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- 2660 Vickers Drive. The largest numti-purpose club in the area. Tennis, racquetball, handball, and a fully equipped health club. Man and woman holding tennis racquets stand next to an outdoor swimming pool. 1
- A landscape view looking east of the Hotel Colorado with the swimming pool and bathhouse. Printed on front 1
- A landscape view of the Hotel Colorado with the swimming pool and bathhouse beside the stream. Printed on front 1
- Long view of the Broadmoor Hotel from across the lake. Photo identified as "Broadmoor Hotel & Pool, Colorado Springs, CO." Identification sheet with negative. 1
- Overhead view of the Antlers Hotel swimming pool with pool umbrellas and tables surrounding it. 1
- People gathered in beach chairs around the outdoor swimming pool with the Antlers Hotel in back. 1
- Printed on front "Lake Terrace Pool - Broadmoor Hotel - Colorado Springs, Colo. 1
- Printed on the back of the postcard 1
- Stucco building with tile roof behind fenced and dry swimming pool in Monument Valley Park. Dusting of snow covers debris in bottom of pool. Photo identified on back. 1
- Swimming pool and bathhouse in Monument Valley Park with mud and river in foreground after the Memorial Day flood of 1935. Printed in lower right of print 1
- Swimming pool at Monument Valley Park shortly after it opened with stucco building in background. A crowd of people line the sides of the pool watching some swimmers in the water. 1
- The Colorado Hotel in Glenwood Springs, Colorado. 1
- Two swimmers enjoying the fountain in the swimming pool with bath house in background. Printed on front "Open air, Hot Swimming Pool, Glenwood Springs, Colo. ". 1
- View looking north of swimming pool with fountain and slide in foreground of the Hotel Colorado. Printed on front "Hotel Colorado and swimming pool, Glenwood Springs, Colorado". 1
- View looking west of the bath-house and swimming pool with fountain beside the stream with road in foreground. Printed on front "9291 / General View of Bathing Pool, Glenwood Springs, Colo. ". 1
- View of a drained inground swimming pool. This site later became the Olympic Training Center. 1
- View of pool and bath house with swimmers enjoying the water and group of people watching from pool side. Foothills in background. Printed on front "13827 / The Pool, Glenwood Springs, Colo." 1
- View of swimming pool in Glenwood Springs. 1
- View of the swimming pool at Colorado College showing arched ceiling and windows in front overlooking buildings across the street. Water is plashing in three swimming lanes in the foreground. 1
- Young man poses on diving board at indoor pool at end labeled "Deep" while others watch from sidelines and in pool. Two young men stand on platform alongside diving board. Men are wearing swimsuit styles from the 1920s. Photo identified on back. 1
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