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- Photograph81
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- 1950-09-23 9
- 1951-09-21 7
- 1953-09-12 6
- 1956-08-25 6
- 1948-09 5
- 1945-09-22 4
- 1946-08 4
- 1948-09-05 4
- 1956-08-24 4
- 1946-09 3
- 1947 3
- 1948-09-03 3
- 1948-09-04 2
- 1948-09-06 2
- 1948-09-07 2
- 1953-09-11 2
- 1955-08 2
- 1898-08-30 1
- 1908-06-15 1
- 1908-06-16 1
- 1909-03-24 1
- 1909-08 1
- 1915-07-02 1
- 1916-03-21 1
- 1916-04-20 1
- 1944-07-15 1
- 1947-06 1
- 1948-09-02 1
- 1951-09-28 1
- 1955 1
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- Quarry 8
- Early boarding house, Summitville, Colo. 3
- Waldorf 3
- Abondoned Building 2
- Summitville Mill. 2
- Town Hall Pitkin 9-6-48. Built 1904. 2
- 7 1
- A hotel and the Ghost Town Club Field Trip 9-4-1948. 1
- A joint opposite La Veta Hotel. 1
- A view of a frozen Lake Moraine looking southeast toward a forested hillside. Almagre Mountain is seen in the background which is located southeast of Pikes Peak. 1
- Abandoned in Washington Gulch - Sept - 48. 1
- About half-way between Del Norte and Summitville. Perhaps stage or freight stop. 1
- An original building. Bonanza. 1
- Arrastra in creek bed near Buckskin Joe. 1
- Big 5 Boarding house. 1
- Boarding House. Tiger 1
- Bonanza. 1
- Breckenridge 1
- Camp Frances 1
- Dyersville - Father Dyer's cabin. Near Boreas Pass. 1
- First house built in this town. 1
- Forest Queen - Irwin - Disc. 1879|Co-quit 1889. Produced a million dollars. In 1884 was netting $5,000 to $6,000 a month. 1
- Freeland 1
- From road between Crested Butte and Gothic, Colo. 1
- General view 1
- Gothic - Sept. 6 - 1948 1
- Gothic 9-6-48 1
- Gothic Mountain (upper section). 1
- Gothic mountain (lower section). Ghost town of Gothic at bottom [of photo]. 1
- Horsfal Mine [?], Gold Hill, Colorado. [name], our guide, of Eldora, Colo., is at left. Guide, Ray Colwell, Abby Kernochan, Helen Colwell, Freda Rizzari, Julia Lipsey (behind), Ethel Torrance, Francis Rizzari (kneeling), Carl Mathews. 1
- In Pitkin. 1
- In Pitkin. Sept '48. 1
- Jackson Monument / Idaho Springs 1
- Lamartine Mine. 1
- Lamartine village. 1
- Main street - Pitkin - Labor Day trip 1948. 1
- Mason block. Pitkin Sept 48. 1
- Masonic Monument. Park City. GT 1946. 1
- Masonic Monument. Parkville (or Park City?) Summit Co. Breckenridge trip Aug 1946 1
- Mill foundations - Montgomery 1
- Near Gunnison, Colo. Store, P. O. and Stage station built by Alonzo Haratmann about 2 miles southwest of Gunnison in 1876. [Mel Deering 1
- Old Denver and North Western depot and mill ruins in Wall Street. 1
- Old Mill at Dudley. RGC in picture. Ghost Town Field Trip. 1
- Old Mill foundations at Montgomery. 1
- Portal and Main tunnel to Big Five Mining Company. Camp Frances. 1
- Residence built and occupied by Alonzo Hartmann, founder of Gunnison (city). 1
- Rock wall laid up with motar. Mill at Wall Street. 1
- Rosita 1
- Saints John 1
- Saints John, about a mile from Montezuma, Colo. 1
- Saints John. Old stack. 1
- Saints John. Stack of old smelter - one of, if not the, first in Colorado. Said to be the first on the western side of the Divide. 1
- Silver Creek. 1
- Small cabins are seen nestled among a forested hillside. 1
- Stevens Mine. 1
- Three levels of Denver and North Western tracks above Camp Frances. (Big Five mines) 1
- Town Hall Crested Butte 9-5-48. 1
- Travellers 1
- Trip members 1
- View of road in Pike National Forest. Written on the back "Young Engelmann Spruce mostly 15-25 years old, on ground burned probably between 30 and 40 years before." 1
- Waldorf Mill 1
- Wall Street [ghost town] 1
- [might this be the Yule Marble Quarry? In 1931, marble from the Yule Quarry was used for construction of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery.] 1
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