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- Document584
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- City and County Indian chiefs rowing canoe against each other with Sales tax hike paddles is about to go over the falls. Passenger wonders if they've heard of "cooperation". 1
- City and county governments look at ballot issues. Mayor Bob has lots of issues...Tastes Great! Flintridge, Baseball, Smoking ordinance, Charter Changes...while County has cent sales tax...Less Selling. It was an beer commercial argument 1
- County Commission covered wagon returns from County sales tax pass full of arrows. Natives did not like their capital improvements plan. 1
- County Commission pig is asking County Treasurer, County Clerk, and Sheriff pigs if they have reservation to pay raise pig trough. Yeah, about HIM. 1
- County Commissioner Harris is using a small fish (5 mill property tax reduction) as bait for a large 1% sales tax fish 1
- County Commissioners are duck hunters. Decoy ducks labeled Sales tax proposal. Bird dog with megaphone (Citizens budget review comm.) says ARF! 1
- County Commissioners lock the door on new jail (HB 1405) Taxpayers are locked in. 1
- County and City are cooperating on Sales tax putting on a horse outfit for going backwards. 1
- County commissioner Campbell comes into office and wants to swallow his administrative tail. "I'm not convinced Brother Campbell fully understands the operation of county government." 1
- County commissioners Harris and Whittemore find Charlie Mier's house is made of glass. Rock fight on Conflict of Interest Ave. and Powers Blvd. 1
- County commissioners Marcy Morrison and Loren Whittemore are about to us a big property tax club on a taxpayer. Maybe he would prefer to be beaten by Sales tax club. Good Cop - bad cop routine. 1
- County commissioners as firemen holding rescue hoop without a net sees people falling through to the ground. 1
- Couple on road to polls to vote against county sales tax sees their car washed down stream. He thinks he saw a thought float by. 1
- District Attorney Russel has the unpleasant task of cleaning his assistant, George Vahsholtz from skunk remarks. 1
- Downhill sled race analogy. County commission, state legislature and chamber of commerce all all going down hill. Mayor Bob is not a team player wanting the county sled to not get a good start. 1
- Eight panels showing evolution of courtship. Short story 1
- El Paso County Commissioners have an annoying cow lick called community services. Glue, band aids and hair oil don't work to keep them down. They keep popping up in the news. 1
- El Paso County Commissioners might experience the agony of defeat as they see their County Pension Fund runner lining up in government investment line heading the wrong direction. 1
- El Paso County Commissioners, Chuck Brown and Terry Harris look at Frank Klutz with hole in foot. He shot himself with a special investigation request gun. 1
- El Paso County District Attorney, Bob Russel and Chief Criminal Deputy Blakely are considering going to the U.S. Supreme Court to get clarification on Colorado's death penalty law. What they are likely to find are a bunch of wobble-burgers on the bench. 1
- El Paso County District Attorney, Bob Russel, seems to have the ability to hypnotize the jury in the courts. 1
- El Paso County Planning Commission must be playing a different game than the State. The state umpire thinks they should play baseball (using those rules) while the planners seem to think football rules may apply. 1
- El Paso County Sheriff Shipley and District Attorney, Bob Russell are engaged in a serious log rolling competition. Actually it's not a log, it's the taxpayer who is getting rolled. 1
- El Paso County citizens would like to see more government programs but don't like to get hit by higher taxes. Politicians offer lots of promises but taxpayers get fooled every time. Dumb as mice, we are. 1
- El Paso County is on life support with DATA management association. It can't look at Bid Right medical supplies. The county commission's attachment to DATA management keeps them from inviting other bidders to compete. Something strange is going on here. 1
- El Paso County voters will decide whether to load their rifle with a 1/2 mill increase bullet to kill the inflation lion which is eating regional libraries alive. Regional library servants hope their employer will act soon. 1
- El Paso County's Fischer Health Board has a very dangerous job cleaning the teeth of the alligator County Commissioners. Perhaps he shouldn't be gripping so much. They might swallow him whole. 1
- Five El Paso County commissioners had an opportunity to raise taxes but instead voted to cut spending. Whoa! Feds call for quarantine. 1
