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- Photograph141
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- ca. 1900 14
- ca. 1903 14
- 1899-1901 13
- ca. 1901 8
- ca. 1910 8
- ca. 1893 5
- ca. 1895 5
- ca. 1905 5
- ca. 1881 4
- ca. 1902 4
- ca. 1908 4
- 1902 3
- 1904 3
- ca. 1885 3
- 1891-1897 2
- 1910-1919 2
- ca 1901 2
- ca. 1890 2
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- ca. 1935 2
- 1887-1899 1
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- 1896-04-29 1
- 1896-04-30 1
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- 1902-1915 1
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- ca. 1899 1
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- A driver stands next to a team of horses attached to a “Pikes Peak Carriage” with the canvas sides rolled up on a very rocky Pikes Peak Carriage Road. A group of three men and a woman [passengers] stand next to the vehicle. 1
- A horse-drawn carriage carrying passengers travels on a cleared road through about four feet of snow. Four people stand in the snow on a steep hillside to the right of the carriage. A. L. Dotson is identified as manager of the line. 1
- Close view of buildings at Glen Eyrie with rocky hillside behind. Low brick buildings are in foreground, with the turretted tower in background. 1
- Close view of the tower at Glen Eyrie during construction, with wooden framework at ground level and some scaffolding visible through the windows. Man wearing apron and hat is standing on small balcony at far right. 1
- Close view of the tower at Glen Eyrie during construction. Wooden framework is visible at left. 1
- Closed wagon drawn by two horses with "Colorado Springs" written on side, identified on back as an ambulance, parked in front of large brick and stone building. Man wearing uniform and badge stands alongside wagon. 1
- Crowd of well-dressed men at tables in large dining room with tile floor at Alamo Hotel. Table in foreground is empty except for white tablecloth and flower centerpiece. Flag bunting suspended from ceiling at far end of room. 1
- Engine of the Pikes Peak Cog Railroad standing on track at station in Manitou Springs. Photo identified on print. "276" written on lower right of print. 1
- Formal portrait of General Palmer standing with arm resting on carved chair back. 1
- Four polo players posing for camera in field. Research indicates this photo was probably taken at the polo grounds of the Cheyenne Mountain Country Club. The automobiles parked in the background appear to be from the pre-1910 time period. 1
- Group of four people mounted on burros riding on dirt road in South Cheyenne Canyon among rocky cliffs. "Pillars of Hercules South Cheyenne Canon" printed on bottom of photo. Previously numbered 001-4123. 1
- Group of men posing on arched brick porch, identified on back as Antlers Hotel. 1
- Hand-colored print of Mushroom Park rock formations Garden of the Gods. 1
- Interior of Campbells Barber Shop at 12 S. Tejon below Exchange National Bank, showing barbers posed beside their draped customers. Rack on back wall contains the shaving mugs and brushes of customers. Sign in back over doorway reads "Hot and Cold Baths". 1
- Interior of St. Leander Catholic Church from rear looking toward altar, showing wooden pews and rafters in ceiling. This photograph was likely taken upon completion of the church in 1925. 1
- Interior of assay office showing assay cups and mining scales. Brass spittoon is on floor by table. "A.J. Harlan Photo Colo Sp'gs." written on bottom of print. 1
- Large group posing in front of large stone building [Palmer Hall] on Colorado College campus. 1
- Large tree in wooded land with wooden benches around and wire fence at right. 1
- Line of uniformed men [officers and enlisted] stand with sabers drawn in a field with trees behind. Note on back reads "Colorado National Guard possibly Co. I - 2nd Infantry - Colorado Springs 1901?" 1
- Long view looking through trees and scrub vegetation of the castle at Glen Eyrie with the stable/carriage house compound in the foreground. 1
- Long view of Cripple Creek looking north from hillside above, looking down at buildings below with Mount Pisgah in the background. Pine trees and fallen log frame view in foreground. A few trees dot the hillside behind the town. 1
- Long view of mountains with rocks and trees in foreground and fenced land in midground. 1
- Long view of ranch buildings with cattle in fenced fields in foreground. Reversed image reading "O.N.T." is on bottom of print. 1
- Long view of the buildings at Glen Eyrie tucked into cliffside, with rail fence and trees in foreground. 1
- Man and three women sit in parlor or living room of house with wildly patterned wallpaper and carpet, velvet padded lounge and garlands over doorway. One of the women sits in room behind at table covered with white tablecloth. 1
- Man on horseback posing on dirt road next to log fence. Snow-dusted mountains are visible in background. "Week's Photo" printed on lower right of print. 1
- Man wearing striped shirt, work pants with suspenders and cap leaning against steam-powered hoist equipment inside the Independence Mine. Title and "642" written on bottom of print. 1
- Manitou & Pikes Peak Railway steam locomotive pushing passenger car "|Salida"|is stopped for a photograph on a steep grade with passengers, conductor and engineer posing for the camera. Title and photographer written on print, as no. 335. 1
- Marching band in costume posing in treed park. Drum in foreground has "BPOE" painted on it. Line of spectators are in rear, many holding bicycles. "Colorado Springs ELKS, off for Roman Carnival, Victor, Colo. June 11, 1902" printed on bottom of print. 1
- Mountain trail through shrubs and rock formations, possibly in North Cheyenne Canyon, looking west. 1
- Newer-frame building on dirt crossroad with weathered wooden barn at right and ranch house at left. Old wagon sits in front of barn. Log fence visible at right, and picket fence surrounds house at left. Note on back reads "Bates Ranch, Old Pueblo Road." 1
- One of the main buildings of Glen Eyrie under construction, showing wooden framework surrounding stone exterior walls. Part of the tower is visible through trees at right. A worker is visible in the foreground and on the scaffolding. 1
