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- Newspaper Article21
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- 1884-07-03 1
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- Gazette 19
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- Coal Seam fire 3
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- A deep rocky canyon with a river running through it. A wooden flume is on the left that empties into the river. A narrow trail with adjacent utility poles is on the right. Written on back "In Grand Canon, Glenwood Springs, Colo." 1
- A landscape view looking east of the Hotel Colorado with the swimming pool and bathhouse. Printed on front 1
- A landscape view of the Hotel Colorado with the swimming pool and bathhouse beside the stream. Printed on front 1
- A narrow road bordered by utility poles and a river run along the bottom of a rocky Glenwood Canyon. 1
- A railroad track runs along a river with a tunnel in the background. Printed on front "Photo by George Beam." and "First Tunnel, Canon of the Grand, Colo." Printed on front "Photo by George Beam." and "First Tunnel, Canon of the Grand, Colo." 1
- A view looking down an unpaved road through the mountains with a river running next to it. Written on back "Looking east showing section of Pike's Peak O[cean] to O[cean] hiway in Glenwood Canon, Glenwood Springs". 1
- An unpaved road runs next to a river in a rocky mountain canyon. Utility poles are placed along the road. Written on front "Grand Canon. At Glenwood Springs Colo." 1
- Car driving on dirt road in canyon with river on left and mountains ahead. Photo identified on back as "Canyon at between GW & Rifle," later identified as South Canyon outside Glenwood Springs, where I-70 is now. 1
- Elevated view of the Glenwood Springs taken from adjacent mountain. Handwritten on back label of the original 1
- Full-page halftone photo of lake in between rocky cliffs and tall trees. Caption below image reads "The Hanging Lake, Near Glenwood Springs, Colorado." "Photograph by Courtesy of U.S. Forest Service" printed in lower right of page. 1
- Hotel Colorado, Glenwood Springs. 1
- Man riding on maintenance car on tracks of Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad at Glenwood Springs. "Corky" written below picture. 1
- Man, identified as James S. Hammitt, working on signal box for the Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad near Glenwood Springs. Maintenance car is on tracks at right. "Jimmy" is written under picture. 1
- Photo of a large hotel taken from the garden in the center of the complex. Typed on back "Hotel Colorado, Glenwood Springs, Colorado". 1
- Printed on front "Reflections in Canon of the Grande." Imprinted on back "Published at Colorado Springs, Colorado. Always call for Mellens Views." 1
- Rock formation in Glenwood Canyon. 1
- The Colorado Hotel in Glenwood Springs, Colorado. 1
- Three mounted men with herd of packhorses and pack of dogs sit on rocky road in mountains alongside river. Title printed on front of print, with "Krueger Glenwood Springs Colo. No. 3". 1
- Title under image "A view of Glenwood Springs, the famous pleasure resort of Colorado." 1
- Two swimmers enjoying the fountain in the swimming pool with bath house in background. Printed on front "Open air, Hot Swimming Pool, Glenwood Springs, Colo. ". 1
- View looking north of swimming pool with fountain and slide in foreground of the Hotel Colorado. Printed on front "Hotel Colorado and swimming pool, Glenwood Springs, Colorado". 1
- View looking west of the bath-house and swimming pool with fountain beside the stream with road in foreground. Printed on front "9291 / General View of Bathing Pool, Glenwood Springs, Colo. ". 1
- View of Glenwood Canyon. 1
- View of pool and bath house with swimmers enjoying the water and group of people watching from pool side. Foothills in background. Printed on front "13827 / The Pool, Glenwood Springs, Colo." 1
- View of swimming pool in Glenwood Springs. 1
- ~ 1
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