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- Photograph167
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- ca. 1900 19
- ca. 1902 13
- ca. 1910 11
- ca. 1904 8
- 1941-08 7
- ca. 1907 7
- ca. 1901 6
- ca. 1915 5
- ca. 1905 4
- 1893-1894 2
- 1914 2
- ca. 1895 2
- ca. 1898 2
- ca. 1906 2
- ca. 1914 2
- 1893-04-12 1
- 1894 1
- 1894-07-09 1
- 1896-1900 1
- 1896-1917 1
- 1899 1
- 1900-1910 1
- 1900-1917 1
- 1902 1
- 1902-1915 1
- 1902-1917 1
- 1903 1
- 1906-08-01 1
- 1907-1917 1
- 1915 1
- 1916 1
- 1924 1
- June 10, 1894 1
- June 12, 1894 1
- June 24, 1894 1
- ca 1902 1
- ca. 1896 1
- ca. 1908 1
- ca. 1922 1
- ca. 1935 1
- ca. 1938 1
- ca. 1953 1
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- A man stands next to a circa 1914 two-seat runabout automobile bearing a 1914 Colorado license plate that is parked on a dirt road in the mountains. 2
- A wooden bridge over rocky creek bed 2
- Beaver Creek Falls 2
- Close-up of Rainbow Falls. 2
- View of Pikes Peak with Fountain Creek in the foreground. 2
- Williams Canyon with large “Cave” sign for the Cave of the Winds entrance building at the top of the photo. 2
- A colorized view of a forested hiking path. 1
- A dirt road through a rocky, forested canyon. Hikers can be seen on the sides of the roadway. 1
- A dirt road winds through a rugged canyon. 1
- A group of women dressed in large fashionable hats of the period are drawing in sketch books next to a small lake in Stratton Park with mountains in the background. Written on the bottom of the photo "|In Stratton Park. Cheyenne Mt. in Distance."| 1
- A large group of men, women, and children stand and sit among large boulders. 1
- A large outdoor asphalt mixing plant with Cameron Cone and Pikes Peak in the background. "Madsen Asphalt Paving Plant" is written on the machinery. Incorrect information written on the negative sleeve states "Birdsall Municipal Power Plant 1
- A man sits in a circa 1914 two-seat runabout automobile with the top down on a dirt road in the mountains. 1
- A man stands next to a circa 1914 two-seat runabout automobile that is parked on a dirt road in the mountains. 1
- A man stands on boulders in a frozen and snowy creek. 1
- A narrow dirt path winds around a rock formation. 1
- A narrow dirt road north of Colorado Springs with rock formations. 1
- A narrow dirt road north of Colorado Springs. 1
- A rustic wooden building sits along train tracks in a rocky canyon. 1
- Beds line the left-hand wall, men in chairs on the right against shaded windows. [May be Cragmor Sanatorium] "185." hand-printed in lower right corner. 1
- Beds line the left-hand wall, men in chairs on the right against shaded windows. [May be Cragmor Sanatorium] "201." hand-printed in lower right corner. 1
- Early view of Monument Park and Lake looking west, destroyed by flood in 1935. Written on the photo "Monument Park & Pikes Peak." 1
- Elevated view of Cripple Creek, Colorado, looking west with Mt. Pisgah in the background. 1
- Elevated view of Idaho Springs with railroad tracks in the foreground. 1
- Elevated view of Manitou Springs looking west. 1
- Elevated view of Telluride, Colorado with Ballard Mountain in the background. 1
- Exterior side view of the building. 1915 Dodge Brothers Roadster is parked at the building entrance. 1
- First National Bank employee Addison Davis arriving at the bank. 1
- First National Bank employee Charles Porter arriving at the bank. 1
- First National Bank employee George MacDowell arriving at the bank. Marquis of the Trail Theater in the background advertises two motion pictures; "Forbidden Adventure" [1931] and "Enemy Agent - Richard Cromwell/Helen Vinson" [1940]. 1
- First National Bank employee Jack Barney [1899-1961] arriving at the bank with the marquee for the Trail movie theater behind him and Antlers Hotel in the distance. 1
- First National Bank employee Newton Whitfield arriving at the bank. 1
- First National Bank employee Ralph Graves arriving at the bank. 1
- First National Bank employee Robert Bell arriving at the bank. 1
- Five miners pose for photograph in mine tunnel. Rough-hewn wooden beams support the walls and ceiling. Men are wearing soft hats and have no safety equipment. Miner seated is holding a lamp. 1
- Forested hiking path. 1
- Four women and two men are atop rock formation on right. Short metal fencing surrounds the top. Balanced rock is on the left. Sign on Steamboat Rock "Steamboat Rock Observatory / Use of the telescopes free to all visitors / All Welcome". 1
- Front stone entrance to Union Printers Home. 1