- Five men sit on one chair at the employment office. They must be from the overcrowded jail. 1
- Hockey analogy 1
- Mayor Bob drives user pay harvesters inc pickup to thank County Commissioners who are planting seed in 1% sales tax field. County sows, city reaps. 1
- Nurse, Commissioners Marcy and Meier are guessing why voters passed the sales tax issue. shown is a trap door labeled property tax hike. 1
- On the surface it looks like a county and school plane crashed on taxpayer house. Residents think it could've been much worse not realizing a volcano (1983 property tax reassessment) is ready to blow. 1
- Panel 1. Unpaid City council has no problem lining up people to paint the fence. Panel 2. Paid County Commissioners are looking very bad in fence painting work. 1
- Panel 1. Commissioner (Whittemore) asks Skyway man if he has objections to an administration building in Bear Creek Park. Panel 2. No response. Panel 3. No response. Panel 4. Winter. Panel 5. Caterpillar arrives. Panel 6 Skyway guy says, Yes. 1
- Panel 1. County officials observe the dangerously overcrowded jail. They wonder who they should allow for early release. Someone appears to be desperate to get out of there. Panel 2. It turns out that person is a deputy guard in the sheriff's office. 1
- Panel 1. The city of Colorado Springs and El Paso County Commissioners do not want to see people in the area begging for help. Panel 2. But when bond issues and Elections role around, we see city and county officials begging for support. 1
- Prisoners in the El Paso County jail are not happy with their cells. Maybe we should change the wallpaper. 1
- Secretary finds prisoner holed up in file of jail studies. Tells commissioners the studies have turned into a crisis. 1
- Six panels with doctor taking pulse of election. Panel 1. Asks presidential race? Panel 2. Senate race? Panel 3. congressional race? Panel 4. DA's race? Panel 5. Huge reaction in pulse. Panel 6. State house race? 1
- Someone must have tipped off the El Paso County Commission the Colorado Springs City Council planned to raid their corn crop connected with House bill 1041. The Commissioners are putting up a scare crow veto threat to frighten them away. 1
- Tax revolt people are stringing up reappraisal guy. "Tell me again why we're stringin' up the reappraisal guy when it's actually school and government officials who raise taxes." "We might need the practice." 1
- The El Paso County Commissioners want to halt payments to Aid to Dependent Children, a federally mandated program. It's like making a Don Quixote like charge at a government windmill. Maybe they should just quit horsing around. 1
- The El Paso County Planning Commission has a reputation for living high-on-the hog. They are going to have trouble to stand adjourned after eating such a heavy meal. 1
- Top view of County Jail and Judicial building. Prisoners are sleeping like sardines on the floor in El Paso County Jail, while legal spaghetti slows down procedures in the courthouse. 1
- Voter at polls voting for or against county sales tax, see famished county commissioner needing another hole punched in his belt. 1
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- Date Published...
- Map18
- Date...
- September 1901 2
- 1902 1
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- 1946 1
- April 1901 1
- February 1912 1
- July 1903 1
- July 1909 1
- July 1954 1
- June 1904 1
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- October 1937 1
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- Extension of carriage road from Bear Creek Canyon to Crystal Park. Survey of Bear Creek Cañon-Crystal Park tourist carriage road extension. Shows townships, ownership, and dates of survey. Blue line print. 1
- Map of El Paso County, Colorado, February 1912, created by C.O. Ford, El Paso County surveyor. Map shows numbered townships, ranges and sections. Also shows populated areas, railroad lines, roads, creeks and bordering counties. 1
- Map of El Paso County, Colorado. Shows township numbers, creeks, roads, towns, and railroads. 1
- Map showing ownership of land in the Townships 12S - 14S & Range 59W - 60W. Leased land is shown shaded and with date of expiration of lease in tract. State land is shown with a shaded border. 1
- Survey of Bear Creek-Cheyenne Canyon tourist carriage road. Shows townships, ownership, dates of survey, with pipelines, and pencil corrections. 1
- Trail from Bear Creek Canyon to Crystal Park. Survey of Bear Creek Canyon - Crystal Park tourist carriage road. Shows townships, ownership, dates of survey, with pipelines, and pencil corrections. Blue line print. 1
- Date...
- Newspaper Article5028
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- 1962-01-05 12
- 1961-09-01 10
- 2002-11-06 9
- 1961-09-15 8
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- News Name...
