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- 21st century baby has a tough job pushing all of us 20th century geezers up the hill in wheelchair. 1
- Budget Talks. Panel 1. The Republicans are targeting big government spending. They want to save the children. Panel 2. The Democrats are targeting the Republicans. They tell people they want to save social security. 1
- Caption "Budget Talks". Worried donkey and elephant are getting ready to slaughter huge bull, "Social Security cost of living increase". Each saying "You do it. 1
- Caption "The proposed social security lockbox plan" Panel 1-3 Donkey and elephant throws social security money into what looks like a safe. Panel 4. Long view show the money being loaded into truck for federal government spending programs. 1
- Citizens are happy to see the Republican and Democrat Congress finally tear down the Social Security earning penalty wall. They finally discovered the depression is over. Duh. 1
- Colorado Senator Bill Armstrong has replaced a pie graph with an arm and leg chart showing lean in President Jimmy Carter's budget. 1
- Congress creates Frankentsein monster (Current Soc. Security program) and strives to protect him from Reagan. 1
- Democratic circus attraction, advertising scary stuff about the economy, Social Security, the environment and abortion rights is losing the audience to the Republican attraction fright house featuring terrorists. 1
- Election results showed that senior citizens supported the election of President George W. Bush. They took sacrifices for the children. 1
- Ever the big government supporter, the American Association of Retired People (rats) are leaving the soon to be sinking social security ship driven by President Obama and democrats. 1
- Every Election year, Democrats like to scare elderly voters by telling them the Republicans want to stop their Social Security check from coming in. This time, the Republicans beat them to the trick. 1
- Fresno, San Diego, Los Angeles public employees (rats) are leaving the Social Security sinking ship. California is always first. 1
- Hens in the hen house, have discovered the nest eggs they've been sitting on (social security for retirement) only contains an I.O.U. from the federal government. 1
- Hooray! The Republican Congress was carried out on the shoulders of the people. They saved Social Security. Actually they are carried out on the BACKS of the American taxpayers. Republicans used to stand for limited government. 1
- Huge grandma, gray power, walks Boy Scout, Congress, across the street. Streets named Balanced budget, Social Security increase, appreciate you helping , Sonny. 1
- Instead of a Trojan Horse waiting outside of the Social Security gate, we have a lame duck congress. 1
- King Kong-like adventure. Reagan gets Uncle Sam across the broken economic plan bridge. Next comes the giant Social Security snake. the foreign policy dinosaur and the MX gorilla. 1
- Monsters peeking in a window of small business ringing doorbell. Coming in new year is OPEC oil increase, minimum wage increase and social security increases. 1
- Panel 1-4. President Bill Clinton made a big show when he pretended to fix the Social Security Program with an infusion of surplus money coming from the cigarette industry lawsuit. It's like replacing the flat front tire with the inflated rear tire. 1
- Panel 1-4. Uncle Sam hands out a social security raise to an elderly couple, then takes it back so they can pay for their higher medical insurance premiums. When are we going to stop trusting big government? 1
- Panel 1-6. The election is over and congress continues to kick the ticking time bomb, (Social Security bankruptcy) down the road. It's not set to go off, now, until 2042. Our poor grandchildren might be there for the explosion. 1
- Panel 1. Media asks Speaker Jim Wright about chances congress will freeze social security benefits. Panel 2. Wright is standing in the snow in his shorts saying congress will do the responsible thing. 1
- Panel 1. Tip O'Neill warns seniors about Reagan's social security program changes. Panel 2. Senior asks if congress has a plan. Panel 3. Tip says, "absolutely not." Panel 4. Senior's faith in congress (to do nothing) has been restored. 1
- Panel 1. Mr. Clinton accepts eggs from citizens as bureaucrats put them in a savings lock box. Panel 2. Lock box is really a pass through window to the old-timer omelet parlor where the government feeds peoples' nest eggs to customers. 1
- President Bill Clinton is working on his budget proposal for 1967. When you read the fine print, all the programs like Social Security, health care, education, defense, etc. point to helping him get reelected in 1996. 1
- President Reagan has roped big bull called Fiscal Responsibility . Now the problem is getting him across the Social Security electric fence he installed. 1
- Public Employee Unions wanting to soften the Davis Bacon Act might want to rethink attaching itself to the big government teet. Medicaid, the Stimulus pork bill, Medicare, Social Security program and Obamacare pig are sucking the momma taxpayer pig dry. 1
- Reagan wants to clean up social security blanket. A large, armed Linus Van Pelt, from Schulz'e Peanuts strip, looks very protective. It could be a bit risky. 1
- Related to news story about checks still being mailed to long dead folks. St. Peter delivers. Mail man grumbles. [See Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph article "Social Security still paying deceased" dated October 1, 1981, page 7F.] 1
- Representative Claude Pepper "rescues" social security from intensive care room. 1
- Sheriff Reagan hides wanted poster behind his back upon meeting the armed elderly criminal. Congress runs away. 1
- Six panels showing how military wife works while husband is deployed. Chicken on nest analogy. Panel 6. Military rooster comes home with new chick and wants to share military retirement egg the wife protected and worked on while he was away. 1
- Slick Campaign trick #43. Try to scare the elderly by telling them the other party will cut their social security benefits. Slick Willy is behind the curtain disguised as a GOP elephant who grabs an elderly woman's purse. 1
- Social security building is on fire. Firemen congress and Reagan offer wieners to seniors. 1
- Some Social Security citizens see it as a "rescue"when Uncle Sam tows them to MORETAX city. 1
- The Social Security Program is in trouble. Democrats and the AARP seem to believe the program is unsinkable, like the Titanic. If we don't fix the program, the children will go down with the ship. Politics is held as a higher priority than reality. 1
- The Social Security Titanic is sinking. Reagan prepares budget plan lifeboat. Speaker Tip and Democrats, as usual, try to scare the old people. Congress has their own lifeboat. 1
- The Social Security boat is taking on water. Reagan and team are trying to bail it out. The people at a conference voted that we all stay afloat. 1
- The United States is constantly in debt. Uncle Sam is certainly someone we can trust to handle our retirement plan. Right. Congress spends the money we give" to our social security plan as fast as we send it in. " 1
- The story about Bernard Madoff's $50 billion Ponzi scheme gets lots of media coverage. What doesn't seem to get noticed is the Madoff clone, Uncle Sam, has a Medicare and Social Security program which has an unfunded liability of around $99 Trillion. 1
- Thus far, the unique stand of two candidates has failed to capture broad public appeal! Sign "Social Security Program". Pat Robertson holds a stop sign and Pete duPont holds a danger sign while lemmings are headed toward Social Security cliff. 1
- U.S. Congress adjourns. Mice and chickens have wrapped up their work and failed to deal with the failing social security program this year. 1
- Uncle Sam (Congress) looks at x-Ray of elderly lady (Social Security) and sees a clamp (automatic cost of living raise) still inside. They left a "successful" operation tool. 1
- We are asking a lot from our grandchildren who are left to keep the swing moving for the elderly on Social Security. It's going to get even heavier as more people retire and fewer young people are left to keep the system going. 1
- Which culture is more advanced? Native Americans see old people as wise, respected, experienced and powerful. In our modern culture, elderly are seen as out of touch, anti-progress, set in old ways and should be forced to retire. 1
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