- Full-page halftone illustration of waterfall among rocky cliffs with dirt road alongside. Page is captioned "Ute Pass. The old trail of the Indian tribe from which the name is derived." "Harlan" is printed at lower right of page. 1
- Garden of the Union Printers Home 1
- Gateway and entrance to large brick house with tile roof and semi-circular entrance. Brick drive leads from unpaved street. Photo identified on back, with note "now belongs to First Lutheran Church, 1515 N. Cascade." 1
- Hand-written on bottom "607. Abe Lincoln Mine. A. J. Harlan Photo." 1
- Hand-written on bottom "Acacia. 610. Harlan Photo Colo. Spgs." Four horses pulling a wagon and three railroad open wagon cars are visible. 1
- Hand-written on bottom "Balance [sic] Rock Garden of the Gods." 1
- Hand-written on bottom "Independence Mine & Mill. 641. Harlan Photo. Colo. Spgs." 1
- Hand-written on bottom "Moon Anchor." 1
- Hand-written on bottom "The Independence Mine & Battle Mt. / A. J. Harlan Photo". Other large mines are seen operating on the hillside in the background. Numerous residences are seen adjacent to the mine. 1
- Hand-written on bottom of print "Altman Colo from East" and "Harlan Photo". Stamped on back "A. J. Harlan, Photographer. Victor, - Colo." On the left side of the photograph, a partially dismantled tent encampment is visible. 1
- Hoodoo rock formations in Monument Valley Park known as "Dutch Wedding Party." 1
- Identified as "Manitou Springs Fountain" 1
- Identified as "|Mt. Rosa on the Short Line."|A man stands amid the boulders taking in the view 1
- Identified on reverse as "Acacia". 1
- Info on back "Trianon, Gillis Bros. cont." 1
- Interior of assay office showing assay cups and mining scales. Brass spittoon is on floor by table. "A.J. Harlan Photo Colo Sp'gs." written on bottom of print. 1
- Interior view of a mine showing wooden supports. 1
- Large mining operation on a hillside with massive piles of mine tailings. Railroad boxcars from the Florence & Cripple Creek Railroad are parked throughout the area. Typed on bottom "Harlan Photo. Colo. Sp'gs". 1
- Long view of second Antlers Hotel with snow-covered Pikes Peak in distance. Rails and overhead catenary lines for the Colorado Springs electric trolley system are visible in the foreground. 1
- Low waterfall among large rocks with trees behind. Sign on a fallen tree branch next to the falls is inscribed “Minnehaha Falls” "Minnehaha Falls." and "A. J. Harlan Photo." printed on bottom of print. 1
- Man fishing in water by edge of road. Streetcar is visible in the background "No Fishing" sign to his right. "Windsor Hall" sign visible in background. Title on front of print. 1
- Man standing on dirt road between giant landformations. 1
- Man walks on sidewalk adjacent to trees with a lake beyond. Stamped on back "Photo's from Harlan "The View Man" 304 E. Pikes Peak Ave / Colorado Springs, Colo." 1
- Mary McKinney Mine is in the foreground and other mines on Raven Hill are seen on the hillside in the background. Residences and a small church can be seen below the church. Hand-written on bottom "Mary McKinney & Raven Hill Mines. Harlan Photo." 1
- Men and women are seen walking in the garden of the Union Printers Home. 1
- Miners stand on levels of scaffolding inside a mine. Candles can be seen along the walls and in the hands of the miners. 1
- Narrow view of rocky canyon. 1
- Narrows to Cave of the Winds. 1
- North Cheyenne Canon 1
- Northbound steam locomotive pulling two baggage and four passenger cars passing houses in Colorado Springs. Cheyenne Mountain appears in the distance. Hand-written on bottom of print "Colorado & Southern Ry." and "A. H. Harlan Photo. Colo. Sp'gs." 1
- Old Ute Pass showing dirt road and waterfalls. "Ute Pass and Rainbow Falls" is written on print. 1
- One man stands and another is operating a large drill in a mine next to a full ore cart with a metal plate reading "Standard Ore Car / Denver Engineering Works." Hand-written on bottom "A. J. Harlan Photo. Colo. Springs." 1
- Panoramic view of the city of Manitou Springs looking west. The path for the Incline Cog Railway to the peak of Mount Manitou can be seen on the right with a snowcapped Pikes Peak in the center distance. 1
- Photographer's stamp "Photo's from Harlan "The View Man" / 304 E. Pike's Peak Ave. / Colorado Springs, Colo." 1
- Printed at bottom "Victor Colo. From Squaw Mt. 318. Harlan Photo. Colo. Spg's." 1
- Printed at bottom of print "Sunrise from Summit Pike's Peak. Copyrighted 1903 by A. J. Harlan Photo Colo. Spg's." 1