- Photo of painting of General William J. Palmer, standing, in riding clothes and holding riding crop behind. Painting signed "H.H. 1905" in lower left corner. Note on back states portrait was by Hubert Herkomer. 1
- Pikes Peak behind cluster of small houses of Colorado Springs. "Weeks Photo" and "Pikes Peak from Colo. Spgs." written on bottom of print. 1
- Portrait of dignified gentleman wearing round glasses and checked suit and seated in ornately-carved chair. Note on back states "Crudt written on glass negative." Charles Learning Tutt, Sr. lived 1864-1909. 1
- Railroad locomotive on tracks alongside river with large mountain behind. Photo identified on back as "Baker Park, Canon of the Rio Los Animas|Jackson Photo About 1881." 1
- Railroad passenger car with several men standing on the observation platform rounding a curve alongside cliffs. "Scene on the Cripple Creek Line" and "172" written on print. 1
- Railroad tracks of the Colorado Springs and Cripple Creek District Railway along rocky cliff above South Cheyenne Canyon with view of plains beyond. "123" printed on bottom of photo. 1
- Robin Iowa station penciled on glass plate. In San Juan County, Silverton Northern RR running from Silverton to Eureka 1
- Row of houses on hillside with mountains, including Pikes Peak, behind. Corn is growing in garden behind house in foreground. 1
- Saddled burro in front of wooded area. Title, photographer and "559" printed on bottom of photo. 1
- Scrubby fields with buildings of Colorado Springs in midground and mountains in distance. Note on back reads "Bounded by Institute on the West, San Miguel on the North, the alley between Custer & Cedar on the south." 1
- Several women and children and a man in a top hat stand in front of large frame residence. One girl is wheeling a doll carriage. The house is surrounded by a low fence with a dirt road in front. 1
- Shady path with wooden benches and large tree in foreground, and mountains in distance. Wire fence in back contains small deer. 1
- Side view of church with Spanish tile roof set on freshly-leveled and unlandscaped ground. The church is located at 1402 East 7th Street Pueblo, Colorado. 1
- Side view of the castle at Glen Eyrie with trees in front and dirt road in foreground. 1
- Small shingled house with vine-covered porch in front. Two women, a girl and two boys sit on steps of side door. Low stone wall with white picket gate in foreground. Low wooden fence separates property at left. 1
- Studio portrait of well-dressed man sitting in ornately-carved armchair and reading piece of paper. Man wears dark suit and small round glasses. 1
- Studio portrait of well-dressed young woman wearing dress with elaborate lace collar. 1
- Team playing polo on grassy field with trees, buildings and parking lot behind. Photo identified on back as "Broadmoor Gold Cup Concar vs. Pittsfield (Mass.) Polo Club." 1
- Team playing polo on grassy field. Goal with flag is in center. Man stands at side of field on right. Research indicates this photo was probably taken at the polo grounds of the Cheyenne Mountain Country Club. 1
- Ten men standing behind or sitting in open wagon pulled by two horses, with "Police Patrol" written on side. Wagon is parked in front of large wood frame building. 1
- Unpaved road in Ute Pass along rocky cliff with river below and mountains in background. Title and photographer written on bottom of print. 1
- View down hillside between rocky cliffs. Group of 10 well-dressed men and women stand on dirt road below, with another man standing by wagon. "Rocky View in Cheyenne Canon No. 608" and "Photo by F.P. Stevens" printed on bottom of photo. 1
- View of castle at Glen Eyrie with wire fence in front. Top of tower is visible in back. Individuals are visible working in the bushes in the right foreground. 1
- View of side of castle of Glen Eyrie half-hidden by trees. Part of tower and stone balcony are visible through the trees. 1
- View of snow-covered hillside with frozen river and small waterfall in foreground. 1
- View of teller window with ornate grillwork and wood paneling in the First National Bank in Cripple Creek. Stuffed elk head is hanging high on wall. Spittoons are visible on floor. 1
- View of the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center from the road below, with snow-covered trees and ground in foreground. 1
- View of the Ramona Hotel in Cascade, Colorado, showing open porches on side and large stairway at left. Pine trees are in foreground and treed hillside is behind. "Stevens Photo Colo. Springs, Colo." written on lower left of print. 1
- View of the Ramona Hotel in Cascade, Colorado, showing open porches on side, cupola on top and large stairway at left. Pine trees are in foreground and hillside is behind. "Stevens Photo Colo. Springs, Colo." written on lower left of print. 1
- View of the Ramona Hotel in Cascade, Colorado, showing semi-circular sides. Horse-drawn carriage is parked alongside. 1
- View of the castle at Glen Eyrie during construction. Tower and stone building are half-hidden by trees|building at left is under construction and surrounded by scaffolding. Two workers are visible on the roof of the building on the left 1
- View of the castle at Glen Eyrie through trees. Tower is in foreground, with stone terrace over arched lower level. 1
- View of the tower at Glen Eyrie under construction. Scaffolding is visible inside and at building at left. A worker is visible on the roof on the left side of the building. Rocky cliffs are visible behind the building. 1
- View of train from the Colorado Springs and Cripple Creek District Railway with clouds shrouding Cheyenne Mountain in background. Title and "2064." printed on bottom of photo. 1
- View on Third and Bennett Avenues looking west. Horse-drawn wagons line streets in front of stores. Building on right has sign "Shockey's Pharmacy." 1
- Women walking on paved sidewalk on shady street in Colorado Springs. Houses with neat rail fences are on the right. A horse-drawn carriage is visible in the street at left. Photo identified as Cascade Avenue 1
- Young woman wearing white skirt and blouse, tie and riding boots, sitting on rustic wooden chair under trees, holding horse with English saddle. Dog is sitting at woman's feet. 1
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