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- A card table with four chairs in a recreation room. Identified as being located at 1403 Mesa Ave., Broadmoor. 1
- A dining room featuring a dining set, cabinet, and screen. Written on the back of the photograph 1
- A dining room with a round dining table and four carved, high-back chairs. Identified on the back of the photograph 1
- A doorway between a dining room and den. Written on the back of the photograph 1
- A living room with a seating area, fireplace, and grand piano. Identified on the back of the photograph 1
- A seating area in Reginald Fung's house showing upholstered furniture, tables, lamps, and a bookshelf. Written on the back of the photograph 1
- A small dining area. Identified on the back of the photograph 1
- Empty interior of the Air Force Academy chapel, shortly after completion in 1962. Photo identified on back. 1
- Exterior of large stone building with tree in front. Photo identified on back as "D&B school building. Edw. Bunts, arch. Al. L. Brown Hall, 1947." 1
- Front of the Colorado Springs Fire Arts Center with people in front of entrance steps and car parked in front. Sign reading "Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center" is at right of door.""FA Center 30 W. Dale" written on back. 1
- Greg MacDougal, dance instructor at Colorado College in the 1950s. 1
- Group of people lounge on lawn by small pond by the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center. Park benches are under trees at sides. Photo identified on back as Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center patio 30 W. Dale. 1
- Interior of dining room with table and ornate chairs, stone floors and large floor-to-ceiling window behind. Photo identified on back as "Jan Ruhtenberg dining room Marland Rd." Jan Ruhtenberg was a noted architect. 1
- Interior of entrance way, with brick stairs leading up to door and cinderblock walls behind. Photo identified on back as "Jan Ruhtenberg home B'moor ca. 1950. Marland Rd." Jan Ruhtenberg was a noted architect. 1
- Interior of home with large windows with wood frames overlooking mountain landscape. Photo identified on back as "Andersen home (Andersen Windowalls) Cascade, Colo. Gordon Ingraham, arch." 1
- Interior of room with set dining table and rustic plank walls and windows and stone pillars. Photo identified on back as "Anderson home, Cascade, Colo. Gordon Ingraham, arch." 1
- Large living room with curved couch in front of huge fireplace and floor-to-ceiling windows behind. Photo identified on back as "Mrs. Spencer Penrose's "shack" - c. 1950. Jan Ruhtenberg - Arch. Cheyenne Mountain." 1
- Long view of recreation room with couch, chairs and shag rug at left, table with chess set at right, and bar with four barstools in back. Photo identified on back as "Thomas Fischer recreation room 2801 Country Club Dr., C.S. Harry Pierceall, arch." 1
- Mill with railroad cars and tracks running through it. 1
- Modern entranceway to brick building, identified on back as Loomis Hall - Girls dormitory, at Colorado College. Photographer's stamp on back. 1104 North Cascade Avenue. 1
- Organist Gene Barry. 1
- Painter Cornelis Ruhtenberg, 1923-2008. Cornelis Ruhtenberg studied in Berlin from 1941 until 1946 and two years later immigrated to the United States. Ruhtenberg's painting were exhibited at the Colorado Springs Fie Arts Center. 1
- Portrait of Florence Holmes Ingraham (1918-1996) and Harold Ingraham (1909-1995)" Written on the back of the photograph 1
- Students in life drawing class at the Colorado Springs Fine Art Center draw model posing in front of row of lockers. Drawings of skeletons and bones line room. Photo identified on back. 1
- View of house with curved roof and an upper-level deck and walk-out lower level. Identified on the back of the photograph 1
- View of a living room and dining room. Identified on the back of the photograph 1
- View of a living room with L-shaped sofa. Identified on the back of the photograph "Harrison house / Harry Francis, decorator / 1975". 1
- View of living room with sunken conversation area in front of a fireplace. Written on the back of the photograph 1
- View of patio. Written on the back of the photograph 1
- View of stone pation with lounge chairs and large center pine tree. 1
- Wood-frame house behind white rail fence with neatly-tended rock garden in front. Photo identified on back as "Norman Wessel home 404 Ridgewood Ave. Bmoor ca. 1960." 1
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