- Railroad box cars and hopper cars are parked on a rail spur at the Findley Mine complex with massive piles of mine tailings. Residences are seen adjacent to the mine. Hand-written on bottom "|The Findley Mine 601. Harlan Photo. Colo. Sp'gs."| 1
- Railroad box cars are parked on a rail spur at the Findley Mine complex with massive piles of mine tailings. Residences are seen adjacent to the mine. Hand-written on bottom "Findley Mine". 1
- Railroad open wagon car being loaded with ore. Hand-written on reverse "This is the conveyor here. I am the it up on top 'oiling up' Taken about 7 1
- Railroad tracks of the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad run through the Royal Gorge canyon with the hanging bridge in the background. Royal Gorge. Annotated at the bottom of the photo with “Grand Canon of the Arkansas. D & RG Ry.” 1
- Road to Cave of the Winds with the entrance building visible at the top of the photo. 1
- Rock formation, possibly in Palmer Park. 1
- Rocky mountain landscape with railroad tracks in foreground. 1
- Short metal fencing surrounds the top of the rock formation on the right. Balanced rock is on the left. Sign on Steamboat Rock "Steamboat Rock Observatory / Use of the telescopes free to all visitors / All Welcome". 1
- Single-story mission-style building with a tile roof that has a sign that reads 1
- Small mining camp at the base of a mountain. 1
- Superintendent's Cottage at the Union Printers Home in a snowy landscape. A family poses in front of the home. 1
- The Seven Falls in South Cheyenne Canon. 1
- Tower and turret of Colorado Springs High School during demolition. 1
- Tracks of the Pikes Peak Cog Railway are seen in shadow through a mountain pass. White telephone/telegraph poles line the tracks. 1
- Tracks of the Pikes Peak Cog Railway are seen in shadow through a mountain pass. White telephone/telegraph poles line the tracks. Houses in Manitou Springs can be seen on hillsides in the background. 1
- Two Baldwin 0-4-2T steam locomotives each attached to one rail car (marked Manitou and Pikes Peak Ry.) are parked on either side of the Summit House. Signs read 1
- Two railroad boxcars are parked on a rail spur at the entrance to a large structure at the mine. Hand-written on bottom "The Blue Bird Mine. A. J. Harlan Photo. Col. Sp." 1
- Unidentified home set in a lush landscape. A circa 1910 Baker electric automobile is visible to the left near the stables. 1
- Unidentified mining operation appears in the background with numerous boxcars on a rail line below the mine. In the foreground a steam locomotive can be seen in operation. 1
- Union Printers Home and its park-like setting. 1
- View of Pikes Peak taken through trees with a two sets of railroad tracks seen in the center of the photo, the furthest having several railroad cars parked on the tracks. 1
- View of canyon 1
- View of mineshaft with rigging for bringing buckets up and down. Hand-written on bottom "A. J. Harlan Photo. Colo. Springs." 1
- View of mining towns Altman, Goldfield, and Independence on hillsides surrounded by mines and piles of tailings. 1
- View of mountain valley in an unidentified location. 1
- View of mountains. 1
- View of second Antlers Hotel. 1
- View of the Damon Mine in the Cripple Creek District with massive piles of mine tailings. Other mines are visible on the hillsides in the background. Hand-written on bottom "Damon." Typed on bottom "Harlan Photo. Colo. Sp'gs". 1
- View of the Deadwood Mine in the Cripple Creek District with massive piles of mine tailings. Other mines are visible on the hillsides in the background. Hand-written on bottom "Damon." Typed on bottom "Harlan Photo. Colo. Sp'gs". 1
- View of the El Paso Gold King Mine on a hillside with massive piles of mine tailings. Hand-written on bottom "The El Paso G. Mine. 638. A. J. Harlan, Photo Colo. Springs." 1
- View of the Shove Chapel on Colorado College Campus framed by trees. 1
- View of trailroad tracks looping over trestle bridge in canyon. "Georgetown Loop" is hand-printed on bottom of print. 1
- View of wooden buildings in Anaconda, Colorado, between treed hillsides. "Anaconda Col. From West. Track laying F & CC RR June 2, 94 Harlan Photo" printed on bottom of photo. 1
- Woman sitting behind the wheel of a right-hand-drive 1909 Buick Model 10 touring car parked in Garden of the Gods with rock formations behind."From A.J. Harlan's Studio, 304 E. Pike's Peak Ave., Colorado Springs, Colorado." stamped on back of print. 1
- Written on photo is "Pike's Peak from "Big Stick" Rock" 1
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