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- Busy mining town of Leadville with railroad trestle in midground and smokestacks of smelters in background. Snow-covered mountains are visible in distance. "|837. Leadville on the Colo. Midland Ry."|printed on bottom of photo. 1
- Display of Van Briggle bowls, vases and miscellaneous objects on shelves and table. 1
- Exterior view of St. Mary's Cathedral and spires from the southeast at 22 W. Kiowa Street. 1
- Exterior view of St. Mary's Cathedral from the east at 22 W. Kiowa Street. Tejon Street is visible on the left. 1
- Fireplace, desk, mantle clock. Printed on bottom right "7. Photo. By CL McClure. Denver". 1
- Haystacks in field surrounded by fences with Pikes Peak in distance. Foreground is blurry, as if photo was taken from moving train. "|838. Pike's Peak from Divide - Colo. Midland"|printed on bottom of photo. 1
- Lake in Cascade, Colorado, with building of railroad station and large building with sign "Railway Dining Room" painted on roof. Train is visible behind buildings at left. Water is spouting from small pile of rocks in center of lake. 1
- Man in suit and bowler hat stands between fruit trees in orchard. "|844. Orchard Near Grnd [sic] Junction - Colo. Midland Ry."|printed on bottom of photo. 1
- Photographic copy of a painting of two steam locomotives on a narrow rocky ledge above a steep gorge. "224. Hell Gate on the Colo. Midland Ry." printed on bottom of photo. 1
- Printed on front "The Broadmoor / Colorado Springs / Colorado" and "Photo by E. C. McClure, Denver." 1
- Railroad track winding at bottom of scrubby hillside along small river. Hills and mountains visible in background. "|777. Red Rock Canon - Colo. Midland Ry - Photo by L.C. McClure Denver."|printed on bottom of photo. 1
- Railroad tracks leading through rocky cliffs with small stream alongside. Sign on cliff at right reads "|Granite Canon."| "|791. Entrance to Granite Canon - Colo. Midland Ry. Photo by L.C. McClure. Denver."|printed on bottom of photo. 1
- Railroad tracks of the Colorado Midland looking through tunnel at Cameron's Cone in distance. "|843. Cameron's Cone - Ute Pass Colo. Midland Ry."|printed on bottom of photo. 1
- Railroad tracks run through treed hillsides and rocky cliffs. Small stream is at right of tracks. "795. Granite Canon - Colo. Midland Ry. Photo by L.C. McClure, Denver." printed on bottom of photo. 1
- Railroad tracks running alongside rocky riverbed with rocky cliffs alongside. Treed mountain is visible in background. "|839. Watch Dog of the Colo. Midland"|printed on bottom of photo. 1
- Railroad tracks running between small river and rocky cliff. Treed hillside is visible in background. "|794. Granite Canon - Colo. Midland Ry. Photo by L.C. McClure. Denver."|printed on bottom of photo. 1
- Snow-covered Mt. Massive with trees leading up to the slopes. Trees in foreground nearly cover tracks of the Colorado Midland. "|766. Mt. Massive on the Colo. Midland Ry. - Photo By L.C. McClure. Denver."|printed on bottom of photo. 1
- Sundown on wooded hillside with mountains in distance. "|778. Eventide in the Frying Pan Valley - Colo. Midland Ry. - Photo by L.C. McClure. Denver."|printed on bottom of photo. 1
- Tso story brick building with "Central Christian Church" sign affixed to side of building. 1
- Two men sitting on log across small waterfall on rocky slope. Fallen trees litter the riverbed, and tall pine trees line the sides. "784. Fan Falls - Fryingpan River on the Colo. Midland Ry. Photo by L.C. McClure. Denver." printed on bottom of photo. 1
- View looking west with Monument Creek in the foreground, homes and a school in the mid-distance and a snow-covered Pikes Peak in the background. Label under picture reads "Mcl-808--Pikes Peak from Monument Valley Park, Colorado Springs, Colorado." 1
- View of snow-covered mountain framed by trees with dirt road in foreground. "|759. A Vista of Mt. Sorpris - Colo. Midland Ry. Photo by L.C. McClure. Denver."|printed on bottom of photo. 1
- View of snow-dusted mountain with treed hillside in foreground. "|789. Mt. Nast from Hell Gate - Colo. Midland Ry. - Photo by L.C. McClure. Denver."|printed on bottom of photo. 1
- View of stained glass window from the inside of St. Mary's Cathedral located at 22 W. Kiowa Street. 1
- White-washed brick building with cross on top. Rose of Sharon Temple located at the corner of Weber Street and Cucharras Street at 229 E. Cucharras Street. 1
- Whitewater on narrow river with mountains behind. Large rocks and bare trees line banks at right. "|823. Roaring Fork River - Colo. Midland Ry. - Photo by L.C. McClure. Denver."|printed on bottom of photo. 1
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