getting out of hand. 1
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