- Terry Maketa 92
- Douglas Bruce 60
- Jim Bensberg 30
- Tom Huffman 30
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- Dennis Hisey 18
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- Ed Raye 3
- Eric Christen 3
- Erica Larson 3
- Holly Williams 3
- J. Patrick Kelly 3
- Jack Vaeth 3
- James Day 3
- Jeff Greene 3
- Jeff Kramer 3
- Jimmie Brewer 3
- Karen Magistrelli 3
- Keith Brooks 3
- Ken Bull 3
- Kent Lambert 3
- Leon Moynier 3
- Marcy Morrison 3
- Mike Merrifield 3
- Norma Scott 3
- Patricia Thompson 3
- Richard Decker 3
- Robby Unser 3
- Scott Graves 3
- Scott Harman 3
- Stanley Hildahl 3
- Steve Gresh 3
- Steven Phelps 3
- Thomas Foulks 3
- Tisha Dowe 3
- Wayne Allard 3
- Albert McClintock 2
- Alberto Garduno 2
- Alize Vick 2
- Allan Reid 2
- Amy Stephens 2
- Ann Ervin 2
- Anthony Madril 2
- Arthur Roberts 2
- Bernard Gilligan 2
- Bruce Berner 2
- Carley Johnson 2
- Carol Snyder 2
- Charles Brown 2
- Charles Duke 2
- Charlie Hess 2
- Christopher Acker 2
- Chuck Berry 2
- Clint Vahsholtz 2
- Dan Martindale 2
- Dan Potter 2
- Daniel Rohrbough 2
- David Pearlman 2
- Dennis Cripps 2
- Don Wallace 2
- Dorice Justice 2
- Douglas Parrish 2
- Earl Black 2
- Edward Johnson 2
- Francis McCargar 2
- Garth Hystad 2
- Gary Williams 2
- Geoffrey DeWolfe 2
- Gustavo Caldera-Cortez 2
- Harriet Beals 2
- Irving Howbert 2
- Jariah Walker 2
- Jeff Wells 2
- Jerry D. Mullen 2
- Jesse Cook 2
- Jesse James 2
- Jill Law 2
- Jim Abendschan 2
- Jim Day 2
- Joe Sweazer 2
- Joel Hefley 2
- John D. Cords 2
- John Morris 2
- John Newsome 2
- John Potterat 2
- John Weaver 2
- Jules Cuneo 2
- Karla Hansen 2
- Keith Bohannon 2
- Keith King 2
- Kenneth Schinstine 2
- Kevin Campos-Valverde 2
- Kevin McDonald 2
- Kirk Samelson 2
- Kit Roupe 2
- Larry Liston 2
- Larry Stanley 2
- Lee Cole 2
- Leroy Hugney 2
- Liliana Valverde 2
- Lisa Goldsmith 2
- Lou Smit 2
- Maddy Tormoen 2
- Marion M. Shipley 2
- Marla Prudek 2
- Marsha Brewer 2
- Marvin Eddy Tryon 2
- MaryAnne Tebedo 2
- Marzelle Mannon 2
- Matt M. Riley 2
- Michael Link 2
- Michael Oliver Lewis 2
- Mitch Lincoln 2
- P.J. Anderson 2
- Patricia Hume 2
- Paul Callaway 2
- Penguin Phillip 2
- Rene Casas-Pacheco 2
- Rich Brenner 2
- Richard Herrin 2
- Rob King 2
- Robert J. Rusk 2
- Robert King 2
- Rodney Gehrett 2
- Rodney Preisser 2
- Ron Lee 2
- Ron May 2
- Ronald A. Kunau 2
- Ronald Causey 2
- Ronald Reagan 2
- Rosemary Bakes-Martin 2
- Ross Glidewell 2
- Ross Van Etten 2
- Ryan Hafer 2
- S.M. Buzzard 2
- Scott Gessler 2
- Sharon Shipley 2
- Shipley 2
- Shirley Ann Jesse 2
- Sidney Dlhosh 2
- Simon Gutierrez 2
- Stefanie Dickinson 2
- Steven Gough 2
- Suzanne Shell 2
- Swaba 2
- Teresa Taylor 2
- Terry Kunkel 2
- Thom Foulks 2
- Thomas Kennedy 2
- Thomas McElroy 2
- Thomas Mowle 2
