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- Hilly scrubland with bushes and small trees and mountains in distance. 1
- Landscape with low plants and mountain peak in background. Note on back reads 1
- Long view of snow covered mountains. Item appeared in "Picturesque America" in 1872 page 499. 1
- One of three images on full page with decorative drawing behind. Image shows steep rocky slope in mountains. "Hell Gate Hagerman Pass." printed below image. 1
- Photographic copy of a painting of two steam locomotives on a narrow rocky ledge above a steep gorge. "224. Hell Gate on the Colo. Midland Ry." printed on bottom of photo. 1
- Printed below photo "Capitol Peak - [elev.] 14100 - Elk Range." 1
- Printed below photo "Castle Peak - [elev.] 14259 - Elk Range." 1
- Printed below photo "Hagerman Peak, Snowmass Peak, Snowmass Lake, Capitol Peak" and "Looking west from Buckskin Pass." 1
- Printed below photo "Maroon Peak - [elev.] 14126 - Elk Range." 1
- Printed below photo "North Maroon Peak - [elev.] 14000= - Elk Range - from Lower Maroon Lake." 1
- Printed below photo "Pyramid Peak [elev. 14025] from Buckskin Pass." 1
- Printed below photo "Snowmass Peak - [elev.] 14077 - Elk Range." 1
- Printed on front "150. Snowmass Lake, Colo." 1
- Snow-covered hillside under cloudy skies. 1
- Snow-covered mountains with one lone tree in foreground. Photo from folder "Upper Arkansas River - Tw Lakes -Independence Pass - Granite". 1
- Snowy mountain in background with forest in foreground. Photo from folder "Upper Arkansas River - Tw Lakes -Independence Pass - Granite". 1
- Sundown on wooded hillside with mountains in distance. "|778. Eventide in the Frying Pan Valley - Colo. Midland Ry. - Photo by L.C. McClure. Denver."|printed on bottom of photo. 1
- Two men sitting on log across small waterfall on rocky slope. Fallen trees litter the riverbed, and tall pine trees line the sides. "784. Fan Falls - Fryingpan River on the Colo. Midland Ry. Photo by L.C. McClure. Denver." printed on bottom of photo. 1
- Two-lane paved road with cloud-covered mountain in background. Note on back reads "Paved road over Independence Pass was completed in August 1968. It is 38 miles from Twin Lakes to Aspen over this pass - 158 by alternate route via Glenwood Springs." 1
- View of Maroon Lake near Aspen with Maroon Bells reflected in water. 1
- View of Maroon Lake newar Aspen with Maroon Bells reflected in water. 1
- View of rushing stream past rocky banks with mountains in background. 1
- View of snow-covered mountain framed by trees with dirt road in foreground. "|759. A Vista of Mt. Sorpris - Colo. Midland Ry. Photo by L.C. McClure. Denver."|printed on bottom of photo. 1
- View of snow-dusted mountain with treed hillside in foreground. "|789. Mt. Nast from Hell Gate - Colo. Midland Ry. - Photo by L.C. McClure. Denver."|printed on bottom of photo. 1
- Windsock on mountain peak. Photo from folder "Upper Arkansas River - Tw Lakes -Independence Pass - Granite". 1
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