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- Photograph114
- Date...
- 1926 89
- ca. 1926 19
- 1926-06-04 2
- 1925 1
- 1926-12 1
- 1927 1
- Spring 1926 1
- Description...
- Pictures taken at Colorado Springs Rodeo, 1926. Where 176 Woodmen patients were guests. 4
- Group of women in nurse's uniform pose on steps. 2
- Miss Bell, head nurse. 2
- Miss Clothilda Mraz, nurse. 2
- Printed on front "M. W. of A. Sanatorium, Woodmen, Colo." 2
- Slim wearing cardigan sweater stands in front of Gardiner tent with plaque "Presented by Neighbors of Monroe County, New York". 2
- A. K. Clucker (Kenton, Ohio) standing in doorway of Gardiner tent. 1
- Birdseye view, Modern Woodmen of America Sanatorium. 1
- Charlie Glasscock, Night Colony. 1
- Colony "C" in Winter 1
- Corwin Wimple holding nose-ring rope of De Kol Ormeby, weight 2800 pounds. 1
- Dr. C. E. Harris, Chief of Staff. 1
- Dr. Cramer and Dr. Stahlin, Dentists. 1
- Dr. E. D. Downing. 1
- Dr. F. A. Forney. X-Ray. 1
- Dr. H. H. Schultz, Colony. 1
- E. E. "Kit" Carson (Charleston, Ark.) 1
- Entrance to Cave of the Winds 1
- F. W. Williams (Dodge City, Kans.) with Gardiner tents behind. 1
- Five men sit in front of a Gardiner tent, identified only by the state they came from. From left "Pa., Ind., Ia., Wash. D. C., Mo." 1
- Four men stand in front of automobiles. From left "'Slim', Clucker, Rhodes, Wadsworth, age 72. 1
- From left 1
- From left 1
- From left 1
- From left 1
- From left 1
- From left 1
- From left 1
- From left 1
- Group of waitresses posing outdoors. 1
- Group of women in nurse's uniform pose, some standing, some seated. 1
- Group photo of the 1926 Modern Woodmen of American Sanitorium Sunday School taken Easter Sunday, April 4, 1926. 1
- Group photo of the 1927 Modern Woodmen of American Sanitorium Sunday School. 1
- Hospital. 1
- Interior Occupational Therapy Department 1
- Interior of the M. W. A. Greenhouse. Nurses lined up behind the blooming Easter Lilies. 1
- James O. Weaver (Chillicothe, Mo.) 1
- John E. Swanger, Superintedent. 1
- Kitchen workers at the M. W. A. Sanatorium. 1
- Left to right 1
- Lloyd Aulman (Des Moines, Iowa) and R. J. Gray (Yonkers, New York) standing in front of valises. 1
- Looking west, from Memorial building. 1
- M. W. A. Greetings 1
- Man and woman pose for photograph. 1
- Man identified as "Weaver" stands amid hogs at the sanitorium's farm. 1
- Man in iron bed identiefied as Frank Bartkowski (Chicago, Ill.). 1
- Man relaxing in folding recliner chair. Flowers blooming in the background. 1
- Man sitting in bathtub weaving cane. 1
- Memorial Building 1
- Miss Dwyer, Surgical nurse. 1
- Miss Henbey, nurse. 1
- Miss Hill, assistant head nurse. 1
- Miss Jensen, nurse. 1
- Miss Joragsen, nurse. 1
- Miss Jorgerson, nurse. 1
- Miss Kipp, nurse. 1
- Miss Matthews, nurse. 1
- Miss Miller, nurse. 1
- Miss Mraz, nurse. 1
- Miss Rider, nurse. 1
- Miss Sokup, nurse. 1
- Miss Thober, Night Hospital nurse. 1
- Miss Tyler, nurse. 1
- Miss Yegger, nurse. 1
- Mr. Bashaw, Colony Secretary. 1
- Mr. Eugene Martin, Director Social Welfare. 1
- Mr. Thomas, telephone operator. 1
- Near W. W. A. Sanatorium 1
- O. L. Shirly (Summershade, Ky.) 1
- Patients' main dining room at Christmas 1
- Printed on front "Administration Building, Modern Woodment of America Sanatorium, Woodmen, Colo." Printed in corner "103957". 1