- Tiegan Burress 2
- Tim Pleasant 2
- Tim Shull 2
- Tyrel Lee Weber 2
- Vard Gray 2
- W. Field Phelps 2
- William Louis 2
- A. H. Anderson 1
- A. J. Smith, architect 1
- Aaron Doussett 1
- Aaron Hanley 1
- Abby Pena 1
- Adrian Blake 1
- Adriana Campos-Valverde 1
- Agusti Roc 1
- Alan Ives 1
- Albert G. Olson 1
- Albert Martinez 1
- Albert Matthews 1
- Albert Olson 1
- Albert W. Delisle 1
- Alex Barnsbee 1
- Alexander Kane 1
- Alfonso Rojas 1
- Alfred F. Clowser 1
- Allaine Loggins 1
- Allan Carlson 1
- Allan K. Miller 1
- Allan Lochmann 1
- Allen Harmon 1
- Allen T. Gunnell 1
- Allison Hunter 1
- Aloha E. Chamberlaine 1
- Alonzo Terry 1
- Alvin Anderson 1
- Alvin E. Moyer 1
- Alvin H. Rowton 1
- Amanda Peasley 1
- Amber Ptak 1
- Amy Folsom 1
- Amy Lathan 1
- Anderson 1
- Andrew Gorgey 1
- Andriana Campos-Valverde 1
- Andy Dimmen 1
- Andy Penrod 1
- Angel Lucero 1
- Angela Mudge 1
- Angelia Van Dyke 1
- Angelo Gianinetti 1
- Anita Ortiz 1
- Ann MacLaughlin 1
- Annabel Lee Policelli 1
- Anne Taylor 1
- Annette Saunre 1
- Anthony Gomez 1
- Anthony Kreashko 1
- Anthony Rieskamp 1
- Ardis Schmitt 1
- Arnold English 1
- Ashley Bullock 1
- Aspen Becker 1
- Audrey Elizabeth Seymore 1
- August J. Smith 1
- Autumn Pulscher 1
- B.H. McMahon 1
- Barbara Hamilton 1
- Barbara Lamborn 1
- Barbara Martish 1
- Barney Iuppa 1
- Ben Alexander 1
- Benny M. Greenway 1
- Bensberg Sandra 1
- Bernadette Albanese 1
- Bernard Stoltmann 1
- Bernie Boettcher 1
- Berry Swenson 1
- Bertus G. Douma 1
- Betty Beady 1
- Betty Murrow 1
- Bev Harrigan 1
- Bev Tarpley 1
- Bill Elder 1
- Bill Bremer 1
- Bill Frist 1
- Bill Jambura 1
- Bill Martin 1
- Bill Miller 1
- Bill Nelson 1
- Bill Owens 1
- Bill Ritter 1
- Bill Slaughter 1
- Blakemore McCarty 1
- Bob Alessio 1
- Bob Book 1
- Bob Cordova 1
- Bob Curtis 1
- Bob Gardner 1
- Bob Holmes 1
- Bob Isaac 1
- Bob MacDonald 1
- Bob R. Jones 1
- Bob Warren 1
- Bob Wetzel 1
- Bob Wraith 1
- Bobby Regester 1
- Bonna Ruth Cash 1
- Bonnie M. Pratt 1
- Brad Johnson 1
- Brad Orgill 1
- Brad Shannon 1
- Bradley Epps 1
- Brenda Hausman 1
- Brendon Younger 1
- Brenna Harfert 1
- Brett Rieskamp 1
- Brian Mattson 1
- Brian Williams 1
- Brock Behler 1
- Bruce Boyle 1
- Bruce Gwin 1
- Bruce R. Howard 1
- Bryan Ambrose 1
- Bryn Mawr 1
- Bud Bylund 1
- Bud Ford 1
- Burnest Johnson 1
- C. Philip Compton 1
- C. R. Hayer 1
- Calvin Husted 1
- Carina James 1
- Carl C. Freeman 1
- Carl Hatton, Sr. 1
- Carlos Sanchez 1
- Carmen Santiago 1
- Carol Geltemeyer 1
- Carolin van Barneveld 1
- Cary Carpenter 1
- Cecil Kennedy Lohmeyer 1
- Cela Alvarez 1
- Chandler Disch 1
- Charles Dudley 1
- Charles E. Barfield 1
- Charles J. Von Nordheim 1
- Charles Kull 1
- Charles Palmer 1
- Charles Poncelow 1
- Charles Roszak 1
- Charles Schwalier 1
