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- A sign reading “Wilkerson Pass Camp Ground/Pike National Forest” is in the foreground with Pikes Peak in the background. 1
- Anchor Way Baptist Church marquee reads 'Jesus Doesn't Have COVID-19 You Can Get Close to Him.' 1
- Billboard in open scrubland with cloudy sky behind. Sign reads "10 Miles Stuckey's Gifts & Souvenirs." 1
- Billboard with caricature of football player holding beer, reading "Lyle Alzado's restaurant Sports Lounge and Disco in Cherry Creek Shopping Center" Birds are perched along top of sign. 1
- Billboards lining two-lane road, identified on back as Interstate 25 between Castle Rock and Monument. Signs are advertising Seven Falls, Royal Gorge, Dunes Hotel in Las Vegas and the Exchange National Bank. 1
- Building marquee reads "Pray for one another we'll get through this together.' 1
- Carving of Indian head on corner of Cheyenne Building with neon sign of Chief Theatre in background. 1
- Cow stands beside large sign with Santa Claus picture reading "North Pole Santa's Workshop" and "Take hiway "24" West!" 1
- Detailed view of a sign that reads 1
- Front window of store with painted signs "Bob & Wave Salon Hair Cutting Permanent Waving Marcelling Scalp Treatments". Piece of driftwood, wooden school desk and small figurine of woman with sign "Venus" are in window. 1
- Large painted sign on dirt road reading "Fort Carson Girl Scout Support Co. (provisional)" with information about Fort Carson and their mission to assist in the 1959 Girl Scout Round Up. 1
- Neon sign in Chinese with picture of dragon in front of building in New York City. Another sign in Chinese is on fabric hanging between buildings. Ornate fire escape is visible on building behind. 1
- Neon sign on decorative stone entranceway reading "Union Station Restaurant Continental Room Caboose Lounge". 1
- Night scene of crowd of girls at Girl Scout Roundup, most wearing straw cowboy hats and white blouses, studying display cases filled with rocks and minerals. Sign in one case reads "Mineral Specimens of the 50 States". Bare lightbulbs hang overhead. 1
- Old sign reading "Lunch Billiards" with crossed pool cues and racked pool balls. Photo identified on back. 1
- Sign is attached to tree leaning over dirt road stating “Caution - Many Curves - You Might Meet a Fool." A touring sedan bearing a 1918 Colorado license plate is passing on right. Note on back reads "A good sign". “Gretchen Chester, Springfield, Mass." 1
- Signs along south Nevada Avenue, including Circle S Motel|Dream Lodge|Dutch Oven|Western Hills Motor Hotel and Texaco gas. Snow is piled alongside the sidewalks. 1
- The sign reads "The Royal Gorge Climate Capital of Colorado." 1
- Two men with ladder stand atop large sign in shape of totem pole reading "Johnson Pontiac" 1
- Two signs on west side of bridge at the mid-point. Left sign reads "Royal Gorge World's Highest Suspension Bridge Arkansas River 1,053 ft." Right sign reads "No Fishing From The Bridge." 1
- View of side of building with string of pennants and large neon sign reading "Skateland" with winged boot with roller skates above. 1
- Weathered wood siding on front of building with two woodframe windows and a door. No. "16" is over doorway. Faded sign reading "Westcliffe Feed Store Hay & Grain Coal Wood Cotton Seed Meal & Cake Mixed Feeds Sheep & Ho" is painted on side of building. 1
- Window in storefront with half-drawn shade. Sign painted on window reads "Ramies Drug Dealer." Number 403 is on doorpost at left. 1
- Woman stands behind sign posted on a grassy hillside that states “For sale by the owner – Choice home lots – Easy payments – Apply to Walter Heniger - 1442 Mt. Pleasant St. – (Large Yellow House One Block North on the Hill”. 1
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