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- 1332 Earl's Court [renamed Wood Avenue in 1912]. Residence of Warren W. Wood. 3
- 1523 Wood Avenue. Residence of C. P. Bennett. 2
- 33 West Willamette Avenue. Residence of Dr. H. C. Watt. 2
- Living room of the Solly residence in the Broadmoor area. [Researcher's note 2
- Mantel design for Glen Eyrie 2
- Residence of H. B. Davis 2
- Residence of T. H. Buckley, Esq. 2
- Steele School. 2
- Two-story wood-frame residence in the Broadmoor area. 2
- "Plais du Grand Trianon. - La Facade." Used as model of Claremont residence of C. A.. Baldwin - Colorado Springs. 1
- 1332 Earl's Court [renamed Wood Avenue in 1912]. Second story, staircase and hall of the residence of Warren W. Wood. 1
- 1515 Wood Avenue. Residence of Butler Williamson. 1
- 1523 Wood Avenue. 1
- 1626 Wood Avenue. Residence of S. Scovel Chamberlain. 1
- 1830 Wood Avenue. “Stable for B. H. Hopkins, Colo. Springs” annotated at bottom of print. 1
- A man and woman sit on the steps of a two-story home with a wrap-around verandah located in the Broadmoor area. Tracks for a streetcar and an overhead catenary line are in the foreground. 1
- Alternative Exterior, persective view from Canon Ave. 1
- Architectural drawing for design for the Carnegie Library, Colorado Springs, Colo. T. MacLaren, Architect. 1
- Architectural drawing of a “Design for Bank Building”. The Stratton building at 27 S. Tejon, designed by architect Thomas McLaren and built by the Stratton Estate 1
- Architectural drawing of “Design for Main Building, Sanatorium for the Modern Woodmen of America, Colorado Springs, Colo.” 1
- Argo Hall at the Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind. 1
- Boyle and Haas building located at 320-324 North Tejon Street. Signage on the building includes “The Halcyon”, “Plumbing & Heating”, “Harrel Market – Groceries & Meats”, “Ladies Tailor” and “Mack’s Sulphur Steam Bath Co.”. 1
- Broadmoor Casino 1
- Carnegie Library in Boulder, Colorado, located at 1125 Pine Street. Built in 1906. 1
- Carnegie Library in Manitou Springs. 1
- Chamber of Commerce building located at 11 North Tejon Street. Two early model automobiles are parked in front of the building. 1
- City Market Block located at 111-121 South Cascade Avenue. Business signage includes “Sommers… House”, “Ira J. Morse”, “Heath Cigar Co.”, “Rood’s Candy” and “Lyons Candy Co.” 1
- Claremont Stables 1
- Classroom in Woodman Valley School. 1
- Colonnade, Manitou Springs Development Company 1
- Colorado Springs City Hall located at 107 North Nevada Avenue. The cornerstone was laid in 1902 and the building dedicated 1904. Building was designed by Thomas MacLaren. 1
- Completed design for Stratton building, northeast corner of Tejon and Colorado. 1
- Cottage of Robert Aymer located at 315 East Cache la Poudre. 1
- Design for Church 1
- Design for Elk's Home. 1
- Design for Franklin School 1
- Design for St. Andrew's Church. 1
- Design for center block of Cragmoor Sanitarium 1
- Design for hotel 1
- Design for the Colorado Building at the Louisanna Purchase Exposition. 1
- Dining room of White House Ranch, residence of H. L. Sclater. 1
- Dining room of the Elks Club located at 3-5 East Bijou Street. 1
- Elks Club located at 3-5 East Bijou Street. 1
- Entrance to residence of 1330 Earl's Court [renamed Wood Avenue in 1912]. 1
- Exterior view St. Stephen's Episcopal Church located at the southeast corner of North Tejon and East Monument Streets. This building now serves as the parish hall of Grace and St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church located at 601 N. Tejon Street. 1
- First Congregational Church located at 1128 Pine Street in Boulder, Colorado. 1
- Floor plans for Cragmoor Sanitarium. Note lower left 1
- Front of club house at Patty Jewett Golf Course. 1
- Garden front of Claremont. 1
- Hall fireplace in residence of H. B. Davis. 1
- Hotel on Broadmoor Casino grounds. 1
- Interior View of Library 1
- Interior corridor of the Elks Club located at 3-5 East Bijou Street. 1
- Interior hall of White House Ranch, residence of H. L. Sclater. 1
- Interior of the meeting room of the Elks Club located at 3-5 East Bijou Street. 1
- Interior view of the newly constructed St. Stephen's Episcopal Church located at the southeast corner of North Tejon and East Monument Streets. 1
- Lavish salon at Claremont. 1
- Lavishly appointed den of the Baldwins at Claremont. 1
- Lavishly appointed dining room of the Baldwins at Claremont. 1
- Lavishly appointed living room of the Baldwins at Claremont. Large framed portraits of women adorn the walls. 1
- Lodge Room in Masonic Temple in Montrose, Colorado. 1
- Long view of the Baldwin residence, Claremont (now the Colorado Springs School). 1
- Lounging room of the Broadmoor Hotel; located on Casino grounds. 1
- Main entrance of the Claremont. 1
- Masonic Temple in Montrose, Colorado. 1
- Office of Wagon Wheel Gap Hot Springs Resort. 1
- Ornate bronze staircase in the Capitol Building in Denver. Bare lightbulbs protrude from ornate finial at bottom of stair. 1
- Proposed design for Trinity Memorial Church. 1
- Reading room of the Elks Club located at 3-5 East Bijou Street. 1
- Residence at Broadmoor 1
- Residence for F. H. Pettingell. According to the 1912 City Directory, Mr. Frank H. Pettingell lived at 11 West View Place. 1
- Residence for Spencer Penrose in Lytle, Colo. 1
- Residence of Drs. J. T. and H. T. Muir located at 611 North Tejon Street. 1
- Residence of G. A. Preston 1
- Residence of Henry McAllister, Jr located at 1231 North Nevada Avenue. 1
- Salida Public Library. 1
- Sprawling adobe residence of B. M. Cutting. 1
- Stratton Building under construction located at the northeast corner of Tejon Street and Huerfano [later renamed Colorado Avenue]. Several pedestrians are in the foreground. 1
- The Everhart Building located at 23 ½ East Bijou Street. Business signs include “Day Realty & Investment Co.” and “F.L. Gutmann, Druggist”. Numerous bicycles are parked in front of the building. 1
- Two-story wood-frame Broadmoor residence of Duncan Chisholm. 1
- Vestibule of Colorado Springs City Hall located at 107 North Nevada Avenue. The cornerstone was laid in 1902 and the building dedicated 1904. Building was designed by Thomas MacLaren. 1
- View of the Wagon Wheel Gap Hot Springs resort with a group of people in the foreground. 1
- View of the impressive library at Claremont with its main floor and second-floor balcony housing numerous shelves of books. A large chandelier hangs in the middle of the room. 1
- Wagon Wheel Gap Hot Springs Resort was built of natural materials, a low profile with broad open porches. 1
- Window detail. 1
- “McIntyre Block, Colorado Springs” located at 301 South Tejon Street. Signs on buildings include “Macy’s Drugs”, “La Court Furnished Rooms” and “Baldwin Co.” [piano sales]. 1
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