- Charles W. Heim 1
- Charles Ward 1
- Charles Wingate 1
- Charlize Reagin 1
- Chavello Garcia 1
- Chris Barlow 1
- Chris Brewer 1
- Chris Briggs-Hale 1
- Chris DeStefano 1
- Chris Lujan 1
- Christina Boese 1
- Christina Stevens 1
- Christine Bougin 1
- Christopher Paul 1
- Christopher Quinn 1
- Christopher Wright 1
- Christy Tillman 1
- Chuck Bowles 1
- Chuck Howarth 1
- Chuck Maher 1
- Chuck Murphy 1
- Cindy Roadcap 1
- Clarence Kissler 1
- Claudia A. Burk 1
- Clay Taylor 1
- Cliff Porter 1
- Clifford Pennington 1
- Clinton Howland 1
- Clinton J. Wheaton 1
- Clyde L. Starrett 1
- Cody Chambers 1
- Cody Hill 1
- Cole Emmons 1
- Connie Pfost 1
- Corinne Favre 1
- Courtney Diesing 1
- Craig Raygor 1
- Curtice Pennington 1
- Cynthia Thompson 1
- Cynthia Van Wormer 1
- D. Steven Englander 1
- Damron 1
- Dan Blosser 1
- Dan Istvan 1
- Dan Wagner 1
- Daniel Beld 1
- Daniel Bohl-Everly 1
- Daniel E. Whipple 1
- Daniel Schnepf 1
- Danielle Strahan 1
- Dante Brennan 1
- Daphne Greenwood 1
- Darryl Webb 1
- Dave Clippinger 1
- Dave Miller 1
- Dave Phillipps 1
- David Barber 1
- David Dean Goss 1
- David Edgerton 1
- David Fletcher-Janzen 1
- David Freitag 1
- David Klemmer 1
- David R. McCord 1
- David Strate 1
- David W. Ward 1
- David Wagner 1
- Dayna Jenkins 1
- Dean Gross 1
- Dean Kelsey 1
- Deborah Grohs 1
- Debra Sudtelgte 1
- Denise Baker 1
- Dennis Grivois 1
- Dennis McNeil 1
- Derwin L. Hamilton 1
- Diana DeGette 1
- Diane L. Coon 1
- Diane Rinek 1
- Diann Lucas 1
- Dianna Gladney 1
- Dick Anderwald 1
- Dodnald Kessler 1
- Don Armstrong 1
- Don Lawrie 1
- Don Peaker 1
- Don Roycraft 1
- Don Sanborn 1
- Donald Hall 1
- Donald L. Wolfswinkel 1
- Donald Massmann 1
- Donald R. Woods 1
- Donald Richer 1
- Donald Wieman 1
- Donald Woerz 1
- Donja Vaughn 1
- Donna Carr 1
- Donna K. Weakland 1
- Dorene Cardelle 1
- Dorothy Devlin-Wood 1
- Dorothy El Wanda Rigby 1
- Doug Jones 1
- Doug Naegele 1
- Douglas Bond 1
- Douglas Wilson 1
- Dr. Alan M. Kraft 1
- Dr. Barclay Watson 1
- Dr. Frank C. Chamberlain 1
- Dr. John Muth 1
- Dr. Joseph Cannon 1
- Dr. Steven Englander 1
- Dr. Steven Englender 1
- Dr. William K. Sinton 1
- Duke Phillips 1
- Dustin Elbert 1
- Dwight Barnes 1
- Dwight Hobbs 1
- Earl A. Spitzer 1
- Earl McRoberts 1
Show More - Topic...
- Elections-Candidates 188
- Elections 156
- Registers of births, etc. 114
- County Government 105
- Budget 99
- El Paso County Courthouse 83
- Elections-Issues 82
- Elections-Results 81
- Traffic Accidents 77
- El Paso County Jail 76
- El Paso County Sheriff's Office 71
- Foreclosures 64
- Housing Industry 63
- El Paso County - Commissioners 47
- Lawsuits 47
- El Paso County Fair 43
- Weather 38
- West Nile virus 37
- Flu 36
- Rancho, CO 29
- Marriage records 28
- Oil and Gas
- Date...