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- A locomotive moves down the tracks. Handwritten on the original plate's back label 1
- A man sits near a waterfall. 1
- Elevated view of the Glenwood Springs taken from adjacent mountain. Handwritten on back label of the original 1
- Exterior view of the hospital building. Handwritten on the original plate's back label 1
- Handwritten on back label "No-13-Four Donkeys Manitou Colo". 1
- Handwritten on back label "No.714 Colorado Canon of the Arkansaw R.". 1
- Rock formations with a horse-drawn carriage visible in the foreground. Handwritten on the original plate's back label 1
- View above the falls. Handwritten on the back label 1
- View of a downtown Denver Street. Handwritten on back of original label 1
- View of a waterfall. Printed on original plate 1
- View of an unidentified church building. Printed on back label "Stereopticon & Film Exchange, Chicago, Ill.". 1
- View of church exterior. Hand-printed on original label 1
- View of railroad tracks in the Royal Gorge with hanging bridge in the distance. 1
- View of street with streetcars, horse-drawn wagons, and pedestrians visible. Handwritten on back of original label 1
- View of the Mount of the Holy Cross with snow. Stamped on the front of the original plate 1
- View of the Mushroom Rocks in Garden of the Gods. Handwritten on the original plate's back label 1
- View of the exterior the old Arapahoe County Courthouse in downtown Denver. A large street light hangs from a wire in the upper left. Handwritten on the original plate's back label 1
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