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- Based on another identified image of her, the woman sitting in the rattan chair is Ellen T. Brinley. 1
- Bearded elderly man holding baby stands behind a donkey with two small children on its back and a girl in striped dress and broad-brimmed hat holding its reins. 1
- Carved sandstone rocks in front of treed, rocky hillside, possibly part of Palmer Park in Colorado Springs. 1
- Chairs and carved Victorian tall side table, including one rattan-backed rocking chair, in room, possibly in Dr. B. F. D. Adams house. Carved dresser with mirror is visible at left. Patterned carpet is on floor. 1
- Cowboys herding horses inside a wooden-rail corral on the plains. 1
- Crude stone dugout with fireplace on plains with log cabin visible behind. Two men in hats are standing next to cabin. 1
- Entrance hall of Dr. B. F. D. Adams house on Cascade Avenue, with two large armchairs, patterned carpet on hardwood floors and wooden staircase with carpeted runner and decorative carved wooden screen at right. Title written on print. 1
- Group of well-dressed young men and women pose on rocky hillside with rocky cliffs and tree-covered mountains behind. Blurred figure of small dog is visible in center. Empty bottle is balanced on cliff at right. 1
- Group of young men and women and one dog perching on rocky cliff with mountainside behind. 1
- Hillside with tree stumps in foreground and treed slope in mid ground. Snow-covered mountain is visible in background. 1
- Horse-drawn trap is parked in front of rock formations in Garden of the Gods. 1
- Large two-story frame house on unpaved street with large trees in front and decorative shingles on side. Another house is close at left. Low board fence is in front of the house and a horse mounting block is adjacent to the sidewalk. 1
- Large wood-frame house located on an unpaved road lined with trees and adjacent ditch boxes for irrigation. 1
- Large wood-frame house with ornate fretwork on balconies and ornate picket fence in front. Additions at the rear of the structure indicate it may be a boarding house. 1
- Long view of open fields with mountains behind and railroad boxcars parked on a curve on the right. Wooden rail fence is visible in foreground. 1
- Long view of small building behind rail fence with rocks of Garden of the Gods behind. Pencil notations on matte board indicate Queen's Canyon and Gatehouse for Glen Eyrie. 1
- Man in suit sits in wooden chair with upholstered seat. Painted bowl holding daisies is visible in on table behind. This may be a photograph of Dr. B. F. D. Adams without the beard seen in other images. 1
- Man sitting in padded wooden chair and reading a book in crowded room with mantle piece at left, table piled with books, a plant and a lamp at right, and draped doorway into next room behind. Skirt of woman sitting on couch is visible at left. 1
- Men and women, on horseback and riding in buggies, on dirt road with house visible behind. Woman in center is riding sidesaddle. 1
- Men working on large buildings with metal beams, possibly Victor or Cripple Creek after the fires. Other men stand on brick buildings in background or on rocky hillside at right. Small buildings are visible on hillside in distance. 1
- Narrow canyon between rocky cliffs with scrub trees in foreground. 1
- Pine tree in front of rock cliff wall with scrub brush around. 1
- Pine tree in front of rock cliff with scrub land in front. 1
- Pine tree in front of rocky cliff with scrub brush around. 1
- Rime-coated trees lining unpaved road in front of fashionable x-pattern wooden fences. Wagon tracks are visible in snow on street. 1
- Rocky cliffs with mountains in distance and scrub trees in foreground. 1
- Scrub land with bare trees in foreground, with treed hillside and mountain in background. 1
- Scrub land with brush and trees between two rocky hillsides. 1
- Scrub land with large boulders with treed hillside and mountains behind. 1
- Seven well-dressed young women pose in front of still body of water with hillside behind. Two women lean on trees at water's edge andthree sit in background. 1
- Seven young women, all wearing wide-brimmed hats, peer out from behind large rock on rocky hillside with trees behind. 1
- Slightly out-of-focus view of rocks in Garden of the Gods. 1
- Small log cabin located on the plains with an adjacent stone dugout. 1
- Small valley between rocky cliffs looking out onto plains beyond. 1