- Printed on front "Chasing the Cure, Modern Woodment of America Sanatorium, Woodmen, Colo." Printed in corner "103959". 1
- Printed on front "Dental Department, Modern Woodment of America Sanatorium, Woodmen, Colo." Printed in corner "103976". 1
- Printed on front "Interior of Auditorium, Modern Woodment of America Sanatorium, Woodmen, Colo." 1
- Printed on front "Interior of Patients' Cottage, Modern Woodment of America Sanatorium, Woodmen, Colo." Printed in corner "103961". 1
- Printed on front "M. W. of A. Sanatorium, Woodmen, Colo." Printed in corner "77478". 1
- Printed on front "Main Kitchen, Modern Woodment of America Sanatorium, Woodmen, Colo." Printed in corner "103970". 1
- Printed on front "Memorial Building, Modern Woodment of America Sanatorium, Woodmen, Colo." Printed in corner "103958". 1
- Printed on front "Panorama View Looking North, Modern Woodment of America Sanatorium, Woodmen, Colo." Printed in corner "103965 1
- Printed on front "Panorama View, Looking West, Modern Woodment of America Sanatorium, Woodmen, Colo." Printed in corner "103955". 1
- Printed on front "Patient's Cottage" and "Modern Woodment of America Sanatorium, Woodmen, Colo." 1
- Printed on front "Patient's Individual Cottage, Modern Woodment of America Sanatorium, Woodmen, Colo." Printed in corner "103966". Sign above door "This Cottage for the Inspectioin of Visitors / Information". 1
- Printed on front "Patients' Dining Room, Modern Woodment of America Sanatorium, Woodmen, Colo." Printed in corner "103960". 1
- Printed on front "Receiving Hospital, M. W. of A. Sanatorium, Woodmen, Colo." 1
- Printed on front "The Dairy Barns, Modern Woodment of America Sanatorium, Woodmen, Colo." and Our Undefeated Grand Champion Cow - Zwingara Segis Clothilde No. 351153." Printed in corner "103963". 1
- Printed on front "West Entrance, Modern Woodment of America Sanatorium, Woodmen, Colo." 1
- R. J. Hammer (Iowa) standing in front of Gardiner tents. 1
- Rainbow Smith (Marshalltown, Iowa) sitting in front of Gardiner tent with plaque "Presented by Hazel Camp No. 2171". Number "37" is stamped on the door. 1
- Red Ollie Hunter (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) and Martin Longfield (Colorado Springs, Colo.). 1
- Same view, as top. [571-1] 1
- Seven unidentified men stand looking at camera. 1
- Sign over door "...Peak Auto Highway Depot / 2 1/2 miles above sea-level / ...eme summit of Pikes Peak". Two men are standing beneath the sign. 1
- Six Cooks posing against a picnic table. July 4th, 1926. 1
- Six men kneel within trees, identified only by the state they came from. From left "Wis., Minn, Ind., Mo., Mich., Okla." 1
- Slim O'Conally (Dallas, Tx.) with Gardiner tents behind. 1
- Slim and Johnny Hill, busboys. 1
- Slim standing in the doorway of Gardiner tent with plaque "Presented by Neighbors of Monroe County, New York". 1
- Slim wearing suit, hat and cane stands in front of Gardiner tent with plaque "Presented by Neighbors of Monroe County, New York". 1
- Slim with Gardiner tents behind. 1
- Summit House Observation Tower 1
- Superintendent's Home in Winter 1
- W. E. Kelso, Assistant Superintendent. 1
- Waitress in uniform with apron stands for picture. 1
- West gate, Mr. Cedar, about 10,000 Alt. 1
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