- Small, crowded room with large fur rug, heavy draperies on windows, and several shelves of knick-knacks in background. Couch under window is covered in large blanket and several throw pillows. This may be the home of Dr. Adams on North Cascade. 1
- Snow-covered mountains with pine trees in foreground. 1
- Treed hillside with large rocky cliff in background. 1
- Treed mountain slope with snow on peak and pine trees in foreground. 1
- Trees on rocky hillside with scrub brush in foreground. 1
- Two horse-drawn traps are parked in scrub land in front of large rock cliff. The unhitched horses are tied to bushes near the carts. 1
- Two small children in dark dresses with white lace collars and high-buttoned boots sit on saddled donkey while small boy stands at donkey's head and holds the reins. Two of the children wear rolled-brim hats. 1
- Two small pine trees in scrub land before large rocky cliff. 1
- Two women sit on steps in front of wood frame house. Woman on left is holding a wide-brimmed hat. Based on another identified image of her, the woman on the left is Ellen T. Brinley. 1
- Two-story wood-frame building with picket fence in front and bare trees lining street. A horse mounting block is adjacent to the sidewalk. 1
- View across plains looking westward towards a panorama stretching from Cheyenne Mountain to a snow-covered Pikes Peak. 1
- View down wide unpaved roads lined with rime-coated trees. Ditch boxes line the left side of the road. These ditch boxes were used to irrigate trees along Cascade Avenue. 1
- View down wide unpaved street lined with trees with houses on both sides and Pikes Peak visible in distance. Title written in pencil on matte board. 1
- View of Cheyenne Mountain in the distance with rocky cliffs in the foreground. 1
- View of Dr. B. F. D. Adams newly constructed house at 410 N. Cascade Avenue. Pile of lumber is visible in foreground and the Antlers Hotel is visible in distance. Smaller buildings are behind the house. Title written on print. 1
- View of Pikes Peak, presumably from Dr. B. F. D. Adams house on Cascade Avenue, with only a few small buildings visible in distance. Title written on print. 1
- View of back of Dr. B. F. D. Adams newly constructed house on Cascade Avenue. Building behind is identified as McAllister house. Several newly-planted trees are visible in foreground. Title written on print. 1
- View of the Garden of the Gods and snow-covered mountains behind. 1
- View wood-frame homes set far back from rail fence with Pikes Peak in distance and row of trees alongside. 1
- Warmly-dressed woman sitting under large pine tree in front of rocky cliff playing banjo. 1
- Well-dressed man seated in a two-wheeled horse-drawn trap poses for a photo on an unpaved road between rocky cliffs. 1
- Well-dressed woman sits in wooden chair with carved arms. Based on facial features this may be a portrait of Katherine Brinley Adams, wife of Dr. B. F. D. Adams and sister of Ellen T. Brinley. Small table behind holds flowers in pots and a painted bowl. 1
- Woman in well-tailored riding dress and hat sitting sidesaddle on horse in middle of unpaved street with houses in background. Based on another identified image of her, this woman is Ellen T. Brinley. 1
- Woman sits on steps leading to porch of wood frame house. Window with wooden window box is behind. Based on another identified image of her, this woman is Ellen T. Brinley. 1
- Woman sitting in chair with carved wooden arms. Small table in back holds flowerpots and painted bowl with daisies and geraniums. 1
- Woman sitting on wooden rocking chair in front of wooden door to house. 1
- Woman stands at gate of rail fence in front of large wood frame house with covered porch with decorative brackets. Upper windows have wooden shutters. Another woman stands behind the fence. 1
- Woman wearing fashionable riding outfit and carrying whip sits sidesaddle on horse on unpaved road. Based on another identified image of her, this woman is Ellen T. Brinley. 1
- Woman wearing jacket with double row of buttons and with ring on right hand sits in rattan chair. Based on another identified image of her, this woman is Ellen T. Brinley. 1
- Woman wearing wide-brimmed hat sits under window outside wood frame house. Based on another identified image of her, this woman is Ellen T. Brinley. Decorative shingles and wooden window box are behind. 1
- Wood-rail corral among pine trees with rocky mountains in background and barbed-wire fence in foreground. 1
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